| Babysteps.UnityBatch.exe | Babysteps.UnityBatch.exe.config | Babysteps.UnityBatch.pdb | gitattributes | gitignore | gitmodules | ps5_deploy_script.sh | tree.txt | +---BabySteps | | AmplifyImpostors.csproj | | AmplifyImpostorsEditor.csproj | | AmplifyShaderEditor.csproj | | Assembly-CSharp-Editor-firstpass.csproj | | Assembly-CSharp-Editor.csproj | | Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.csproj | | Assembly-CSharp.csproj | | Assets.zip | | BabySteps.Services.Editor.csproj | | babysteps.sln | | BabystepsBuildBuildInstructions.txt | | BabystepsBuildBuildOutput.txt | | BabyStepsSplashBG.png | | BabyStepsSplashFG.png | | BakeryEditorAssembly.csproj | | BakeryRuntimeAssembly.csproj | | BBSServices.csproj | | BBSTools.csproj | | bfg-1.13.0.jar | | BlobShadow.csproj | | Boxophobic.AmplifyImpostors.Editor.csproj | | Boxophobic.TheVegetationEngine.Editor.csproj | | Boxophobic.TheVegetationEngine.Runtime.csproj | | Boxophobic.Utils.Editor.csproj | | Boxophobic.Utils.Scripts.csproj | | ChartEditor.csproj | | Cinemachine.csproj | | Cinemachine.Editor.Tests.csproj | | Cinemachine.Tests.csproj | | CodeGen.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-dlss.Editor.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-dlss.Runtime.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-dlss.Runtime.URP.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-fsr.Editor.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-fsr.Runtime.BIRP.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-fsr.Runtime.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-fsr.Runtime.HDRP.csproj | | com.alteregogames.aeg-fsr.Runtime.URP.csproj | | Core-Editor.csproj | | CoreGameLogic.csproj | | Crest.csproj | | Crest.Helpers.Editor.csproj | | Editor.csproj | | EditorPlugins.csproj | | ExernalPlugins.csproj | | ExternalPlugins-Editor.csproj | | FindBigFiles.sh | | GeneratedConstants.csproj | | gitlistobjectbysize.sh | | Global.csproj | | GPUInstancer.csproj | | GPUInstancer.Editor.csproj | | Grasset.csproj | | HBAO.Editor.csproj | | HBAO.Runtime.csproj | | JBooth.BetterLitShader.Editor.csproj | | JBooth.BetterLitShader.Scripts.csproj | | JBooth.BetterShaders.Editor.csproj | | JBooth.BetterShaders.Samples.csproj | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.csproj | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.Editor.csproj | | JenkinsParser.txt | | Klak.Timeline.Midi.csproj | | Klak.Timeline.Midi.Editor.csproj | | LaundryBear.EditorAttributes.csproj | | LaundryBear.EditorUtilities.Editor.csproj | | LaundryBear.Math.csproj | | LaundryBear.Math.Editor.csproj | | LaundryBear.Platform.csproj | | LaundryBear.Platform.None.csproj | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.csproj | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.Editor.csproj | | LaundryBear.ServiceLocator.csproj | | LaundryBear.Steamworks.csproj | | LaundryBear.Steamworks.Editor.csproj | | LaundryBear.Utilities.csproj | | LaundryBear.Utilities.Editor.csproj | | Library.zip | | LineIndex.txt | | logRunSetup.txt | | Maxi.Audio.csproj | | Maxi.Audio.Editor.csproj | | Maxi.Audio.Utilities.csproj | | MLGroove.csproj | | MLGrooveEditor.csproj | | MudBun.Customization.Editor.csproj | | MudBun.Editor.csproj | | MusicPackages.csproj | | myTestLog.log.txt | | OscJack.Editor.csproj | | OscJack.Runtime.csproj | | PaintIn3D.csproj | | PatHightree.SpaceNavigatorDriver.Editor.csproj | | PatHightree.SpaceNavigatorDriver.Runtime.csproj | | ReaperProjects.zip | | Rewired_Windows_Functions.csproj | | RuntimeTools.csproj | | RuntimeTypes.csproj | | Samples.csproj | | ShapesEditor.csproj | | ShapesRuntime.csproj | | Sirenix.OdinInspector.Modules.Unity.Addressables.csproj | | Sirenix.OdinInspector.Modules.UnityMathematics.csproj | | soupday.cc3_unity_tools.editor.csproj | | soupday.cc3_unity_tools.runtime.csproj | | SteamAudioUnity.csproj | | SteamAudioUnityEditor.csproj | | Technie.PhysicsCreator.Updater.csproj | | TechniePhysicsCreator.csproj | | TechniePhysicsCreatorEditor.csproj | | ToolsEditor.csproj | | ToolTypesConsts.csproj | | UMotionSourceApplication.csproj | | UMotionSourceEditor.csproj | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Editor.csproj | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Runtime.csproj | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.csproj | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.Editor.csproj | | Unity.EditorIterationProfiler.Editor.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.ForUI.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.IntegrationTests.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.Tests.csproj | | Unity.InputSystem.TestFramework.csproj | | Unity.InternalAPIEditorBridge.011.csproj | | Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.011.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.Editor.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.Editor.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Editor.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.Editor.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.Editor.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Networking.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.csproj | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.Editor.csproj | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Editor.csproj | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Runtime.csproj | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.csproj | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.Editor.csproj | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Editor.csproj | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Runtime.csproj | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.csproj | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.Editor.csproj | | Unity.Spatializer.PS5.Tests.csproj | | Unity.TerrainTools.csproj | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.csproj | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.Tests.csproj | | Untitled.fbx | | YonicCave.mtl | | YonicCave.obj | | | +---CLO | | | Bandana.jpg | | | CassiusInAFrenchOutfit.png | | | CassiusInAFrenchOutfit.zprj | | | CubanLinks.png | | | CubanLnks.psd | | | DONKEYDICK.psd | | | EthanInATux.png | | | EthanInATux.zprj | | | EthanInATux2.png | | | EthanInATux2.zprj | | | JesseInAHoodie.png | | | JesseInAHoodie.zprj | | | Michael_Scarf.png | | | Michael_Scarf.zprj | | | Moose.png | | | Moose.zprj | | | StripeFabric.jpg | | | SullyInATankTop.png | | | SullyInATankTop.zprj | | | | | \---BBSGarmets | | 1+to+M+and+M+to+N+Sewing.Zprj | | 2x2 Rib.zfab | | DONKEY3DICK3.png | | DONKEY_DICK.png | | Force Fleece.zfab | | Free+Sewing+Practice.Zprj | | Free+Sewing.Zprj | | Loosefit hoody.dxf | | Segment+Sewing+Practice.Zprj | | Segment+Sewing.Zprj | | Sewing+Tension.Zprj | | Trim.zfab | | | +---HeightmapsOut | | CHUNK_07_B_1d333bde-2b72-421e-a74b-dadf9f6b1b7d_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_07_C_45147178-2795-42ae-a831-a063a610dbb3_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_07_D_50789497-e9c0-4997-af2a-e39baa2f1619_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_08_C_ef0dd2a6-2836-4f46-be43-b19964efea63_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_08_D_4670d8b0-fdf3-4201-9368-7723172ff095_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_09_B_ecba642e-59c3-47b4-aecc-bc19a7f165f5_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_09_C_55bce2c4-061c-4057-96dd-22d1f4f1832b_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_09_D_277408ab-14a2-428f-851a-a4cf117ecce8_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_10_C_89212523-ec2d-4f93-bc51-77b769990a7d_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_16_A_69af7480-8a3c-4935-8afe-7388fc38efef_heightmap.raw | | CHUNK_16_B_97cfa877-d706-48cf-83a7-48b904c40a4b_heightmap.raw | | 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+---NathanSourceFiles | | | Ambient Occlusion Map from Mesh body_blinn.png | | | arp_export.py | | | BodyPaint.spp | | | eye_blue_bulbar_conjunctiva_Diffuse.png | | | eye_blue_bulbar_conjunctiva_Glossiness.png | | | eye_blue_bulbar_conjunctiva_Normal.png | | | eye_blue_bulbar_conjunctiva_Specular.png | | | Eye_Preset.sbsprs | | | HairCards.sbs | | | hair_alpha.png | | | hair_alpha.tga | | | hair_alpha.tif | | | hair_ao.png | | | hair_color.png | | | hair_color.tga | | | hair_depth.png | | | hair_flow.png | | | HAIR_ID.PNG.png | | | hair_mask.png | | | hair_mods.tga | | | hair_normal.png | | | Moon.sbs | | | Nate_Body_Albedo.png | | | Nate_Body_Albedob.png | | | Nate_Body_Normal.png | | | Nate_Body_Spec - Copy.png | | | Nate_Body_Spec.png | | | Nathan_Drake_Aug2023_Withphonemes_eyeblinks_facetweakagain.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Body_BaseColor.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Body_MODS.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Body_Normal.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021.blend1 | | | 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Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind2.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind2.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind3.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind3.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind3_tweak.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage3_rigging_merge_purge_rig_bind3_tweak.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied_painting.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied_painting.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied_painting_basicweightsseemgood.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage4_weights_maskedandmerged_maskapplied_applied_painting_basicweightsseemgood.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage5_weights_maskedandmerged_doingcorrective.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage5_weights_maskedandmerged_doingcorrective.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage6_newRestPose.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage6_newRestPose.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage6_newRestPose_newblendshapes.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage6_newRestPose_newblendshapes.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage6_newRestPose_newblendshapes.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage7_tryagainwithmoretwistbones.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage7_tryagainwithmoretwistbones.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_Stage7_tryagainwithmoretwistbones.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uvPaint.mtl | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uvPaint.obj | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT_DefaultMaterial_BaseColor.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT_DefaultMaterial_MODS.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT_DefaultMaterial_Normal.tga | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT_hi.assbin | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uVPAINT_hi.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uvPaint_hi.mtl | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2021_uvPaint_hi.obj | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2022_uVPAINT.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Dec2022_uVPAINT_hi.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Feb2023_Withphonemes.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Feb2023_Withphonemes_eyeblinks_facetweaks.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Feb2023_Withphonemes_eyeblinks_facetweaks_eyelashnormals.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Feb2023_Withphonemes_eyeblinks_facetweaks_eyelashnormals_beardnormals.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Jun2022_nomats.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Jun2022_weightstweak.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Jun2022_weightstweak.blend1 | | | Nathan_Drake_Oct2022_withnewtopologyandfacerig.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Oct2022_withnewtopologyandfacerig_jiggleweights.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Oct2022_withnewtopologyandfacerig_jiggleweights_facetweak.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_OneMat.fbx | | | Nathan_Drake_Sep2023_fingerweights.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Sep2023_fingerweights_hairstrandUV.blend | | | Nathan_Drake_Sep2023_fingerweights_hairstrandUV_eyepointingandsize_sleevererig.blend | | | OnesiePaint.spp | | | uploads_files_388041_Sergey.fbx | | | | | \---.alg_meta | | Ambient Occlusion Map from Mesh body_blinn.png | | | +---NewDonkeySourceFiles | | Alldonkeys_NewTopology.blend | | Alldonkeys_NewTopology10_3ReadyForRig_ForReal_NewMoose2.blend | | Alldonkeys_NewTopology11_Pack.blend | | Alldonkeys_NewTopology8_3ReadyForRig.blend | | AllDonkeys_Rigging_Tweaks.blend | | Jesse_OrigDiffuse.png | | Jesse_OrigNormal.png | | Moose_Base_Diffuse.png | | Moose_Base_Normal.png | | MyPipeline.json | | | +---Packages | | | com.unity.editoriterationprofiler@0.1.2-preview.meta | | | com.unity.inputsystem.ps5-0.1.11-preview.meta | | | manifest.json | | | packages-lock.json | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.alpha-hole | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AlphaHole.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AlphaHole.asmref.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Alpha Hole.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Alpha Hole.pdf.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AlphaHole.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AlphaHole.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatAlphaHole.cs | | | | MicroSplatAlphaHole.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Fragments | | | microsplat_cbuffer_alphahole.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_alphahole.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_alphahole.txt | | | microsplat_func_alphahole.txt.meta | | | microsplat_properties_alphahole.txt | | | microsplat_properties_alphahole.txt.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.anti-tile | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Anti-Tile Module.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Anti-Tile Module.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AntiTile.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AntiTile.asmref.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AntiTile.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.AntiTile.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatDetailResample.cs | | | | MicroSplatDetailResample.cs.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_antitilearray.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_antitilearray.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_resamplenoise.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_resamplenoise.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_antitilearray.txt | | | | microsplat_func_antitilearray.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_resamplenoise.txt | | | | microsplat_func_resamplenoise.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_antitilearray.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_antitilearray.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_detail_noise.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_detail_noise.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_distanceresample.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_distanceresample.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_distance_noise.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_distance_noise.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_normal_noise.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_normal_noise.txt.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | microsplat_def_detail_noise.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_noise.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_01.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_01.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_01_player.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_01_player.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_02.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_02.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_02_player.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_02_player.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_03.png | | | microsplat_def_detail_normal_03.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_perlin.tga | | | microsplat_def_perlin.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_perlin_player.tga | | | microsplat_def_perlin_player.tga.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.core | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | GitHub Access.pdf | | | | GitHub Access.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - 256 Textures.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - 256 Textures.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Alpha Hole.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Alpha Hole.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Anti-Tile Module.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Anti-Tile Module.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Decals.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Decals.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Digger Integration.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Digger Integration.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Global Texturing.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Global Texturing.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - HDRP.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - HDRP.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Low Poly.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Low Poly.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Terrains.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Terrains.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Workflow.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Workflow.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Object Shader.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Object Shader.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Optimization Guide.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Optimization Guide.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Polaris Integration.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Polaris Integration.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Procedural Texturing.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Procedural Texturing.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Puddles, Streams, Lava, Wetness.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Puddles, Streams, Lava, Wetness.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Scatter.