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1. Reconnaissance

Tools used for gathering information during the initial stages of an attack or assessment.
Examples: Recon-ng, theHarvester, Nmap, Zenmap.

2. Password & Brute Force Attacks

Tools designed for cracking passwords or performing brute force attacks.
Examples: John the Ripper, Hydra, Hashcat.

3. Exploitation

Tools for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems or applications.
Examples: Metasploit, BeEF, SQLmap.

4. Wireless Attacks

Tools focused on compromising or analyzing wireless networks.
Examples: Kismet, Wifite, Aircrack-ng.

5. Social Engineering & Phishing

Tools tailored for creating and executing phishing campaigns or social engineering attacks.
Examples: SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit), Gophish, King Phisher.

6. Web Application Penetration Testing

Tools specifically designed to test web applications for vulnerabilities.
Examples: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, Arachni.

7. Vulnerability Scanning

Tools for detecting and assessing system vulnerabilities.
Examples: OpenVAS, Nessus, Nikto.

8. Network-Based Attacks

Tools used to analyze or attack networks for vulnerabilities.
Examples: Wireshark, Ettercap, ArpSpoof.

9. Mobile Security

Tools for assessing the security of mobile applications and devices.
Examples: Drozer, Frida, MobSF.

10. Reverse Engineering

Tools to analyze and understand the functionality of software, often to uncover hidden mechanisms or vulnerabilities.
Examples: Radare2, Ghidra.

11. Post-Exploitation

Tools for performing actions after gaining access to a system, such as maintaining persistence or data exfiltration.
Examples: Empire, Mimikatz, Meterpreter.

12. Reporting & Documentation

Tools for documenting findings and creating comprehensive security reports.
Examples: Dradis, Faraday, MagicTree.
