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Please allow a couple seconds for the page to completely load.
The settings used for Clearnet sites:
- Check the site every 60 seconds
- Retry 3 times until announcing down
The settings used for Dark Web (Onion) sites:
- Check the onion every 60-90 seconds based on timeouts
- Retry 3 times until announcing down
The settings YOU see:
- Status page is set to refresh every 5 minutes
- Shows the last 45 minutes to 1 hour of data, except my website is 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The settings I see:
- All updates every 60 seconds
- All UP notifications as they happen
- All DOWN notifications as they happen
- All notifications via Discord and Telegram
Unfortunately, newly added sites on the Status Page appear at the very bottom. If you don't see a site listed alphabetically, make sure to check the bottom of the page. To address this, I will reorganize the page periodically to ensure all sites are in proper order. Keep in mind that changes may occur on this page at any time.
If you notice that most or all Onion sites seem to be down simultaneously, it's likely due to the relays changing every 8 hours. This issue will resolve itself automatically.
For mobile users, please enable "Desktop Site" in your mobile browser to ensure the page displays correctly.
Onions may encounter some false positives because of the connection to Tor.
Last Updated: 18th of February, 2025
Currently monitoring 466 sites.
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