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Scatter.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Snow.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Snow.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Terrain Blending.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Terrain Blending.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Tessellation and Parallax.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Tessellation and Parallax.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Texture Clusters.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Texture Clusters.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Trax.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Trax.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Triplanar.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Triplanar.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - URP.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - URP.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Wind and Glitter.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Wind and Glitter.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat - Writing custom modules.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Writing custom modules.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat Documentation.pdf | | | | MicroSplat Documentation.pdf.meta | | | | MicroSplat FAQ.pdf | | | | MicroSplat FAQ.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | GlitterLight.cs | | | | | GlitterLight.cs.meta | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.asmdef | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.asmdef.meta | | | | | MicroSplatKeywords.cs | | | | | MicroSplatKeywords.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatObject.cs | | | | | MicroSplatObject.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatPropData.cs | | | | | MicroSplatPropData.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatRuntimeUtil.cs | | | | | MicroSplatRuntimeUtil.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatTerrain.cs | | | | | MicroSplatTerrain.cs.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | TextureArrayConfig.cs | | | | | TextureArrayConfig.cs.meta | | | | | VegetationStudio.meta | | | | | | | | | +---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | | | FeatureDescriptor.cs | | | | | | FeatureDescriptor.cs.meta | | | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | | | HDTextureImporter.cs | | | | | | HDTextureImporter.cs.meta | | | | | | InternalShaders.meta | | | | | | IRenderLoopAdapter.cs | | | | | | IRenderLoopAdapter.cs.meta | | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Core.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatBaseFeatures.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatBaseFeatures.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatCompressor.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatCompressor.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatDefines.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatDefines.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatGenerator.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI_Compiler.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI_Compiler.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI_PerTex.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatShaderGUI_PerTex.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_Baking.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_Baking.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_Convert.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_Convert.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_SplatUtilities.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_SplatUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_TerrainDesc.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_TerrainDesc.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_WeightLimiting.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatTerrainEditor_WeightLimiting.cs.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatUtilities.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | RenderPipelineDefine.cs | | | | | | RenderPipelineDefine.cs.meta | | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | | SurfaceShaderRenderLoopAdapter.cs | | | | | | SurfaceShaderRenderLoopAdapter.cs.meta | | | | | | TerrainPainter.meta | | | | | | TextureArrayConfigEditor.cs | | | | | | TextureArrayConfigEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | TextureArrayPreprocessor.cs | | | | | | TextureArrayPreprocessor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Fragments | | | | | | | microsplat_core_cbuffer.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_core_cbuffer.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_properties_splat.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_properties_splat.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_shared.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_shared.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_template_adapter.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_template_adapter.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_template_chain.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_template_chain.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_template_shaderdesc.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_template_shaderdesc.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_template_shared.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_template_shared.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_body.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_body.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_core_mainfunc.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_core_mainfunc.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_core_properties.txt | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_core_properties.txt.meta | | | | | | | microsplat_terrain_core_shared.txt | | | 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microsplat_template_standard_passmeta.txt.meta | | | | | | microsplat_template_standard_passshadow.txt | | | | | | microsplat_template_standard_passshadow.txt.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---InternalShaders | | | | | | HeightFromNormal.shader | | | | | | HeightFromNormal.shader.meta | | | | | | NormalSAOFromDiffuse.shader | | | | | | NormalSAOFromDiffuse.shader.meta | | | | | | NormalSAOFromHeight.shader | | | | | | NormalSAOFromHeight.shader.meta | | | | | | NormalSAOFromNormal.shader | | | | | | NormalSAOFromNormal.shader.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Resources | | | | | | microsplat_module_advanceddetails.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_advanceddetails.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_alphahole.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_alphahole.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_decals.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_decals.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_detailresample.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_detailresample.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_digger.png | 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| | | | | | microsplat_module_terrainblending.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_terrainmesh.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_terrainmesh.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_tessellation.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_tessellation.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_textureclusters.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_textureclusters.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_trax.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_trax.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_triplanaruvs.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_triplanaruvs.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_urp.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_urp.png.meta | | | | | | microsplat_module_windglitter.png | | | | | | microsplat_module_windglitter.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---TerrainPainter | | | | | TerrainPainterWindow.cs | | | | | TerrainPainterWindow.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainPainter_GUI.cs | | | | | TerrainPainter_GUI.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainPainter_Painting.cs | | | | | TerrainPainter_Painting.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainPaintJob.cs | | | | | TerrainPaintJob.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---VegetationStudio | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VegetationStudio.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VegetationStudio.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatVegetationStudio.cs | | | | MicroSplatVegetationStudio.cs.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_vsgrassmap.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_vsgrassmap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_vsshadowmap.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_vsshadowmap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_vsgrassmap.txt | | | | microsplat_func_vsgrassmap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_vsshadowmap.txt | | | | microsplat_func_vsshadowmap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_vsgrassmap.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_vsgrassmap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_vsshadowmap.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_vsshadowmap.txt.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | microsplat_def_perlin4.tga | | | microsplat_def_perlin4.tga.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.decal | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Decals.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Decals.pdf.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Decal.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Decal.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecal.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecal.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver_Dynamic.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver_Dynamic.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver_Static.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiver_Static.cs.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Decal.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Decal.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalEditor.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalEditor.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalModule.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalModule.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiverEditor.cs | | | | MicroSplatDecalReceiverEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Fragments | | | microsplat_cbuffer_decal.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_decal.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_decal.txt | | | microsplat_func_decal.txt.meta | | | microsplat_properties_decal.txt | | | microsplat_properties_decal.txt.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.global-texture | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Global Texturing.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Global Texturing.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.GlobalTexture.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.GlobalTexture.asmref.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.GlobalTexture.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.GlobalTexture.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatGlobalTexture.cs | | | | MicroSplatGlobalTexture.cs.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_geomap.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_geomap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_geomap.txt | | | | microsplat_func_geomap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_geomap.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_geomap.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globalemis.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globalemis.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globalnormal.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globalnormal.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globalparams.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globalparams.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globalsaom.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globalsaom.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globalspecular.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globalspecular.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_globaltint.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_globaltint.txt.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | microsplat_def_geomap_01.png | | | microsplat_def_geomap_01.png.meta | | | microsplat_def_geomap_norm_01.png | | | microsplat_def_geomap_norm_01.png.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.mesh-terrain | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Script.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Terrains.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Terrains.pdf.meta | | | | | | | \---Script | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshTerrain.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshTerrain.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrain.cs | | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrain.cs.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshTerrain.Editor.asmref | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshTerrain.Editor.asmref.meta | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainEditor.cs | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainEditor.cs.meta | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainEditor_TerrainDesc.cs | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainEditor_TerrainDesc.cs.meta | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainModule.cs | | | MicroSplatMeshTerrainModule.cs.meta | | | TerrainToMesh.cs | | | TerrainToMesh.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.mesh-workflow | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | ObjectShader.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Workflow.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Mesh Workflow.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---ObjectShader | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ObjectShader.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ObjectShader.asmref.meta | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ObjectShader.Editor.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ObjectShader.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | | MicroSplatObjectShaderModule.cs | | | | | MicroSplatObjectShaderModule.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatShaderObjectGUI.cs | | | | | MicroSplatShaderObjectGUI.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Fragments | | | | microsplat_objectshader_cbuffer.txt | | | | microsplat_objectshader_cbuffer.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_objectshader_func.txt | | | | microsplat_objectshader_func.txt.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshWorkflow.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshWorkflow.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatMesh.cs | | | | MicroSplatMesh.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatMeshShared.cs | | | | MicroSplatMeshShared.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatVertexMesh.cs | | | | MicroSplatVertexMesh.cs.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | VertexPaint.meta | | | | | | | +---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshWorkflow.Editor.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.MeshWorkflow.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | | MeshPainter.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshEditor.cs | | | | | MicroSplatMeshEditor.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshEditor_RenderBaker.cs | | | | | MicroSplatMeshEditor_RenderBaker.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshModule.cs | | | | | MicroSplatMeshModule.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatVertexMeshEditor.cs | | | | | MicroSplatVertexMeshEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Fragments | | | | | microsplat_meshcombined_cbuffer.txt | | | | | microsplat_meshcombined_cbuffer.txt.meta | | | | | microsplat_meshcombined_func.txt | | | | | microsplat_meshcombined_func.txt.meta | | | | | microsplat_vertexmodule_func.txt | | | | | microsplat_vertexmodule_func.txt.meta | | | | | | | | | \---MeshPainter | | | | | MeshJob.cs | | | | | MeshJob.cs.meta | | | | | MeshPainterWindow.cs | | | | | MeshPainterWindow.cs.meta | | | | | MeshPainter_FX.cs | | | | | MeshPainter_FX.cs.meta | | | | | MeshPainter_GUI.cs | | | | | MeshPainter_GUI.cs.meta | | | | | MeshPainter_Painting.cs | | | | | MeshPainter_Painting.cs.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampening.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampening.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampeningBlur.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampeningBlur.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampeningExpand.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshAutoDampeningExpand.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshBrush.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshBrush.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshBrushApply.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshBrushApply.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshFXBrushApply.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshFXBrushApply.shader.meta | | | | | MicroSplatMeshNormalize.shader | | | | | MicroSplatMeshNormalize.shader.meta | | | | | Projector.mat | | | | | Projector.mat.meta | | | | | Projector.shader | | | | | Projector.shader.meta | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Resources | | | | | MicroSplatBrushes.meta | | | | | | | | | \---MicroSplatBrushes | | | | 01_circle_soft.tga | | | | 01_circle_soft.tga.meta | | | | 02_circle_hard.tga | | | | 02_circle_hard.tga.meta | | | | 03_smudge.tga | | | | 03_smudge.tga.meta | | | | 04_smudge.tga | | | | 04_smudge.tga.meta | | | | 05_scratch_spiral.tga | | | | 05_scratch_spiral.tga.meta | | | | 06_splotch.tga | | | | 06_splotch.tga.meta | | | | 07_splotch.tga | | | | 07_splotch.tga.meta | | | | | | | \---VertexPaint | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VertexPaint.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VertexPaint.asmref.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | VertexInstanceStream.cs | | | | VertexInstanceStream.