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USDoD had the following to say:

Hello, good evening, a lot of going on, consider this my way to apology.

This is part one.

Im bringing the entire threat actor list from Crowdstrike, why you would spend 500 usd for a failure edr with poor intel shit report.

Ps: I scraped their entire IOC list tho with more than 250M of data.
I will release soon.

Or do u think this is the end?

I got two big dbs from a oil company and a pharmacy industry.(Not from USA)

Im back best regards.

Sorry if my way to communication is very poor and for all damage I had done to personas I met.

I promise to keep down but dont ask me for lie because I always 100% honest even when Im wrong.

Fields Alias,Last Active,Status,Origin,Target Industries,Target Countries,Actor Type,Motivation

Samples: "PlayCrypt, PLAY",Jun 2024,Active,Unknown,31,35,eCrime,Criminal
"Royal, BlackSuit",Jun 2024,Active,Russian Federation,29,29,eCrime,Criminal
