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IntelBroker Has Leaked the Database of Prime Healthcare

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Hello BreachForums Community
Today, I have uploaded the faxing related data to Prime Healthcare. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Breached by [Owner] IntelBroker
In September 2024, Prime Healthcare, along with a whole range of companies, suffered data breaches.

Compromised data:

"fid", "faxnumid", "companyid", "faxpath", "pages", "faxcatid", "did_id", "description", "lastoperation", "lastmoddate", "archstamp", "modemdev", "userid", "origfaxnum", "faxcontent", "inbox"

There’s also information on prescriptions, full names, email addresses, SSNs, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

Other databases to the companies mentioned under this fax leak will also be included at a later date either on the leaks market or the databases section.

Link: http://breached26tezcofqla4adzyn22notfqwcac7gpbrleg4usehljwkgqd.onion/Thread-COLLECTION-Prime-Healthcare-Data-Breach