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | CustomUtilities.meta | | | | Custom_DebugVertex.mat | | | | Custom_DebugVertex.mat.meta | | | | DebugVertex.shader | | | | DebugVertex.shader.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VertexPaint.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.VertexPaint.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | PaintJob.cs | | | | PaintJob.cs.meta | | | | RxLookingGlass.cs | | | | RxLookingGlass.cs.meta | | | | VertexPainterUtilities.cs | | | | VertexPainterUtilities.cs.meta | | | | VertexPainterWindow.cs | | | | VertexPainterWindow.cs.meta | | | | VertexPainterWindow_GUI.cs | | | | VertexPainterWindow_GUI.cs.meta | | | | VertexPainterWindow_Painting.cs | | | | VertexPainterWindow_Painting.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---CustomUtilities | | | IVertexPainterUtility.cs | | | IVertexPainterUtility.cs.meta | | | SaveMeshes.cs | | | SaveMeshes.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.procedural-texture | | | | CurvatureMapGenerator.cs | | | | CurvatureMapGenerator.cs.meta | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ProceduralTexture.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.ProceduralTexture.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureConfig.cs | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureConfig.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureJobUtil.cs.zip | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureJobUtil.cs.zip.meta | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureUtil.cs | | | | MicroSplatProceduralTextureUtil.cs.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe_Utils.txt | | | | ReadMe_Utils.txt.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Procedural Texturing.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Procedural Texturing.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | 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| ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Terrain Blending.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Terrain Blending.pdf.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.TerrainBlending.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.TerrainBlending.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatRockObject.cs | | | | MicroSplatRockObject.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatUseInstanceNormal.cs | | | | MicroSplatUseInstanceNormal.cs.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | Fragments.meta | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.RockBlending.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.RockBlending.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatRockBlending.cs | | | | MicroSplatRockBlending.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatRockMaterialEditor.cs | | | | MicroSplatRockMaterialEditor.cs.meta | | | | MicroSplatRockObjectEditor.cs | | | | MicroSplatRockObjectEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Fragments | | | microsplat_properties_rockblend.txt | | | 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| | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Slope Texture.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Slope Texture.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Samples~ | | | | | SlopeTexture.meta | | | | | | | | | \---SlopeTexture | | | | | Example.unity | | | | | Example.unity.meta | | | | | MicroSplatData.meta | | | | | | | | | \---MicroSplatData | | | | MicroSplat.mat | | | | MicroSplat.mat.meta | | | | MicroSplat.shader | | | | MicroSplat.shader.meta | | | | MicroSplat_Base.shader | | | | MicroSplat_Base.shader.meta | | | | MicroSplat_keywords.asset | | | | MicroSplat_keywords.asset.meta | | | | MicroSplat_proceduraltexture.asset | | | | MicroSplat_proceduraltexture.asset.meta | | | | MicroSplat_propdata.asset | | | | MicroSplat_propdata.asset.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.SlopeTexture.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.SlopeTexture.asmref.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.SlopeTexture.Editor.asmref | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.SlopeTexture.Editor.asmref.meta | | | MicroSplatSlopeTexture.cs | | | MicroSplatSlopeTexture.cs.meta | | | microsplat_cbuffer_slopetexture.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_slopetexture.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_slopetexture.txt | | | microsplat_func_slopetexture.txt.meta | | | microsplat_properties_slopetexture.txt | | | microsplat_properties_slopetexture.txt.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.snow | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Snow.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Snow.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Snow.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Snow.asmref.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | SnowUtilities.cs | | | | | SnowUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Snow.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Snow.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | MicroSplatSnow.cs | | | | MicroSplatSnow.cs.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_snow.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_snow.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_snow.txt | | | | microsplat_func_snow.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_snow.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_snow.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_snow_distance_resample.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_snow_distance_resample.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_properties_snow_normal_noise.txt | | | | microsplat_properties_snow_normal_noise.txt.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | microsplat_def_snow_diff.tga | | | microsplat_def_snow_diff.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_snow_normalnoise.tga | | | microsplat_def_snow_normalnoise.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_snow_normsao.tga | | | microsplat_def_snow_normsao.tga.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.streams | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Puddles, Streams, Lava, Wetness.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Puddles, Streams, Lava, Wetness.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Streams.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Streams.asmref.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | StreamCollider.cs | | | | | StreamCollider.cs.meta | | | | | StreamEmitter.cs | | | | | StreamEmitter.cs.meta | | | | | StreamManager.cs | | | | | StreamManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | | | fragments.meta | | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Streams.Editor.asmref | | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Streams.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | | | MicroSplatStreams.cs | | | | | | MicroSplatStreams.cs.meta | | | | | | StreamManagerEditor.cs | | | | | | StreamManagerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---fragments | | | | | 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JBooth.MicroSplat.Tessellation.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Tessellation.asmref.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | ExtractHeight.shader | | | ExtractHeight.shader.meta | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Tessellation.Editor.asmref | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Tessellation.Editor.asmref.meta | | | MicroSplatTessellation.cs | | | MicroSplatTessellation.cs.meta | | | microsplat_cbuffer_parallax.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_parallax.txt.meta | | | microsplat_cbuffer_pom.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_pom.txt.meta | | | microsplat_cbuffer_tess.txt | | | microsplat_cbuffer_tess.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_parallax.txt | | | microsplat_func_parallax.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_pom.txt | | | microsplat_func_pom.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_tess.txt | | | microsplat_func_tess.txt.meta | | | microsplat_func_tess2.txt | | | microsplat_func_tess2.txt.meta | | | microsplat_properties_tess.txt | | | microsplat_properties_tess.txt.meta | | | | | 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Trax.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Trax.pdf.meta | | | | | | | +---Resources | | | | CopyDepth.shader | | | | CopyDepth.shader.meta | | | | TraxBuffer.shader | | | | TraxBuffer.shader.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Trax.asmref | | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Trax.asmref.meta | | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | RegisterFilterWithTrax.cs | | | | | RegisterFilterWithTrax.cs.meta | | | | | TraxManager.cs | | | | | TraxManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Trax.Editor.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Trax.Editor.asmref.meta | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_trax.txt | | | | microsplat_cbuffer_trax.txt.meta | | | | microsplat_func_trax.txt | | | | microsplat_func_trax.txt.meta | | | | TraxManagerEditor.cs | | | | TraxManagerEditor.cs.meta | | | | TraxModule.cs | | | | TraxModule.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | microsplat_def_trax_mud_diff.tga | | | microsplat_def_trax_mud_diff.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_trax_mud_normSAO.tga | | | microsplat_def_trax_mud_normSAO.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_trax_snow_diff.tga | | | microsplat_def_trax_snow_diff.tga.meta | | | microsplat_def_trax_snow_nsao.tga | | | microsplat_def_trax_snow_nsao.tga.meta | | | | | +---com.jbooth.microsplat.triplanar | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | ReadMe.txt | | | | ReadMe.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | MicroSplat - Triplanar.pdf | | | | MicroSplat - Triplanar.pdf.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Triplanar.asmref | | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Triplanar.asmref.meta | | | | NotReallyNamedEditor.meta | | | | | | | \---NotReallyNamedEditor | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Triplanar.Editor.asmref | | | JBooth.MicroSplat.Triplanar.Editor.asmref.meta | | | MicroSplatTriplanar.cs | | | MicroSplatTriplanar.cs.meta | | | microsplat_func_triplanar.txt | | | microsplat_func_triplanar.txt.meta | | | | | 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LaundryBear.EditorUtilities.asmdef.meta | | | | | PackageManagement.meta | | | | | ProcessUtilities.cs | | | | | ProcessUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | ScriptUtilities.meta | | | | | Templates.meta | | | | | VersionControl.meta | | | | | | | | | +---AssetUtilities | | | | | CopyAssetGUID.cs | | | | | CopyAssetGUID.cs.meta | | | | | Line_ColourBlended.shader | | | | | Line_ColourBlended.shader.meta | | | | | ListMaterials.cs | | | | | ListMaterials.cs.meta | | | | | ReorderComponents.cs | | | | | ReorderComponents.cs.meta | | | | | ScriptableObjectFactory.cs | | | | | ScriptableObjectFactory.cs.meta | | | | | ScriptableObjectWindow.cs | | | | | ScriptableObjectWindow.cs.meta | | | | | SwapMaterialsOnGameObject.cs | | | | | SwapMaterialsOnGameObject.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Build | | | | | GeneralUtilities.cs | | | | | GeneralUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---CodeGeneration | | | | | CodeGeneration.cs | | | | | CodeGeneration.cs.meta | | | | | ConstantsGeneratorWindow.cs | | | | | ConstantsGeneratorWindow.cs.meta | | | | | GenerateFmodGuids.cs | | | | | GenerateFmodGuids.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Drawers | | | | | | Attributes.meta | | | | | | CustomEditors.meta | | | | | | EditorImages.meta | | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | VisualElements.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Attributes | | | | | | AssignableInterfaceAttributeDrawer.cs | | | | | | AssignableInterfaceAttributeDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | BindableReferenceDrawer.cs | | | | | | BindableReferenceDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | CustomAddReorerableListDrawer.cs | | | | | | CustomAddReorerableListDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | DisplaysPrivateFieldsDrawer.cs | | | | | | DisplaysPrivateFieldsDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | EditInlineAttributeDrawer.cs | | | | | | EditInlineAttributeDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---CustomEditors | | | | | | MonoBehaviourDrawer.cs | | | | | | MonoBehaviourDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | ScriptableObjectDrawer.cs | | | | | | ScriptableObjectDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---EditorImages | | | | | | spr_smallcircle.png | | | | | | spr_smallcircle.png.meta | | | | | | spr_smallHorizontalLine.png | | | | | | spr_smallHorizontalLine.png.meta | | | | | | spr_whitePixel.png | | | | | | spr_whitePixel.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Utils | | | | | | DrawerUtils.cs | | | | | | DrawerUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---VisualElements | | | | | | MenuList.cs | | | | | | MenuList.cs.meta | | | | | | SeparatorField.cs | | | | | | SeparatorField.cs.meta | | | | | | SpacerField.cs | | | | | | SpacerField.cs.meta | | | | | | UIToolkitUtils.cs | | | | | | UIToolkitUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | USS.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---USS | | | | | laundrybear.core.uss | | | | | laundrybear.core.uss.meta | | | | | | | | | +---PackageManagement | | | | | PackageManagement.cs | | | | | PackageManagement.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---ScriptUtilities | | | | | EditorHelper.cs | | | | | EditorHelper.cs.meta | | | | | PowerShellUtility.cs | | | | | PowerShellUtility.cs.meta | | | | | ScriptUtilities.cs | | | | | ScriptUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Templates | | | | | 82-C# Script__MonoBehaviour-ClassName.cs.txt | | | | | 82-C# Script__MonoBehaviour-ClassName.cs.txt.meta | | | | | 83-C# Script__ScriptableObject-ClassName.cs.txt | | | | | 83-C# Script__ScriptableObject-ClassName.cs.txt.meta | | | | | 84-C# Script__Editor-ClassName.cs.txt | | | | | 84-C# Script__Editor-ClassName.cs.txt.meta | | | | | | | | | \---VersionControl | | | | GitUtilities.cs | | | | GitUtilities.cs.meta | | | | PlasticUtilities.cs | | | | PlasticUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Attributes.meta | | | | | | | \---Attributes | | | AssignableInterfaceAttribute.cs | | | AssignableInterfaceAttribute.cs.meta | | | BindableReferenceAttribute.cs | | | BindableReferenceAttribute.cs.meta | | | DisplayPrivateFieldAttribute.cs | | | DisplayPrivateFieldAttribute.cs.meta | | | EditableObjectListAttribute.cs | | | EditableObjectListAttribute.cs.meta | | | EditInlineAttribute.cs | | | EditInlineAttribute.cs.meta | | | LaundryBear.EditorAttributes.asmdef | | | LaundryBear.EditorAttributes.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.math | | | | .editorconfig | | | | Editor.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | LaundryBear.Math.Editor.asmdef | | | | | LaundryBear.Math.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | Spans.meta | | | | | Visualization.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Spans | | | | | SpanFloatDrawer.cs | | | | | SpanFloatDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Visualization | | | | EditorGraph.cs | | | | EditorGraph.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Analysis.meta | | | | Input.meta | | | | LaundryBear.Math.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Math.asmdef.meta | | | | Motion.meta | | | | Spans.meta | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | +---Analysis | | | | GaussianWindow.cs | | | | GaussianWindow.cs.meta | | | | Graph.cs | | | | Graph.cs.meta | | | | PositionPredictor.cs | | | | PositionPredictor.cs.meta | | | | StatisticalQueue.cs | | | | StatisticalQueue.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Input | | | | IInputReferenceFrame.cs | | | | IInputReferenceFrame.cs.meta | | | | RotateAroundInputReference.cs | | | | RotateAroundInputReference.cs.meta | | | | TransformInputReference.cs | | | | TransformInputReference.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Motion | | | | VelocityContainer.cs | | | | VelocityContainer.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Spans | | | | ISpan.cs | | | | ISpan.cs.meta | | | | SpanFloat.cs | | | | SpanFloat.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | Noise.cs | | | Noise.cs.meta | | | VectorUtils.cs | | | VectorUtils.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.platform | | | | .editorconfig | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Achievements.meta | | | | Activities.meta | | | | Controllers.meta | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.asmdef.meta | | | | MultiplatformComponents.meta | | | | Platform.meta | | | | PlatformServicesLogger.cs | | | | PlatformServicesLogger.cs.meta | | | | Region.meta | | | | Stats.meta | | | | Storage.meta | | | | TextInput.meta | | | | Users.meta | | | | | | | +---Achievements | | | | Achievements.cs | | | | Achievements.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Activities | | | | IActivityService.cs | | | | IActivityService.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Controllers | | | | Controllers.cs | | | | Controllers.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---MultiplatformComponents | | | | PlatformGameObjectSwitcher.cs | | | | PlatformGameObjectSwitcher.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Platform | | | | IPlatform.cs | | | | IPlatform.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Region | | | | Regions.cs | | | | Regions.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Stats | | | | Stats.cs | | | | Stats.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Storage | | | | Storage.cs | | | | Storage.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---TextInput | | | | IKeyboard.cs | | | | IKeyboard.cs.meta | | | | IProfanityService.cs | | | | IProfanityService.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Users | | | Users.cs | | | Users.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.platform.none | | | | .editorconfig | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Implementations.meta | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.None.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.None.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---Implementations | | | Controllers.None.cs | | | Controllers.None.cs.meta | | | Platform.None.cs | | | Platform.None.cs.meta | | | Storage.None.cs | | | Storage.None.cs.meta | | | Users.None.cs | | | Users.None.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.platform.ps5 | | | | .editorconfig | | | | Editor.