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Dark Web Informer - Cyber Threat Intelligence

Checking UFW Status
- Check UFW status:bashCopyEdit$ ufw status
- Detailed status with rules:bashCopyEdit$ ufw status verbose
Enabling/Disabling UFW
- Enable the firewall:bashCopyEdit
$ ufw enable
- Disable the firewall:bashCopyEdit
$ ufw disable
Allowing Traffic
- Allow traffic on a specific port (e.g., 22 for SSH):bashCopyEdit$ ufw allow <port>
- Allow traffic for a specific service (e.g., 'http', 'https'):bashCopyEdit$ ufw allow <service>
- Allow traffic from a specific IP address:bashCopyEdit$ ufw allow from <IP>
Denying Traffic
- Deny traffic on a specific port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw deny <port>
- Deny traffic from a specific IP address:bashCopyEdit$ ufw deny from <IP>
- Deny traffic for a specific service:bashCopyEdit$ ufw deny <service>
Allowing/Denying Traffic with Conditions
- Allow traffic with specific protocol, IPs, and port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw allow proto <protocol> from <IP> to any port <port>
- Deny traffic with specific protocol, IPs, and port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw deny proto <protocol> from <IP> to any port <port>
Deleting Rules
- Delete allow rule for a port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw delete allow <port>
- Delete deny rule for a port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw delete deny <port>
- Delete allow rule for an IP:bashCopyEdit$ ufw delete allow from <IP>
- Delete deny rule for an IP:bashCopyEdit$ ufw delete deny from <IP>
- Delete allow rule with specific protocol, IP, and port:bashCopyEdit$ ufw delete allow proto <protocol> from <IP> to any port <port>
UFW Profiles and Applications
- List available application profiles:bashCopyEdit$ ufw app list
- Get detailed information about an application profile:bashCopyEdit$ ufw app info <application>
- Update application profile rules:bashCopyEdit$ ufw app update <application>
Resetting UFW
- Reset UFW to default settings (disables UFW and removes all rules):bashCopyEdit$ ufw reset
Logging and Monitoring
- Enable UFW logging:bashCopyEdit$ ufw logging on
- Disable UFW logging:bashCopyEdit$ ufw logging off
- Set logging level (e.g., 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'full'):bashCopyEdit$ ufw logging <level>
Rate Limiting Connections
- Limit connections to a specific port (e.g., 22 for SSH):bashCopyEdit
$ ufw limit
- Limit connections from a specific IP address:bashCopyEdit
$ ufw limit
from <IP>
- Limit connections with specific protocol and port:bashCopyEdit
$ ufw limit proto <protocol> to any port <port>