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A Threat Actor has Allegedly Leaked a Database Belonging to Nizhny Tagil Municipal Museum of Fine Arts

Forum: BF - You can find the forum link in the subscribers area.

User Information:

  • Username: h4x0r
  • Status: GOD User
  • Posts: 66
  • Threads: 19
  • Joined: June 2023
  • Reputation: 290

Database Details:

Sample Data:

  • Database: u19341_artmnt
  • Tables and Entries:
    • phpbb_confirm: 225805 entries
    • phpbb_user_group: 62749 entries
    • phpbb_topics_posted: 48028 entries
    • phpbb_topics_track: 48027 entries
    • phpbb_topics_watch: 48025 entries
    • phpbb_sessions: 36995 entries
    • phpbb_log: 18645 entries
    • phpbb_posts: 18209 entries
    • phpbb_topics: 18209 entries