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | Build.meta | | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.Editor.asmdef | | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | UDS.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Build | | | | | PS5Utilities.cs | | | | | PS5Utilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---UDS | | | | UDSTypes.cs | | | | UDSTypes.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Implementations.meta | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.PS5.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---Implementations | | | Achievement.PS5.cs | | | Achievement.PS5.cs.meta | | | Controllers.PS5.cs | | | Controllers.PS5.cs.meta | | | Platform.PS5.cs | | | Platform.PS5.cs.meta | | | Stats.PS5.cs | | | Stats.PS5.cs.meta | | | Storage.PS5.cs | | | Storage.PS5.cs.meta | | | Users.PS5.cs | | | Users.PS5.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.platform.steam | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.Steam.Editor.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Platform.Steam.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | SteamUtilities.cs | | | | SteamUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Facepunch.Steamworks | | | | | bin.meta | | | | | | | | | \---bin | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Posix.dll | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Posix.dll.meta | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Posix.xml | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Posix.xml.meta | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.dll | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.dll.meta | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.xml | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.xml.meta | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.dll.meta | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.xml | | | | | Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.xml.meta | | | | | redistributable_bin.meta | | | | | | | | | \---redistributable_bin | | | | | linux32.meta | | | | | linux64.meta | | | | | osx.meta | | | | | steam_api.dll | | | | | steam_api.dll.meta | | | | | steam_api.lib | | | | | steam_api.lib.meta | | | | | win64.meta | | | | | | | | | +---linux32 | | | | | libsteam_api.so | | | | | libsteam_api.so.meta | | | | | | | | | +---linux64 | | | | | libsteam_api.so | | | | | libsteam_api.so.meta | | | | | | | | | +---osx | | | | | libsteam_api.bundle | | | | | libsteam_api.bundle.meta | | | | | | | | | \---win64 | | | | steam_api64.dll | | | | steam_api64.dll.meta | | | | steam_api64.lib | | | | steam_api64.lib.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | Achievement.Steam.cs | | | Achievement.Steam.cs.meta | | | LaundryBear.Platform.Steam.asmdef | | | LaundryBear.Platform.Steam.asmdef.meta | | | Stats.Steam.cs | | | Stats.Steam.cs.meta | | | SteamPlatform.cs | | | SteamPlatform.cs.meta | | | Storage.Steam.cs | | | Storage.Steam.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.servicelocator | | | | .editorconfig | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | IService.cs | | | IService.cs.meta | | | LaundryBear.ServiceLocator.asmdef | | | LaundryBear.ServiceLocator.asmdef.meta | | | ServiceLocator.cs | | | ServiceLocator.cs.meta | | | ServicesList.cs | | | ServicesList.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.laundrybear.utilities | | | | .editorconfig | | | | Editor.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | Drawers.meta | | | | | LaundryBear.Utilities.Editor.asmdef | | | | | LaundryBear.Utilities.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | PlayFromInitializationScene.cs | | | | | PlayFromInitializationScene.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Drawers | | | | BindableReferenceDrawer.cs | | | | BindableReferenceDrawer.cs.meta | | | | SerializableDictionaryDrawer.cs | | | | SerializableDictionaryDrawer.cs.meta | | | | WeakComponentReferenceDrawer.cs | | | | WeakComponentReferenceDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Constants.meta | | | | Extensions.meta | | | | LaundryBear.Utilities.asmdef | | | | LaundryBear.Utilities.asmdef.meta | | | | UtilityClasses.meta | | | | YieldInstructions.meta | | | | | | | +---Constants | | | | SharedUtilityConstants.cs | | | | SharedUtilityConstants.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Extensions | | | | MonoBehaviourUtils.cs | | | | MonoBehaviourUtils.cs.meta | | | | RegexExtensions.cs | | | | RegexExtensions.cs.meta | | | | SceneExtensions.cs | | | | SceneExtensions.cs.meta | | | | TransformUtils.cs | | | | TransformUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---UtilityClasses | | | | BindableReference.cs | | | | BindableReference.cs.meta | | | | BufferedAction.cs | | | | BufferedAction.cs.meta | | | | CsvTable.cs | | | | CsvTable.cs.meta | | | | FiniteStateMachine.cs | | | | FiniteStateMachine.cs.meta | | | | IMaskable.cs | | | | IMaskable.cs.meta | | | | PolarInput.cs | | | | PolarInput.cs.meta | | | | Pool.cs | | | | Pool.cs.meta | | | | SerializableDictionary.cs | | | | SerializableDictionary.cs.meta | | | | SerializableSystemType.cs | | | | SerializableSystemType.cs.meta | | | | Singleton.cs | | | | Singleton.cs.meta | | | | TimingWindow.cs | | | | TimingWindow.cs.meta | | | | WeakComponentReference.cs | | | | WeakComponentReference.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---YieldInstructions | | | WaitForThread.cs | | | WaitForThread.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.cinemachine@2.9.0-pre.6 | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Gizmos.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | license.txt | | | | license.txt.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | Presets.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | Third Party Notices.md | | | | Third Party Notices.md.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | | cinemachine.md | | | | | Cinemachine2D.md | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonAim.md | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow.md | | | | | CinemachineAimComposer.md | | | | | CinemachineAimDoNothing.md | | | | | CinemachineAimGroupComposer.md | | | | | CinemachineAimHardLook.md | | | | | CinemachineAimPOV.md | | | | | CinemachineAimSameAsFollow.md | | | | | CinemachineAlternativeInput.md | | | | | cinemachineAPI.md | | | | | CinemachineBindingModes.md | | | | | CinemachineBlending.md | | | | | CinemachineBlendListCamera.md | | | | | CinemachineBody3rdPersonFollow.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyDoNothing.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyFramingTransposer.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyHardLockTarget.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyOrbitalTransposer.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyTrackedDolly.md | | | | | CinemachineBodyTransposer.md | | | | | CinemachineBrainProperties.md | | | | | CinemachineClearShot.md | | | | | CinemachineCollider.md | | | | | CinemachineColliderConfiner.md | | | | | CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource.md | | | | | CinemachineConfiner.md | | | | | CinemachineConfiner2D.md | | | | | CinemachineDolly.md | | | | | CinemachineDollyCart.md | | | | | CinemachineExternalCamera.md | | | | | CinemachineFollowZoom.md | | | | | CinemachineFreeLook.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulse.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseFiltering.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseFixedSignals.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseListener.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseNoiseProfiles.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseRawSignal.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSource.md | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSourceOverview.md | | | | | CinemachineManagerCameras.md | | | | | CinemachineMixingCamera.md | | | | | CinemachineMultipleCameras.md | | | | | CinemachineNoiseProfiles.md | | | | | CinemachinePath.md | | | | | CinemachinePixelPerfect.md | | | | | CinemachinePostProcessing.md | | | | | CinemachineRecomposer.md | | | | | CinemachineSavingDuringPlay.md | | | | | CinemachineSetUpVCam.md | | | | | CinemachineSmoothPath.md | | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCamera.md | | | | | CinemachineStoryboard.md | | | | | CinemachineTargetGroup.md | | | | | CinemachineTimeline.md | | | | | CinemachineTopDown.md | | | | | CinemachineUsing.md | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCamera.md | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraAim.md | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraBody.md | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraExtensions.md | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraNoise.md | | | | | CinemachineVolumeSettings.md | | | | | handles.md | | | | | index.md | | | | | TableOfContents.md | | | | | | | | | \---images | | | | 2Dpixelperfect_ex.png | | | | 3rdPersonFollow.png | | | | CinemachineAim.png | | | | CinemachineAimingRigHighlight.png | | | | CinemachineAssetStore.png | | | | CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin.png | | | | CinemachineBody.png | | | | CinemachineBrain.png | | | | CinemachineConfiner2D.png | | | | CinemachineConfiner2Db.png | | | | CinemachineConfiner2Dc.png | | | | CinemachineCustomBlends.png | | | | CinemachineFreelook.png | | | | CinemachineFreeLookProperties.png | | | | CinemachineGameWindowGuides.png | | | | CinemachineInputProvider.png | | | | CinemachineIntroImage.png | | | | CinemachineMenu.png | | | | CinemachineMixingCamera.png | | | | CinemachineMixingCameraChildren.png | | | | CinemachineNewVCam.png | | | | CinemachineNoiseProfile.png | | | | CinemachineNoiseProfileb.png | | | | CinemachineOrbitalTransposer.png | | | | CinemachinePackage.png | | | | CinemachinePathInspector.png | | | | CinemachinePathScene.png | | | | CinemachineRig.png | | | | CinemachineRigGameViewExample.png | | | | CinemachineRigSceneView.png | | | | CinemachineSceneHierarchy.png | | | | CinemachineSplash.png | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCamera.png | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenChildren.png | | | | CineMachineStoryboard.png | | | | CinemachineTargetGroup.png | | | | CinemachineTimelineShotClips.png | | | | CinemachineVCamProperties.png | | | | clip-plane.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-no-roll-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-no-roll-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-no-roll-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-no-roll-yaw45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-on-assign-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-on-assign-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-on-assign-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-on-assign-yaw45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-world-up-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-world-up-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-world-up-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-world-up-yaw45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-lock-target-yaw45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-simple-follow-world-up-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-simple-follow-world-up-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-simple-follow-world-up-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-simple-follow-world-up-yaw45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-world-space-pitch45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-world-space-roll45.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-world-space-start.png | | | | cm-binding-mode-world-space-yaw45.png | | | | CMShoulderOffsetexample.png | | | | CMVerticalDistanceexample.png | | | | FixedSignalEditor.png | | | | follow-offset.png | | | | FOV.png | | | | handle-toolbar.png | | | | ImpulseGraphEditor.png | | | | ImpulseHammerStrike.png | | | | ImpulseOverview.png | | | | ImpulseSpatialRange.png | | | | InspectorCollisionImpulseSource.png | | | | InspectorFixedSignalTiles.png | | | | InspectorImpulseChannelsScript.png | | | | InspectorImpulseCollisionSourceChannel.png | | | | InspectorImpulseListener.png | | | | InspectorImpulseListenerChannelsMenu.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSource.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceChannel.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceChannelsMenu.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceHowToGenerate.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourcePresetsGear.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceRawSignalMenu.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceSignal.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceSpatialRange.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceTimeEnvelope.png | | | | InspectorImpulseSourceTriggerObject.png | | | | InspectorImpulseTimeEnvelope.png | | | | InspectorNoiseProfile.png | | | | overlays-menu.png | | | | tracked-object-offset.png | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | com.unity.cinemachine.Editor.asmdef | | | | | com.unity.cinemachine.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | EditorResources.meta | | | | | Editors.meta | | | | | Experimental.meta | | | | | Helpers.meta | | | | | Impulse.meta | | | | | Menus.meta | | | | | Overlays.meta | | | | | PostProcessing.meta | | | | | PropertyDrawers.meta | | | | | Timeline.meta | | | | | Utility.meta | | | | | Windows.meta | | | | | | | | | +---EditorResources | | | | | | Cinemachine_header.tif | | | | | | Cinemachine_header.tif.meta | | | | | | CMWaveform.compute | | | | | | CMWaveform.compute.meta | | | | | | CMWaveform.shader | | | | | | CMWaveform.shader.meta | | | | | | cm_logo_sm.png | | | | | | cm_logo_sm.png.meta | | | | | | Handles.meta | | | | | | PostProcessLayer.png | | | | | | PostProcessLayer.png.meta | | | | | | SceneToolsLabelBackground.png | | | | | | SceneToolsLabelBackground.png.meta | | | | | | StdLib.hlsl | | | | | | StdLib.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Handles | | | | | | Dark-Selected.meta | | | | | | Dark.meta | | | | | | FreelookRigBottom.png | | | | | | FreelookRigBottom.png.meta | | | | | | FreelookRigMiddle.png | | | | | | FreelookRigMiddle.png.meta | | | | | | FreelookRigTop.png | | | | | | FreelookRigTop.png.meta | | | | | | Light-Selected.meta | | | | | | Light.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Dark | | | | | | FarNearClip.png | | | | | | FarNearClip.png.meta | | | | | | FollowOffset.png | | | | | | FollowOffset.png.meta | | | | | | FOV.png | | | | | | FOV.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Dark-Selected | | | | | | FarNearClip.png | | | | | | FarNearClip.png.meta | | | | | | FollowOffset.png | | | | | | FollowOffset.png.meta | | | | | | FOV.png | | | | | | FOV.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Light | | | | | | FarNearClip.png | | | | | | FarNearClip.png.meta | | | | | | FollowOffset.png | | | | | | FollowOffset.png.meta | | | | | | FOV.png | | | | | | FOV.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png | | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Light-Selected | | | | | FarNearClip.png | | | | | FarNearClip.png.meta | | | | | FollowOffset.png | | | | | FollowOffset.png.meta | | | | | FOV.png | | | | | FOV.png.meta | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png | | | | | TrackedObjectOffset.png.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Editors | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonFollowEditor.cs | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonFollowEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlinEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlinEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlenderSettingsEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlenderSettingsEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlendListCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlendListCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBrainEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineBrainEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineClearShotEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineClearShotEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineColliderEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineColliderEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineComposerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineComposerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineConfiner2DEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineConfiner2DEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineConfinerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineConfinerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineExternalCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineExternalCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFramingTransposerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineFramingTransposerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFreeLookEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineFreeLookEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineGroupComposerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineGroupComposerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineHardLockToTargetEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineHardLockToTargetEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineHardLookAtEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineHardLookAtEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineMixingCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineMixingCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineNoiseSettingsEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineNoiseSettingsEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineOrbitalTransposerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineOrbitalTransposerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePathEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachinePathEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePOVEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachinePOVEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineSameAsFollowTargetEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineSameAsFollowTargetEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineScreenComposerGuides.cs | | | | | CinemachineScreenComposerGuides.