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Hello BreachForums Community,

Today I am selling the SchenkYou Database. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

In September 2024, the German company that focuses on developing solutions for nurturing and shaping relationships and specializes in producing friendship gifts and partner jewelry. Overall, SchenkYou can be described as a brand or company that focuses on fostering and shaping relationships between people by offering innovative products and solutions.

I have dumped their entire Customers table, resulting in 237,370 unique emails, all rows totaling to 6 million.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Full names, DOBs, Password hashes, etc.

I'm looking for $1,500 in BTC or XMR, dealing with [@Owner] IntelBroker as a middleman.
Please contact me at

Side note for SchenkYou: If you wish to purchase your own database, I require a fixed fee of $50,000. Contact me before it's too late. :3️

Link: http://breached26tezcofqla4adzyn22notfqwcac7gpbrleg4usehljwkgqd.onion/Thread-SELLING-SchenkYou-Database-6M
