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GitHub - securelayer7/CVE-2024-38856_Scanner: Apache OFBiz RCE Scanner & Exploit (CVE-2024-38856)
Apache OFBiz RCE Scanner & Exploit (CVE-2024-38856) - securelayer7/CVE-2024-38856_Scanner

For Ethical Usage only, Any harmful or malicious activities are not allowed. And it's your own responsibility.

CVE-2024-38856: Apache OFBiz remote code execution Scanner & Exploit

  • This issue affects Apache OFBiz: through 18.12.14


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                                By: Securelayer7(yosef0x01 & Zeyad Azima)                                     

usage: [-h] [-t TARGET] [-p PORT] [-c COMMAND] [-s] [-d DOMAIN] [-f FILE]

CVE-2024-38856 Apach Ofbiz RCE Scanners.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target host
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Target port
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        Command to execute
  -s, --scan            Perform scan with ping, curl, and wget
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Domain (attacker domain) to scan with ping, curl, and wget
  -f FILE, --file FILE  File containing a list of targets in the format http(s)://target,port


  • -t, --target <host>: Specifies the target host. This cannot be used with the --file option.
  • -p, --port <port>: Specifies the target port. Also, this option is required if the port is not specified in the targets file.
  • -c, --command <command>: Specifies the command to execute on the target.
  • -s, --scan: Enables scan mode. When this option is used, the script will perform a series of predefined commands (pingcurlwget) on the specified domain.
  • -d, --domain <domain>: Specifies your domain (attacker domain) to use in the scan with pingcurl, and wget commands. This option must be used with --scan.
  • -f, --file <file>: Specifies a file containing a list of targets in the format http(s)://target,port. This option cannot be used with --target.

Global Port: When scanning targets file, You can exclude ,port and use -p to set a global port for all targets.

Single Target

  • Normal Mode

python -t <target> -p <port> -c "command"