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineSmoothPathEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineSmoothPathEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineStoryboardEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineStoryboardEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTargetGroupEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineTargetGroupEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTrackedDollyEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineTrackedDollyEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTransposerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineTransposerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraBaseEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraBaseEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Experimental | | | | | CinemachineNewFreeLookEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineNewFreeLookEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineNewVirtualCameraEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineNewVirtualCameraEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Helpers | | | | | CinemachineTriggerActionEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineTriggerActionEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Impulse | | | | | CinemachineCollisionImpulseSourceEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineCollisionImpulseSourceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseChannelPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseChannelPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseChannels.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseChannels.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseDefinitionPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseDefinitionPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseEnvelopePropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseEnvelopePropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseListenerEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseListenerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSourceEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSourceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Menus | | | | | CinemachineMenu.cs | | | | | CinemachineMenu.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Overlays | | | | | CinemachineToolbarOverlay.cs | | | | | CinemachineToolbarOverlay.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---PostProcessing | | | | | CinemachinePostProcessingEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachinePostProcessingEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVolumeSettingsEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineVolumeSettingsEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---PropertyDrawers | | | | | AxisStatePropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | AxisStatePropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlendDefinitionPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlendDefinitionPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTagFieldPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | CinemachineTagFieldPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | EmbeddedAssetPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | EmbeddedAssetPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | NoiseSettingsPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | NoiseSettingsPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | OrbitalTransposerHeadingPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | OrbitalTransposerHeadingPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | VcamTargetPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | VcamTargetPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Timeline | | | | | CinemachineShotClipEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineShotClipEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineShotEditor.cs | | | | | CinemachineShotEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Utility | | | | | BaseEditor.cs | | | | | BaseEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineEditorAnalytics.cs | | | | | CinemachineEditorAnalytics.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineLensPresets.cs | | | | | CinemachineLensPresets.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineSceneTools.cs | | | | | CinemachineSceneTools.cs.meta | | | | | EmbeddedAssetHelpers.cs | | | | | EmbeddedAssetHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | InspectorUtility.cs | | | | | InspectorUtility.cs.meta | | | | | ReflectionHelpers.cs | | | | | ReflectionHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | SaveDuringPlay.cs | | | | | SaveDuringPlay.cs.meta | | | | | ScriptableObjectUtility.cs | | | | | ScriptableObjectUtility.cs.meta | | | | | SerializedPropertyHelper.cs | | | | | SerializedPropertyHelper.cs.meta | | | | | VcamStageEditor.cs | | | | | VcamStageEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Windows | | | | CinemachineColliderPrefs.cs | | | | CinemachineColliderPrefs.cs.meta | | | | CinemachineSettings.cs | | | | CinemachineSettings.cs.meta | | | | WaveformWindow.cs | | | | WaveformWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Gizmos | | | | cm_logo.png | | | | cm_logo.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Presets | | | | | Noise.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Noise | | | | 6D Shake.asset | | | | 6D Shake.asset.meta | | | | 6D Wobble.asset | | | | 6D Wobble.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_normal_extreme.asset | | | | Handheld_normal_extreme.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_normal_mild.asset | | | | Handheld_normal_mild.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_normal_strong.asset | | | | Handheld_normal_strong.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_tele_mild.asset | | | | Handheld_tele_mild.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_tele_strong.asset | | | | Handheld_tele_strong.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_wideangle_mild.asset | | | | Handheld_wideangle_mild.asset.meta | | | | Handheld_wideangle_strong.asset | | | | Handheld_wideangle_strong.asset.meta | | | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Behaviours.meta | | | | | com.unity.cinemachine.asmdef | | | | | com.unity.cinemachine.asmdef.meta | | | | | Components.meta | | | | | Core.meta | | | | | Experimental.meta | | | | | Helpers.meta | | | | | Impulse.meta | | | | | PostProcessing.meta | | | | | ThirdParty.meta | | | | | Timeline.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Behaviours | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonAim.cs | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonAim.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlendListCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlendListCamera.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBrain.cs | | | | | CinemachineBrain.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineCameraOffset.cs | | | | | CinemachineCameraOffset.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineClearShot.cs | | | | | CinemachineClearShot.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineCollider.cs | | | | | CinemachineCollider.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineConfiner.cs | | | | | CinemachineConfiner.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineConfiner2D.cs | | | | | CinemachineConfiner2D.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineDollyCart.cs | | | | | CinemachineDollyCart.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineExternalCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineExternalCamera.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFollowZoom.cs | | | | | CinemachineFollowZoom.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFreeLook.cs | | | | | CinemachineFreeLook.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineMixingCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineMixingCamera.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePath.cs | | | | | CinemachinePath.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePipeline.cs | | | | | CinemachinePipeline.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePixelPerfect.cs | | | | | CinemachinePixelPerfect.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineRecomposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineRecomposer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineSmoothPath.cs | | | | | CinemachineSmoothPath.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineStateDrivenCamera.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineStoryboard.cs | | | | | CinemachineStoryboard.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTargetGroup.cs | | | | | CinemachineTargetGroup.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCamera.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Components | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow.cs | | | | | Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin.cs | | | | | CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineComposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineComposer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFramingTransposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineFramingTransposer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineGroupComposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineGroupComposer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineHardLockToTarget.cs | | | | | CinemachineHardLockToTarget.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineHardLookAt.cs | | | | | CinemachineHardLookAt.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineOrbitalTransposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineOrbitalTransposer.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePOV.cs | | | | | CinemachinePOV.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineSameAsFollowTarget.cs | | | | | CinemachineSameAsFollowTarget.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTrackedDolly.cs | | | | | CinemachineTrackedDolly.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTransposer.cs | | | | | CinemachineTransposer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | AxisState.cs | | | | | AxisState.cs.meta | | | | | CameraState.cs | | | | | CameraState.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlend.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlend.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineBlenderSettings.cs | | | | | CinemachineBlenderSettings.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineComponentBase.cs | | | | | CinemachineComponentBase.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineCore.cs | | | | | CinemachineCore.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineDebug.cs | | | | | CinemachineDebug.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineExtension.cs | | | | | CinemachineExtension.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineInputAxisDriver.cs | | | | | CinemachineInputAxisDriver.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePathBase.cs | | | | | CinemachinePathBase.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachinePropertyAttribute.cs | | | | | CinemachinePropertyAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.cs | | | | | CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.cs.meta | | | | | ConfinerOven.cs | | | | | ConfinerOven.cs.meta | | | | | GaussianFilter.cs | | | | | GaussianFilter.cs.meta | | | | | ICinemachineCamera.cs | | | | | ICinemachineCamera.cs.meta | | | | | ICinemachineComponent.cs | | | | | ICinemachineComponent.cs.meta | | | | | LensSettings.cs | | | | | LensSettings.cs.meta | | | | | NoiseSettings.cs | | | | | NoiseSettings.cs.meta | | | | | Predictor.cs | | | | | Predictor.cs.meta | | | | | RuntimeUtility.cs | | | | | RuntimeUtility.cs.meta | | | | | SignalSourceAsset.cs | | | | | SignalSourceAsset.cs.meta | | | | | SplineHelpers.cs | | | | | SplineHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | TargetPositionCache.cs | | | | | TargetPositionCache.cs.meta | | | | | UnityVectorExtensions.cs | | | | | UnityVectorExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | UpdateTracker.cs | | | | | UpdateTracker.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Experimental | | | | | CinemachineNewFreeLook.cs | | | | | CinemachineNewFreeLook.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineNewVirtualCamera.cs | | | | | CinemachineNewVirtualCamera.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Helpers | | | | | CinemachineInputProvider.cs | | | | | CinemachineInputProvider.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTouchInputMapper.cs | | | | | CinemachineTouchInputMapper.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineTriggerAction.cs | | | | | CinemachineTriggerAction.cs.meta | | | | | GroupWeightManipulator.cs | | | | | GroupWeightManipulator.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Impulse | | | | | CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource.cs | | | | | CinemachineCollisionImpulseSource.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineFixedSignal.cs | | | | | CinemachineFixedSignal.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseDefinition.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseDefinition.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseListener.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseListener.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseManager.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseManager.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSource.cs | | | | | CinemachineImpulseSource.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineIndependentImpulseListener.cs | | | | | CinemachineIndependentImpulseListener.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---PostProcessing | | | | | CinemachinePostProcessing.cs | | | | | CinemachinePostProcessing.cs.meta | | | | | CinemachineVolumeSettings.cs | | | | | CinemachineVolumeSettings.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---ThirdParty | | | | | clipper_library.dll | | | | | clipper_library.dll.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Timeline | | | | CinemachineMixer.cs | | | | CinemachineMixer.cs.meta | | | | CinemachineShot.cs | | | | CinemachineShot.cs.meta | | | | CinemachineShotPlayable.cs | | | | CinemachineShotPlayable.cs.meta | | | | CinemachineTrack.cs | | | | CinemachineTrack.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Samples~ | | | | | Cinemachine Example Scenes.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Cinemachine Example Scenes | | | | | .sample.json | | | | | Scenes.meta | | | | | Shared.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Scenes | | | | | | 2D.meta | | | | | | 3rdPersonWithAimMode.meta | | | | | | AimingRig.meta | | | | | | Anywhere Door.meta | | | | | | BlendListCamera.unity | | | | | | BlendListCamera.unity.meta | | | | | | CameraMagnets.meta | | | | | | ClearShot.meta | | | | | | Composer Look Ahead.unity | | | | | | Composer Look Ahead.unity.meta | | | | | | Composer.unity | | | | | | Composer.unity.meta | | | | | | Custom Blends.meta | | | | | | DualTarget.meta | | | | | | FadeOutNearbyObjects.meta | | | | | | FollowCam Simple Follow.unity | | | | | | FollowCam Simple Follow.unity.meta | | | | | | FollowCam.unity | | | | | | FollowCam.unity.meta | | | | | | FollowZoom.unity | | | | | | FollowZoom.unity.meta | | | | | | Free Look character.unity | | | | | | Free Look character.unity.meta | | | | | | Free Look collider.unity | | | | | | Free Look collider.unity.meta | | | | | | Impulse.meta | | | | | | MixingCamera.unity | | | | | | MixingCamera.unity.meta | | | | | | Noise.unity | | | | | | Noise.unity.meta | | | | | | Scripting.meta | | | | | | SphericalSurfaceFollow.unity | | | | | | SphericalSurfaceFollow.unity.meta | | | | | | StateDrivenCamera.unity | | | | | | StateDrivenCamera.unity.meta | | | | | | Timeline.meta | | | | | | Tracked Dolly.meta | | | | | | Transposer.meta | | | | | | Trigger volumes.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---2D | | | | | | 2D Fighters.unity | | | | | | 2D Fighters.unity.meta | | | | | | 2D Zoom.unity | | | | | | 2D Zoom.unity.meta | | | | | | 2DConfinedTargetGroup.unity | | | | | | 2DConfinedTargetGroup.unity.meta | | | | | | 2DConfiner.unity | | | | | | 2DConfiner.unity.meta | | | | | | 2DConfinerComplex.unity | | | | | | 2DConfinerComplex.unity.meta | | | | | | 2DTargetGroup.unity | | | | | | 2DTargetGroup.unity.meta | | | | | | LoseSightWhenTargetsFallsOffThePlatform.cs | | | | | | LoseSightWhenTargetsFallsOffThePlatform.cs.meta | | | | | | MouseScrollZoom2D.cs | | | | | | MouseScrollZoom2D.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---3rdPersonWithAimMode | | | | | | 3rdPersonWithAimMode.unity | | | | | | 3rdPersonWithAimMode.unity.meta | | | | | | ActivateOnKeypress.cs | | | | | | ActivateOnKeypress.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---AimingRig | | | | | | AimingRig.unity | | | | | | AimingRig.unity.meta | | | | | | AimReticle.cs | | | | | | AimReticle.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Anywhere Door | | | | | | | Anywhere Door.unity | | | | | | | Anywhere Door.unity.meta | | | | | | | CAM1.renderTexture | | | | | | | CAM1.renderTexture.meta | | | | | | | CAM2.renderTexture | | | | | | | CAM2.renderTexture.meta | | | | | | | Lightmap-0_comp_dir.png | | | | | | | Lightmap-0_comp_dir.png.meta | | | | | | | Lightmap-0_comp_light.exr | | | | | | | Lightmap-0_comp_light.exr.meta | | | | | | | Materials.meta | | | | | | | PlayerLookAt.cs | | | | | | | PlayerLookAt.cs.meta | | | | | | | PlayerMovement.cs | | | | | | | PlayerMovement.cs.meta | | | | | | | ReflectionProbe-0.exr | | | | | | | ReflectionProbe-0.exr.meta | | | | | | | ScreenCutoutShader.shader | | | | | | | ScreenCutoutShader.shader.meta | | | | | | | TagChanger.cs | | | | | | | TagChanger.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Materials | | | | | | CAM1.mat | | | | | | CAM1.mat.meta | | | | | | CAM2.mat | | | | | | CAM2.mat.meta | | | | | | Green.mat | | | | | | Green.mat.meta | | | | | | Pink.mat | | | | | | Pink.mat.meta | | | | | | Skybox_Mat.mat | | | | | | Skybox_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---BossCamera | | | | | | BossCam.unity | | | | | | BossCam.unity.meta | | | | | | BossLookAt.cs | | | | | | BossLookAt.cs.meta | | | | | | CustomLockCameraY.cs | | | | | | CustomLockCameraY.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---CameraMagnets | | | | | | CameraMagnetProperty.cs | | | | | | CameraMagnetProperty.cs.meta | | | | | | CameraMagnets.unity | | | | | | CameraMagnets.unity.meta | | | | | | CameraMagnetTargetController.cs | | | | | | CameraMagnetTargetController.cs.meta | | | | | | Proximity.png | | | | | | Proximity.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---ClearShot | | | | | | ClearShot character.unity | | | | | | ClearShot character.unity.meta | | | | | | ClearShot closest.unity | | | | | | ClearShot closest.unity.meta | | | | | | ClearShot.unity | | | | | | ClearShot.unity.meta | | | | | | CM ClearShot1 Blends.asset | | | | | | CM ClearShot1 Blends.asset.meta | | | | | | TIMELINE world animsTimeline.playable | | | | | | TIMELINE world animsTimeline.playable.