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natohub has Allegedly Leaked Data Belonging to Euraxess Europe

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Today, I am sharing a leak from Euraxess Europe, it contains 126k users.


  • Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Current Living Country
  • State/Province
  • City
  • Organisation / Company
  • Department
  • Current Job Position
  • Gender
  • Collaboration with Researchers
  • Collaboration with Institutions
  • More Information About Me
  • Hide from Search ("Hide first, last name and email from the public profile")
  • Website
  • Phone
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  • LinkedIn
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  • Researcher Profile
  • My Main Research Field
  • Years of Experience
  • Highest Education Degree
  • Highest Education Discipline(s)
  • Number of Publications
  • Number of Patents
  • Publications Overview
  • CV Attachment
  • "Make this CV visible to all registered users (researchers, entrepreneurs, etc.)"
  • Required Research Experiences
  • Languages
  • Experience in EU-Funded Projects
  • Willing to Participate in National Recruitment Selection Panels
  • Years of Experience in Selection Panels
  • Desired/Preferred Job
  • Preferred Organisation/Institute Type
  • Preferred Work Country
  • Type of Contract
  • Notice Period

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