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Custom Blends | | | | | | BlenderSettings.asset | | | | | | BlenderSettings.asset.meta | | | | | | Custom Blends.unity | | | | | | Custom Blends.unity.meta | | | | | | Noise_CM_4.asset | | | | | | Noise_CM_4.asset.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---DualTarget | | | | | | DualTarget.unity | | | | | | DualTarget.unity.meta | | | | | | MoveAimTarget.cs | | | | | | MoveAimTarget.cs.meta | | | | | | PointAtAimTarget.cs | | | | | | PointAtAimTarget.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---FadeOutNearbyObjects | | | | | | CinemachineFadeOutNearbyObjects.cs | | | | | | CinemachineFadeOutNearbyObjects.cs.meta | | | | | | FadeOut.mat | | | | | | FadeOut.mat.meta | | | | | | FadeOut.shader | | | | | | FadeOut.shader.meta | | | | | | FadeOutNearbyObjects.unity | | | | | | FadeOutNearbyObjects.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Impulse | | | | | | Impulse.unity | | | | | | Impulse.unity.meta | | | | | | ImpulseWave.unity | | | | | | ImpulseWave.unity.meta | | | | | | ShakingCube.prefab | | | | | | ShakingCube.prefab.meta | | | | | | Y Bump Signal Definition.asset | | | | | | Y Bump Signal Definition.asset.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Scripting | | | | | | Scripting.unity | | | | | | Scripting.unity.meta | | | | | | ScriptingExample.cs | | | | | | ScriptingExample.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Timeline | | | | | | Timeline.unity | | | | | | Timeline.unity.meta | | | | | | TimelineTimeline.playable | | | | | | TimelineTimeline.playable.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Tracked Dolly | | | | | | CM vcam1Timeline.playable | | | | | | CM vcam1Timeline.playable.meta | | | | | | Dolly Auto.unity | | | | | | Dolly Auto.unity.meta | | | | | | Dolly Cart.unity | | | | | | Dolly Cart.unity.meta | | | | | | Dolly Group.unity | | | | | | Dolly Group.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Transposer | | | | | | cube movement.anim | | | | | | cube movement.anim.meta | | | | | | Cube.controller | | | | | | Cube.controller.meta | | | | | | Transposer.unity | | | | | | Transposer.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Trigger volumes | | | | | GenericTrigger.cs | | | | | GenericTrigger.cs.meta | | | | | Timeline trigger cube.playable | | | | | Timeline trigger cube.playable.meta | | | | | Trigger cube.prefab | | | | | Trigger cube.prefab.meta | | | | | Trigger volume Timeline.unity | | | | | Trigger volume Timeline.unity.meta | | | | | Trigger volume.unity | | | | | Trigger volume.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Shared | | | | | Animation.meta | | | | | Blends.meta | | | | | Materials.meta | | | | | Models.meta | | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Animation | | | | | cube A motion.anim | | | | | cube A motion.anim.meta | | | | | cube B motion.anim | | | | | cube B motion.anim.meta | | | | | Cube.controller | | | | | Cube.controller.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Blends | | | | | CM StateDrivenCameraBlends.asset | | | | | CM StateDrivenCameraBlends.asset.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Materials | | | | | Bouncy 1.physicmaterial | | | | | Bouncy 1.physicmaterial.meta | | | | | checkerboard.mat | | | | | checkerboard.mat.meta | | | | | Default_Prototype.mat | | | | | Default_Prototype.mat.meta | | | | | Default_Prototype_Blue.mat | | | | | Default_Prototype_Blue.mat.meta | | | | | GridBox_Trigger.mat | | | | | GridBox_Trigger.mat.meta | | | | | Ground big.mat | | | | | Ground big.mat.meta | | | | | Ground.mat | | | | | Ground.mat.meta | | | | | RedThing.mat | | | | | RedThing.mat.meta | | | | | Trigger.mat | | | | | Trigger.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Models | | | | | | UnityCharacter.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---UnityCharacter | | | | | | Animations.meta | | | | | | Controllers.meta | | | | | | Models.meta | | | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Animations | | | | | | Idle.fbx | | | | | | Idle.fbx.meta | | | | | | Jog.fbx | | | | | | Jog.fbx.meta | | | | | | Sprint.fbx | | | | | | Sprint.fbx.meta | | | | | | Walk.fbx | | | | | | Walk.fbx.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Controllers | | | | | | CharacterController.controller | | | | | | CharacterController.controller.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Models | | | | | | | DefaultMale.fbx | | | | | | | DefaultMale.fbx.meta | | | | | | | Materials.meta | | | | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Materials | | | | | | | DefaultMale_Mat.mat | | | | | | | DefaultMale_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | | | | DefaultMale_Albedo.tif | | | | | | DefaultMale_Albedo.tif.meta | | | | | | DefaultMale_Normal.tif | | | | | | DefaultMale_Normal.tif.meta | | | | | | DefaultMale_Occlusion.tif | | | | | | DefaultMale_Occlusion.tif.meta | | | | | | DefaultMale_SpecSmooth.tif | | | | | | DefaultMale_SpecSmooth.tif.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | | 3rdPersonController.prefab | | | | | | 3rdPersonController.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | | CharacterMovement.cs | | | | | CharacterMovement.cs.meta | | | | | CharacterMovement2D.cs | | | | | CharacterMovement2D.cs.meta | | | | | CharacterMovementNoCamera.cs | | | | | CharacterMovementNoCamera.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | | Corridors_1_2.prefab | | | | | | Corridors_1_2.prefab.meta | | | | | | Environment_2D.prefab | | | | | | Environment_2D.prefab.meta | | | | | | Environment_Clear_BluePedestal.prefab | | | | | | Environment_Clear_BluePedestal.prefab.meta | | | | | | Environment_Corridor.prefab | | | | | | Environment_Corridor.prefab.meta | | | | | | Environment_CorridorMixingCam.prefab | | | | | | Environment_CorridorMixingCam.prefab.meta | | | | | | Environment_Narrow_Walls.prefab | | | | | | Environment_Narrow_Walls.prefab.meta | | | | | | FBX.meta | | | | | | Stage1.prefab | | | | | | Stage1.prefab.meta | | | | | | Stage2.prefab | | | | | | Stage2.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---FBX | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x10.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x10.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x10_BluePedestal.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x10_BluePedestal.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x4.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_10x4.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_1Wall_10x10.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_1Wall_10x10.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_2Walls_10x10.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_2Walls_10x10.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_LWall_10x10.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_LWall_10x10.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Floor_UWall_10x10.fbx | | | | | ProB_Floor_UWall_10x10.fbx.meta | | | | | ProB_Wall_10x4.fbx | | | | | ProB_Wall_10x4.fbx.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | ActivateCameraWithDistance.cs | | | | | ActivateCameraWithDistance.cs.meta | | | | | ActivateCamOnPlay.cs | | | | | ActivateCamOnPlay.cs.meta | | | | | ExampleHelpWindow.cs | | | | | ExampleHelpWindow.cs.meta | | | | | InputSystemHelper.cs | | | | | InputSystemHelper.cs.meta | | | | | InvokeEventFromInspector.cs | | | | | InvokeEventFromInspector.cs.meta | | | | | MixingCameraBlend.cs | | | | | MixingCameraBlend.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerMove.cs | | | | | PlayerMove.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerMoveOnSphere.cs | | | | | PlayerMoveOnSphere.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerMovePhysics.cs | | | | | PlayerMovePhysics.cs.meta | | | | | SimpleElevator.cs | | | | | SimpleElevator.cs.meta | | | | | SpawnInCircle.cs | | | | | SpawnInCircle.cs.meta | | | | | ThirdPersonFollowDistanceModifier.cs | | | | | ThirdPersonFollowDistanceModifier.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | | checkerboard.png | | | | checkerboard.png.meta | | | | crosshair.png | | | | crosshair.png.meta | | | | GridBox_blue.png | | | | GridBox_blue.png.meta | | | | GridBox_Default.png | | | | GridBox_Default.png.meta | | | | GridBox_Trigger.png | | | | GridBox_Trigger.png.meta | | | | GridBox_Trigger.tga | | | | GridBox_Trigger.tga.meta | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | AxisStateTests.cs | | | | AxisStateTests.cs.meta | | | | Cinemachine.EditorTests.asmdef | | | | Cinemachine.EditorTests.asmdef.meta | | | | DampingTests.cs | | | | DampingTests.cs.meta | | | | ScriptableObjectUtilityTests.cs | | | | ScriptableObjectUtilityTests.cs.meta | | | | UnityVectorExtensionTests.cs | | | | UnityVectorExtensionTests.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | BrainTargetOverrideTests.cs | | | BrainTargetOverrideTests.cs.meta | | | CameraPositionTests.cs | | | CameraPositionTests.cs.meta | | | CamerasBlendingTests.cs | | | CamerasBlendingTests.cs.meta | | | Cinemachine.RuntimeTests.asmdef | | | Cinemachine.RuntimeTests.asmdef.meta | | | CinemachineFixtureBase.cs | | | CinemachineFixtureBase.cs.meta | | | ClearShotTests.cs | | | ClearShotTests.cs.meta | | | Confiner2DUnitTests.cs | | | Confiner2DUnitTests.cs.meta | | | LookaheadTests.cs | | | LookaheadTests.cs.meta | | | StateDrivenCameraTests.cs | | | StateDrivenCameraTests.cs.meta | | | TestController.controller | | | TestController.controller.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.commondialog.ps5-1.0.5 | | | | .buildversion.txt | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | ValidationConfig.json | | | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | | | ValidationExceptions.json | | | | ValidationExceptions.json.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | Summary.md | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | BuildPackageLibs.cs | | | | BuildPackageLibs.cs.meta | | | | BuildUtils.cs | | | | BuildUtils.cs.meta | | | | SDKUtils.cs | | | | SDKUtils.cs.meta | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Common.cs | | | | | Common.cs.meta | | | | | Ime.cs | | | | | Ime.cs.meta | | | | | Main.cs | | | | | Main.cs.meta | | | | | Messages.cs | | | | | Messages.cs.meta | | | | | Signin.cs | | | | | Signin.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Runtime.asmdef | | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Runtime.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | VrSetup.cs | | | | | VrSetup.cs.meta | | | | | WebBrowser.cs | | | | | WebBrowser.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | LibraryInfo.cs | | | | LibraryInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Samples~ | | | | | CommonDialog.meta | | | | | | | | | \---CommonDialog | | | | | .sample.json | | | | | Editor.meta | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | SonyPS5CommonDialog.unity | | | | | SonyPS5CommonDialog.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | InputManager | | | | | InputManager.meta | | | | | MyEditorScript.cs | | | | | MyEditorScript.cs.meta | | | | | SetPlatformOptionsPS5.cs | | | | | SetPlatformOptionsPS5.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | | SonyPS5CommonDialog.cs | | | | | SonyPS5CommonDialog.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Sample.asmdef | | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Sample.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | IScreen.cs | | | | IScreen.cs.meta | | | | MenuLayout.cs | | | | MenuLayout.cs.meta | | | | MenuStack.cs | | | | MenuStack.cs.meta | | | | OnScreenLog.cs | | | | OnScreenLog.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Source~ | | | | CommonDialog.cpp | | | | CommonDialog.h | | | | ErrorCodes.cpp | | | | ErrorCodes.h | | | | ErrorDialog.cpp | | | | ErrorDialog.h | | | | ImeDialog.cpp | | | | ImeDialog.h | | | | MessagePipe.cpp | | | | MessagePipe.h | | | | prx.cpp | | | | prx.h | | | | SigninDialog.cpp | | | | SigninDialog.h | | | | SimpleLock.h | | | | VrSetupDialog.cpp | | | | VrSetupDialog.h | | | | WebBrowser.cpp | | | | WebBrowser.h | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | BuildTests.cs | | | | BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | RuntimeExampleTest.cs | | | RuntimeExampleTest.cs.meta | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.asmdef | | | Unity.CommonDialog.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.editoriterationprofiler@0.1.2-preview | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | CONTRIBUTING.md | | | | CONTRIBUTING.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | | editor-iteration-profiler.md | | | | | exporting-data.md | | | | | index.md | | | | | TableOfContents.md | | | | | | | | | \---images | | | | editor-iteration-profiler-window.png | | | | export-chrome-tracing.png | | | | export-html-performance-report.png | | | | export-html.png | | | | export-profiler-frame-selection.png | | | | | | | \---Editor | | | | DataCollector.cs | | | | DataCollector.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfiler.API.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerAnalytics.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerAnalytics.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerController.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerController.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerIntegration.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerIntegration.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerSettings.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerSettings.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerTreeView.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerTreeView.cs.meta | | | | EditorIterationProfilerWindow.cs | | | | EditorIterationProfilerWindow.cs.meta | | | | EventData.cs | | | | EventData.cs.meta | | | | Formatters.meta | | | | IterationEventKind.cs | | | | IterationEventKind.cs.meta | | | | IterationEventRoot.cs | | | | IterationEventRoot.cs.meta | | | | IterationList.cs | | | | IterationList.cs.meta | | | | ProfilerDataCollector.cs | | | | ProfilerDataCollector.cs.meta | | | | Unity.EditorIterationProfiler.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.EditorIterationProfiler.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | UnityEditorEvents.cs | | | | UnityEditorEvents.cs.meta | | | | UnityProfiling.cs | | | | UnityProfiling.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---EditorIterationProfiler.API | | | | IEditorIterationProfilerController.cs | | | | IEditorIterationProfilerController.cs.meta | | | | IEventSubscriber.cs | | | | IEventSubscriber.cs.meta | | | | IIterationList.cs | | | | IIterationList.cs.meta | | | | IProfilerDataCollector.cs | | | | IProfilerDataCollector.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Formatters | | | | Aggregator.cs | | | | Aggregator.cs.meta | | | | DataReporterProvider.cs | | | | DataReporterProvider.cs.meta | | | | DataReporters.cs | | | | DataReporters.cs.meta | | | | FileReporter.cs | | | | FileReporter.cs.meta | | | | Formatter.cs | | | | Formatter.cs.meta | | | | IndentationProvider.cs | | | | IndentationProvider.cs.meta | | | | Reporters.meta | | | | | | | \---Reporters | | | ChromeTracingReporter.cs | | | ChromeTracingReporter.cs.meta | | | CSVReporter.cs | | | CSVReporter.cs.meta | | | EditorLogReporter.cs | | | EditorLogReporter.cs.meta | | | HTMLPerfReport.cs | | | HTMLPerfReport.cs.meta | | | HTMLReporter.cs | | | HTMLReporter.cs.meta | | | HTMLReporterPrefix.txt | | | HTMLReporterPrefix.txt.meta | | | PlaintextReporter.cs | | | PlaintextReporter.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.inputsystem.ps5-0.2.1-preview | | | | .buildversion.txt | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | InputSystem.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | ValidationConfig.json | | | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | | | ValidationExceptions.json | | | | ValidationExceptions.json.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | index.md | | | | | | | +---InputSystem | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Plugins.meta | | | | | Processors.meta | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.asmdef | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Plugins | | | | | | PS5.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---PS5 | | | | | GamepadPS5.cs | | | | | GamepadPS5.cs.meta | | | | | PS5Support.cs | | | | | PS5Support.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Processors | | | | Processors.cs | | | | Processors.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Samples~ | | | | | 4ControllerSample.meta | | | | | | | | | \---4ControllerSample | | | | | Audio.meta | | | | | Controls.meta | | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | | Scenes.meta | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.Samples.4Controllers.asmdef | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.Samples.4Controllers.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Audio | | | | | MachineGun_SE.wav | | | | | MachineGun_SE.wav.meta | | | | | MachineGun_Vibration.wav | | | | | MachineGun_Vibration.wav.meta | | | | | ShotGun_SE.wav | | | | | ShotGun_SE.wav.meta | | | | | ShotGun_Vibration.wav | | | | | ShotGun_Vibration.wav.meta | | | | | Sine Wave Stereo Mid.wav | | | | | Sine Wave Stereo Mid.wav.meta | | | | | sin_48000_stereo.mp3 | | | | | sin_48000_stereo.mp3.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Controls | | | | | GamepadControls.cs | | | | | GamepadControls.cs.meta | | | | | GamepadControls.inputactions | | | | | GamepadControls.inputactions.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | PS_Gamepad.prefab | | | | | PS_Gamepad.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Scenes | | | | | PlaystationGamepad.unity | | | | | PlaystationGamepad.unity.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | | ButtonImages.cs | | | | | | ButtonImages.cs.meta | | | | | | ButtonVisuals.cs | | | | | | ButtonVisuals.cs.meta | | | | | | Gamepad.meta | | | | | | InfoOverlay.cs | | | | | | InfoOverlay.cs.meta | | | | | | MathUtils.cs | | | | | | MathUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Gamepad | | | | | GamepadDisplay.cs | | | | | GamepadDisplay.cs.meta | | | | | GamepadHaptics.cs | | | | | GamepadHaptics.cs.meta | | | | | GamepadManager.cs | | | | | GamepadManager.cs.meta | | | | | GamepadTriggerEffects.cs | | | | | GamepadTriggerEffects.cs.meta | | | | | SampleGamepad.cs | | | | | SampleGamepad.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | | Background.mat | | | | Background.mat.meta | | | | Dark Grey.mat | | | | Dark Grey.mat.meta | | | | Light Grey.mat | | | | Light Grey.mat.meta | | | | PS_GamePad.png | | | | PS_GamePad.png.meta | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | GettingInfoTests.cs | | | GettingInfoTests.cs.meta | | | InputConversionTests.cs | | | InputConversionTests.cs.meta | | | PS5InputTestFixture.cs | | | PS5InputTestFixture.cs.meta | | | SettingStatesTests.cs | | | SettingStatesTests.cs.meta | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.Tests.asmdef | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.inputsystem@1.6.1 | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | InputSystem.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | ValidationConfig.json | | | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | | | ValidationExceptions.json | | | | ValidationExceptions.json.meta | | | | | | | +---InputSystem | | | | | Actions.meta | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Controls.meta | | | | | Devices.meta | | | | | Editor.meta | | | | | Events.meta | | | | | IInputDiagnostics.cs | | | | | IInputDiagnostics.cs.meta | | | | | IInputRuntime.cs | | | | | IInputRuntime.cs.meta | | | | | InputAnalytics.cs | | | | | InputAnalytics.cs.meta | | | | | InputExtensions.cs | | | | | InputExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | InputFeatureNames.cs | | | | | InputFeatureNames.cs.meta | | | | | InputManager.cs | | | | | InputManager.cs.meta | | | | | InputManagerStateMonitors.cs | | | | | InputManagerStateMonitors.cs.meta | | | | | InputMetrics.cs | | | | | InputMetrics.cs.meta | | | | | InputSettings.cs | | | | | InputSettings.cs.meta | | | | | InputSystem.cs | | | | | InputSystem.cs.meta | | | | | InputSystemObject.cs | | | | | InputSystemObject.cs.meta | | | | | InputUpdateType.cs | | | | | InputUpdateType.cs.meta | | | | | NativeInputRuntime.cs | | | | | NativeInputRuntime.cs.meta | | | | | Plugins.meta | | | | | State.meta | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.asmdef | | | | | Unity.InputSystem.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Actions | | | | | | Composites.meta | | | | | | IInputActionCollection.cs | | | | | | IInputActionCollection.cs.meta | | | | | | IInputInteraction.cs | | | | | | IInputInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | | InputAction.cs | | | | | | InputAction.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionAsset.cs | | | | | | InputActionAsset.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionChange.cs | | | | | | InputActionChange.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionMap.cs | | | | | | InputActionMap.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionParameters.cs | | | | | | InputActionParameters.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionPhase.cs | | | | | | InputActionPhase.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionProperty.cs | | | | | | InputActionProperty.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionRebindingExtensions.cs | | | | | | InputActionRebindingExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionReference.cs | | | | | | InputActionReference.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionSetupExtensions.cs | | | | | | InputActionSetupExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionState.cs | | | | | | InputActionState.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionTrace.cs | | | | | | InputActionTrace.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionType.cs | | | | | | InputActionType.cs.meta | | | | | | InputBinding.cs | | | | | | InputBinding.cs.meta | | | | | | InputBindingComposite.cs | | | | | | InputBindingComposite.cs.meta | | | | | | InputBindingCompositeContext.cs | | | | | | InputBindingCompositeContext.cs.meta | | | | | | InputBindingResolver.cs | | | | | | InputBindingResolver.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlScheme.cs | | | | | | InputControlScheme.cs.meta | | | | | | InputInteractionContext.cs | | | | | | InputInteractionContext.cs.meta | | | | | | Interactions.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Composites | | | | | | AxisComposite.cs | | | | | | AxisComposite.cs.meta | | | | | | ButtonWithOneModifier.cs | | | | | | ButtonWithOneModifier.cs.meta | | | | | | ButtonWithTwoModifiers.cs | | | | | | ButtonWithTwoModifiers.cs.meta | | | | | | OneModifierComposite.cs | | | | | | OneModifierComposite.cs.meta | | | | | | TwoModifiersComposite.cs | | | | | | TwoModifiersComposite.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector2Composite.cs | | | | | | Vector2Composite.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector3Composite.cs | | | | | | Vector3Composite.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Interactions | | | | | HoldInteraction.cs | | | | | HoldInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | MultiTapInteraction.cs | | | | | MultiTapInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | PressInteraction.cs | | | | | PressInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | SlowTapInteraction.cs | | | | | SlowTapInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | TapInteraction.cs | | | | | TapInteraction.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Controls | | | | | | AnyKeyControl.cs | | | | | | AnyKeyControl.cs.meta | | | | | | AxisControl.cs | | | | | | AxisControl.cs.meta | | | | | | ButtonControl.cs | | | | | | ButtonControl.cs.meta | | | | | | CommonUsages.cs | | | | | | CommonUsages.cs.meta | | | | | | DeltaControl.cs | | | | | | DeltaControl.cs.meta | | | | | | DiscreteButtonControl.cs | | | | | | DiscreteButtonControl.cs.meta | | | | | | DoubleControl.cs | | | | | | DoubleControl.cs.meta | | | | | | DpadControl.cs | | | | | | DpadControl.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControl.cs | | | | | | InputControl.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlAttribute.cs | | | | | | InputControlAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlExtensions.cs | | | | | | InputControlExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlLayout.cs | | | | | | InputControlLayout.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlLayoutAttribute.cs | | | | | | InputControlLayoutAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlLayoutChange.cs | | | | | | InputControlLayoutChange.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlList.cs | | | | | | InputControlList.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlPath.cs | | | | | | InputControlPath.cs.meta | | | | | | InputProcessor.cs | | | | | | InputProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | | IntegerControl.cs | | | | | | IntegerControl.cs.meta | | | | | | KeyControl.cs | | | | | | KeyControl.cs.meta | | | | | | Processors.meta | | | | | | QuaternionControl.cs | | | | | | QuaternionControl.cs.meta | | | | | | StickControl.cs | | | | | | StickControl.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchControl.cs | | | | | | TouchControl.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchPhaseControl.cs | | | | | | TouchPhaseControl.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchPressControl.cs | | | | | | TouchPressControl.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector2Control.cs | | | | | | Vector2Control.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector3Control.cs | | | | | | Vector3Control.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Processors | | | | | AxisDeadzoneProcessor.cs | | | | | AxisDeadzoneProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | ClampProcessor.cs | | | | | ClampProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | CompensateDirectionProcessor.cs | | | | | CompensateDirectionProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | CompensateRotationProcessor.cs | | | | | CompensateRotationProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | EditorWindowSpaceProcessor.cs | | | | | EditorWindowSpaceProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | InvertProcessor.cs | | | | | InvertProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | InvertVector2Processor.cs | | | | | InvertVector2Processor.cs.meta | | | | | InvertVector3Processor.cs | | | | | InvertVector3Processor.cs.meta | | | | | NormalizeProcessor.cs | | | | | NormalizeProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | NormalizeVector2Processor.cs | | | | | NormalizeVector2Processor.cs.meta | | | | | NormalizeVector3Processor.cs | | | | | NormalizeVector3Processor.cs.meta | | | | | ScaleProcessor.cs | | | | | ScaleProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | ScaleVector2Processor.cs | | | | | ScaleVector2Processor.cs.meta | | | | | ScaleVector3Processor.cs | | | | | ScaleVector3Processor.cs.meta | | | | | StickDeadzoneProcessor.cs | | | | | StickDeadzoneProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Devices | | | | | | Commands.meta | | | | | | Gamepad.cs | | | | | | Gamepad.cs.meta | | | | | | Haptics.meta | | | | | | ICustomDeviceReset.cs | | | | | | ICustomDeviceReset.cs.meta | | | | | | IEventMerger.cs | | | | | | IEventMerger.cs.meta | | | | | | IEventPreProcessor.cs | | | | | | IEventPreProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | | IInputUpdateCallbackReceiver.cs | | | | | | IInputUpdateCallbackReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDevice.cs | | | | | | InputDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceBuilder.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceBuilder.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceChange.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceChange.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceDescription.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceDescription.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceMatcher.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceMatcher.cs.meta | | | | | | ITextInputReceiver.cs | | | | | | ITextInputReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | Joystick.cs | | | | | | Joystick.cs.meta | | | | | | Keyboard.cs | | | | | | Keyboard.cs.meta | | | | | | Mouse.cs | | | | | | Mouse.cs.meta | | | | | | Pen.cs | | | | | | Pen.cs.meta | | | | | | Pointer.cs | | | | | | Pointer.cs.meta | | | | | | Precompiled.meta | | | | | | Remote.meta | | | | | | Sensor.cs | | | | | | Sensor.cs.meta | | | | | | Touchscreen.cs | | | | | | Touchscreen.cs.meta | | | | | | TrackedDevice.cs | | | | | | TrackedDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Commands | | | | | | DisableDeviceCommand.cs | | | | | | DisableDeviceCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | EnableDeviceCommand.cs | | | | | | EnableDeviceCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | EnableIMECompositionCommand.cs | | | | | | EnableIMECompositionCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | IInputDeviceCommandInfo.cs | | | | | | IInputDeviceCommandInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | InitiateUserAccountPairingCommand.cs | | | | | | InitiateUserAccountPairingCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceCommand.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryCanRunInBackground.cs | | | | | | QueryCanRunInBackground.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryDimensionsCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryDimensionsCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryEditorWindowCoordinatesCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryEditorWindowCoordinatesCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryEnabledStateCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryEnabledStateCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryKeyboardLayoutCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryKeyboardLayoutCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryKeyNameCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryKeyNameCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryPairedUserAccountCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryPairedUserAccountCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QuerySamplingFrequencyCommand.cs | | | | | | QuerySamplingFrequencyCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | QueryUserIdCommand.cs | | | | | | QueryUserIdCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | RequestResetCommand.cs | | | | | | RequestResetCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | RequestSyncCommand.cs | | | | | | RequestSyncCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | SetIMECursorPositionCommand.cs | | | | | | SetIMECursorPositionCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | SetSamplingFrequencyCommand.cs | | | | | | SetSamplingFrequencyCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | UseWindowsGamingInputCommand.cs | | | | | | UseWindowsGamingInputCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | WarpMousePositionCommand.cs | | | | | | WarpMousePositionCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Haptics | | | | | | DualMotorRumble.cs | | | | | | DualMotorRumble.cs.meta | | | | | | DualMotorRumbleCommand.cs | | | | | | DualMotorRumbleCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | IDualMotorRumble.cs | | | | | | IDualMotorRumble.cs.meta | | | | | | IHaptics.cs | | | | | | IHaptics.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Precompiled | | | | | | FastKeyboard.cs | | | | | | FastKeyboard.cs.meta | | | | | | FastMouse.cs | | | | | | FastMouse.cs.meta | | | | | | FastMouse.partial.cs | | | | | | FastMouse.partial.cs.meta | | | | | | FastTouchscreen.cs | | | | | | FastTouchscreen.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Remote | | | | | InputRemoting.cs | | | | | InputRemoting.cs.meta | | | | | RemoteInputPlayerConnection.cs | | | | | RemoteInputPlayerConnection.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | | AssetEditor.meta | | | | | | AssetImporter.meta | | | | | | BuildPipeline.meta | | | | | | ControlPicker.meta | | | | | | Debugger.meta | | | | | | DeviceSimulator.meta | | | | | | DownloadableSample.cs | | | | | | DownloadableSample.cs.meta | | | | | | EditorInputControlLayoutCache.cs | | | | | | EditorInputControlLayoutCache.cs.meta | | | | | | Icons.meta | | | | | | InputDiagnostics.cs | | | | | | InputDiagnostics.cs.meta | | | | | | InputLayoutCodeGenerator.cs | | | | | | InputLayoutCodeGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | InputParameterEditor.cs | | | | | | InputParameterEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | Internal.meta | | | | | | PropertyDrawers.meta | | | | | | Settings.meta | | | | | | UITKAssetEditor.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---AssetEditor | | | | | | | InputActionAssetManager.cs | | | | | | | InputActionAssetManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionEditorToolbar.cs | | | | | | | InputActionEditorToolbar.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionEditorWindow.cs | | | | | | | InputActionEditorWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionPropertiesView.cs | | | | | | | InputActionPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionTreeView.cs | | | | | | | InputActionTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionTreeViewItems.cs | | | | | | | InputActionTreeViewItems.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputBindingPropertiesView.cs | | | | | | | InputBindingPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | | | NameAndParameterListView.cs | | | | | | | NameAndParameterListView.cs.meta | | | | | | | ParameterListView.cs | | | | | | | ParameterListView.cs.meta | | | | | | | PropertiesViewBase.cs | | | | | | | PropertiesViewBase.cs.meta | | | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Resources | | | | | | | blue.png | | | | | | | blue.png.meta | | | | | | | green.png | | | | | | | green.png.meta | | | | | | | personal.meta | | | | | | | pink.png | | | | | | | pink.png.meta | | | | | | | pro.meta | | | | | | | yellow.png | | | | | | | yellow.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---personal | | | | | | | actionTreeBackground.png | | | | | | | actionTreeBackground.png.meta | | | | | | | actionTreeBackgroundWithoutBorder.png | | | | | | | actionTreeBackgroundWithoutBorder.png.meta | | | | | | | foldoutBackground.png | | | | | | | foldoutBackground.png.meta | | | | | | | propertiesBackground.png | | | | | | | propertiesBackground.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---pro | | | | | | actionTreeBackground.png | | | | | | actionTreeBackground.png.meta | | | | | | actionTreeBackgroundWithoutBorder.png | | | | | | actionTreeBackgroundWithoutBorder.png.meta | | | | | | foldoutBackground.png | | | | | | foldoutBackground.png.meta | | | | | | propertiesBackground.png | | | | | | propertiesBackground.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---AssetImporter | | | | | | InputActionAssetEditor.cs | | | | | | InputActionAssetEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionCodeGenerator.cs | | | | | | InputActionCodeGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionImporter.cs | | | | | | InputActionImporter.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionImporterEditor.cs | | | | | | InputActionImporterEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---BuildPipeline | | | | | | LinkFileGenerator.cs | | | | | | LinkFileGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---ControlPicker | | | | | | | IInputControlPickerLayout.cs | | | | | | | IInputControlPickerLayout.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlDropdownItem.cs | | | | | | | InputControlDropdownItem.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlPathEditor.cs | | | | | | | InputControlPathEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlPicker.cs | | | | | | | InputControlPicker.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlPickerDropdown.cs | | | | | | | InputControlPickerDropdown.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlPickerState.cs | | | | | | | InputControlPickerState.cs.meta | | | | | | | Layouts.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Layouts | | | | | | DefaultInputControlPickerLayout.cs | | | | | | DefaultInputControlPickerLayout.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchscreenControlPickerLayout.cs | | | | | | TouchscreenControlPickerLayout.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Debugger | | | | | | InputActionDebuggerWindow.cs | | | | | | InputActionDebuggerWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDebuggerWindow.cs | | | | | | InputDebuggerWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | InputDeviceDebuggerWindow.cs | | | | | | InputDeviceDebuggerWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---DeviceSimulator | | | | | | InputSystemPlugin.cs | | | | | | InputSystemPlugin.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Icons | | | | | | Add Binding.png | | | | | | Add Binding.png.meta | | | | | | Add Binding@2x.png | | | | | | Add Binding@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Add Binding@3x.png | | | | | | Add Binding@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Add Binding@4x.png | | | | | | Add Binding@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Axis.png | | | | | | Axis.png.meta | | | | | | Axis@2x.png | | | | | | Axis@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Axis@3x.png | | | | | | Axis@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Axis@4x.png | | | | | | Axis@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Button.png | | | | | | Button.png.meta | | | | | | Button@2x.png | | | | | | Button@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Button@4x.png | | | | | | Button@4x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronDown.png | | | | | | ChevronDown.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronDown@2x.png | | | | | | ChevronDown@2x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronDown@3x.png | | | | | | ChevronDown@3x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronDown@4x.png | | | | | | ChevronDown@4x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronUp.png | | | | | | ChevronUp.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronUp@2x.png | | | | | | ChevronUp@2x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronUp@3x.png | | | | | | ChevronUp@3x.png.meta | | | | | | ChevronUp@4x.png | | | | | | ChevronUp@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Dpad.png | | | | | | Dpad.png.meta | | | | | | Dpad@2x.png | | | | | | Dpad@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Dpad@3x.png | | | | | | Dpad@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Dpad@4x.png | | | | | | Dpad@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Add Binding.png | | | | | | d_Add Binding.png.meta | | | | | | d_Add Binding@2x.png | | | | | | d_Add Binding@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Add Binding@3x.png | | | | | | d_Add Binding@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Add Binding@4x.png | | | | | | d_Add Binding@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Axis.png | | | | | | d_Axis.png.meta | | | | | | d_Axis@2x.png | | | | | | d_Axis@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Axis@3x.png | | | | | | d_Axis@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Axis@4x.png | | | | | | d_Axis@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Button.png | | | | | | d_Button.png.meta | | | | | | d_Button@2x.png | | | | | | d_Button@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Button@4x.png | | | | | | d_Button@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronDown.png | | | | | | d_ChevronDown.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@2x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@3x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@4x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronDown@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronUp.png | | | | | | d_ChevronUp.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@2x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@3x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@4x.png | | | | | | d_ChevronUp@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Dpad.png | | | | | | d_Dpad.png.meta | | | | | | d_Dpad@2x.png | | | | | | d_Dpad@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Dpad@3x.png | | | | | | d_Dpad@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Dpad@4x.png | | | | | | d_Dpad@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Gamepad.png | | | | | | d_Gamepad.png.meta | | | | | | d_Gamepad@2x.png | | | | | | d_Gamepad@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Gamepad@3x.png | | | | | | d_Gamepad@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Gamepad@4x.png | | | | | | d_Gamepad@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_InputControl.png | | | | | | d_InputControl.png.meta | | | | | | d_InputControl@2x.png | | | | | | d_InputControl@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_InputControl@4x.png | | | | | | d_InputControl@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding.png | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding.png.meta | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@2x.png | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@3x.png | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@4x.png | | | | | | d_Interactive Binding@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Joystick.png | | | | | | d_Joystick.png.meta | | | | | | d_Joystick@2x.png | | | | | | d_Joystick@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Joystick@3x.png | | | | | | d_Joystick@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Joystick@4x.png | | | | | | d_Joystick@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Keyboard.png | | | | | | d_Keyboard.png.meta | | | | | | d_Keyboard@2x.png | | | | | | d_Keyboard@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Keyboard@3x.png | | | | | | d_Keyboard@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Keyboard@4x.png | | | | | | d_Keyboard@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Mouse.png | | | | | | d_Mouse.png.meta | | | | | | d_Mouse@2x.png | | | | | | d_Mouse@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Mouse@3x.png | | | | | | d_Mouse@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Mouse@4x.png | | | | | | d_Mouse@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Orientation.png | | | | | | d_Orientation.png.meta | | | | | | d_Orientation@2x.png | | | | | | d_Orientation@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Orientation@3x.png | | | | | | d_Orientation@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Orientation@4x.png | | | | | | d_Orientation@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Pen.png | | | | | | d_Pen.png.meta | | | | | | d_Pen@2x.png | | | | | | d_Pen@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Pen@3x.png | | | | | | d_Pen@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Pen@4x.png | | | | | | d_Pen@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Position.png | | | | | | d_Position.png.meta | | | | | | d_Position@2x.png | | | | | | d_Position@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Position@3x.png | | | | | | d_Position@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Position@4x.png | | | | | | d_Position@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Stick.png | | | | | | d_Stick.png.meta | | | | | | d_Stick@2x.png | | | | | | d_Stick@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Stick@3x.png | | | | | | d_Stick@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Stick@4x.png | | | | | | d_Stick@4x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Touch.png | | | | | | d_Touch.png.meta | | | | | | d_Touch@2x.png | | | | | | d_Touch@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Touch@3x.png | | | | | | d_Touch@3x.png.meta | | | | | | d_Touch@4x.png | | | | | | d_Touch@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Gamepad.png | | | | | | Gamepad.png.meta | | | | | | Gamepad@2x.png | | | | | | Gamepad@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Gamepad@3x.png | | | | | | Gamepad@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Gamepad@4x.png | | | | | | Gamepad@4x.png.meta | | | | | | InputAction.png | | | | | | InputAction.png.meta | | | | | | InputActionAsset.png | | | | | | InputActionAsset.png.meta | | | | | | InputControl.png | | | | | | InputControl.png.meta | | | | | | InputControl@2x.png | | | | | | InputControl@2x.png.meta | | | | | | InputControl@4x.png | | | | | | InputControl@4x.png.meta | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModule@64.png | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModule@64.png.meta | | | | | | Interactive Binding.png | | | | | | Interactive Binding.png.meta | | | | | | Interactive Binding@2x.png | | | | | | Interactive Binding@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Interactive Binding@3x.png | | | | | | Interactive Binding@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Interactive Binding@4x.png | | | | | | Interactive Binding@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Joystick.png | | | | | | Joystick.png.meta | | | | | | Joystick@2x.png | | | | | | Joystick@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Joystick@3x.png | | | | | | Joystick@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Joystick@4x.png | | | | | | Joystick@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Keyboard.png | | | | | | Keyboard.png.meta | | | | | | Keyboard@2x.png | | | | | | Keyboard@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Keyboard@3x.png | | | | | | Keyboard@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Keyboard@4x.png | | | | | | Keyboard@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Mouse.png | | | | | | Mouse.png.meta | | | | | | Mouse@2x.png | | | | | | Mouse@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Mouse@3x.png | | | | | | Mouse@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Mouse@4x.png | | | | | | Mouse@4x.png.meta | | | | | | MultiplayerEventSystem@64.png | | | | | | MultiplayerEventSystem@64.png.meta | | | | | | Orientation.png | | | | | | Orientation.png.meta | | | | | | Orientation@2x.png | | | | | | Orientation@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Orientation@3x.png | | | | | | Orientation@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Orientation@4x.png | | | | | | Orientation@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Pen.png | | | | | | Pen.png.meta | | | | | | Pen@2x.png | | | | | | Pen@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Pen@3x.png | | | | | | Pen@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Pen@4x.png | | | | | | Pen@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Position.png | | | | | | Position.png.meta | | | | | | Position@2x.png | | | | | | Position@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Position@3x.png | | | | | | Position@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Position@4x.png | | | | | | Position@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Stick.png | | | | | | Stick.png.meta | | | | | | Stick@2x.png | | | | | | Stick@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Stick@3x.png | | | | | | Stick@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Stick@4x.png | | | | | | Stick@4x.png.meta | | | | | | Touch.png | | | | | | Touch.png.meta | | | | | | Touch@2x.png | | | | | | Touch@2x.png.meta | | | | | | Touch@3x.png | | | | | | Touch@3x.png.meta | | | | | | Touch@4x.png | | | | | | Touch@4x.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver.png | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver@2x.png | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver@2x.png.meta | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver@4x.png | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver@4x.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Internal | | | | | | | AdvancedDropdown.meta | | | | | | | EditorHelpers.cs | | | | | | | EditorHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | | GUIHelpers.cs | | | | | | | GUIHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputActionSerializationHelpers.cs | | | | | | | InputActionSerializationHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputControlTreeView.cs | | | | | | | InputControlTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputEventTreeView.cs | | | | | | | InputEventTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | InputStateWindow.cs | | | | | | | InputStateWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | SerializedPropertyHelpers.cs | | | | | | | SerializedPropertyHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | | SerializedPropertyLinqExtensions.cs | | | | | | | SerializedPropertyLinqExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | | TreeViewHelpers.cs | | | | | | | TreeViewHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---AdvancedDropdown | | | | | | AdvancedDropdown.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdown.cs.meta | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownDataSource.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownDataSource.cs.meta | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownGUI.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownGUI.cs.meta | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownItem.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownItem.cs.meta | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownState.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownState.cs.meta | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownWindow.cs | | | | | | AdvancedDropdownWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | CallbackDataSource.cs | | | | | | CallbackDataSource.cs.meta | | | | | | MultiLevelDataSource.cs | | | | | | MultiLevelDataSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---PropertyDrawers | | | | | | InputActionDrawer.cs | | | | | | InputActionDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionDrawerBase.cs | | | | | | InputActionDrawerBase.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionMapDrawer.cs | | | | | | InputActionMapDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | InputActionPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | InputControlPathDrawer.cs | | | | | | InputControlPathDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Settings | | | | | | EditorPlayerSettingHelpers.cs | | | | | | EditorPlayerSettingHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | | InputEditorUserSettings.cs | | | | | | InputEditorUserSettings.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSettingsBuildProvider.cs | | | | | | InputSettingsBuildProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSettingsProvider.cs | | | | | | InputSettingsProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---UITKAssetEditor | | | | | | Commands.meta | | | | | | EnumerableExtensions.cs | | | | | | EnumerableExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | ExpressionUtils.cs | | | | | | ExpressionUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditorConstants.cs | | | | | | InputActionsEditorConstants.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditorSettingsProvider.cs | | | | | | InputActionsEditorSettingsProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditorState.cs | | | | | | InputActionsEditorState.cs.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditorWindow.cs | | | | | | InputActionsEditorWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | ReactiveProperty.cs | | | | | | ReactiveProperty.cs.meta | | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | | SerializedInputAction.cs | | | | | | SerializedInputAction.cs.meta | | | | | | SerializedInputActionMap.cs | | | | | | SerializedInputActionMap.cs.meta | | | | | | SerializedInputBinding.cs | | | | | | SerializedInputBinding.cs.meta | | | | | | StateContainer.cs | | | | | | StateContainer.cs.meta | | | | | | Views.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Commands | | | | | | Commands.cs | | | | | | Commands.cs.meta | | | | | | ControlSchemeCommands.cs | | | | | | ControlSchemeCommands.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Resources | | | | | | BindingPanelRowTemplate.uxml | | | | | | BindingPanelRowTemplate.uxml.meta | | | | | | CompositeBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml | | | | | | CompositeBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml.meta | | | | | | CompositePartBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml | | | | | | CompositePartBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml.meta | | | | | | ControlSchemeEditor.uxml | | | | | | ControlSchemeEditor.uxml.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditor.uxml | | | | | | InputActionsEditor.uxml.meta | | | | | | InputActionsEditorStyles.uss | | | | | | InputActionsEditorStyles.uss.meta | | | | | | InputActionsTreeViewItem.uxml | | | | | | InputActionsTreeViewItem.uxml.meta | | | | | | InputAssetEditorDark.uss | | | | | | InputAssetEditorDark.uss.meta | | | | | | InputAssetEditorLight.uss | | | | | | InputAssetEditorLight.uss.meta | | | | | | NameAndParameterListViewItemTemplate.uxml | | | | | | NameAndParameterListViewItemTemplate.uxml.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Views | | | | | ActionMapsView.cs | | | | | ActionMapsView.cs.meta | | | | | ActionPropertiesView.cs | | | | | ActionPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | ActionsTreeView.cs | | | | | ActionsTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | BindingPropertiesView.cs | | | | | BindingPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | CompositeBindingPropertiesView.cs | | | | | CompositeBindingPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | CompositePartBindingPropertiesView.cs | | | | | CompositePartBindingPropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | ControlSchemesView.cs | | | | | ControlSchemesView.cs.meta | | | | | InputActionsEditorView.cs | | | | | InputActionsEditorView.cs.meta | | | | | InputActionsTreeViewItem.cs | | | | | InputActionsTreeViewItem.cs.meta | | | | | IViewStateCollection.cs | | | | | IViewStateCollection.cs.meta | | | | | NameAndParametersListView.cs | | | | | NameAndParametersListView.cs.meta | | | | | PropertiesView.cs | | | | | PropertiesView.cs.meta | | | | | Selectors.cs | | | | | Selectors.cs.meta | | | | | ViewBase.cs | | | | | ViewBase.cs.meta | | | | | ViewStateCollection.cs | | | | | ViewStateCollection.cs.meta | | | | | VisualElementExtensions.cs | | | | | VisualElementExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Events | | | | | ActionEvent.cs | | | | | ActionEvent.cs.meta | | | | | DeltaStateEvent.cs | | | | | DeltaStateEvent.cs.meta | | | | | DeviceConfigurationEvent.cs | | | | | DeviceConfigurationEvent.cs.meta | | | | | DeviceRemoveEvent.cs | | | | | DeviceRemoveEvent.cs.meta | | | | | DeviceResetEvent.cs | | | | | DeviceResetEvent.cs.meta | | | | | IInputEventTypeInfo.cs | | | | | IInputEventTypeInfo.cs.meta | | | | | IMECompositionEvent.cs | | | | | IMECompositionEvent.cs.meta | | | | | InputEvent.cs | | | | | InputEvent.cs.meta | | | | | InputEventBuffer.cs | | | | | InputEventBuffer.cs.meta | | | | | InputEventListener.cs | | | | | InputEventListener.cs.meta | | | | | InputEventPtr.cs | | | | | InputEventPtr.cs.meta | | | | | InputEventStream.cs | | | | | InputEventStream.cs.meta | | | | | InputEventTrace.cs | | | | | InputEventTrace.cs.meta | | | | | StateEvent.cs | | | | | StateEvent.cs.meta | | | | | TextEvent.cs | | | | | TextEvent.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Plugins | | | | | | Android.meta | | | | | | DualShock.meta | | | | | | EnhancedTouch.meta | | | | | | HID.meta | | | | | | InputForUI.meta | | | | | | iOS.meta | | | | | | Linux.meta | | | | | | OnScreen.meta | | | | | | OSX.meta | | | | | | PlayerInput.meta | | | | | | Steam.meta | | | | | | Switch.meta | | | | | | UI.meta | | | | | | UnityRemote.meta | | | | | | Users.meta | | | | | | WebGL.meta | | | | | | XInput.meta | | | | | | XR.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Android | | | | | | AndroidAxis.cs | | | | | | AndroidAxis.cs.meta | | | | | | AndroidGameController.cs | | | | | | AndroidGameController.cs.meta | | | | | | AndroidKeyCode.cs | | | | | | AndroidKeyCode.cs.meta | | | | | | AndroidSensors.cs | | | | | | AndroidSensors.cs.meta | | | | | | AndroidSupport.cs | | | | | | AndroidSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---DualShock | | | | | | DualShockGamepad.cs | | | | | | DualShockGamepad.cs.meta | | | | | | DualShockGamepadHID.cs | | | | | | DualShockGamepadHID.cs.meta | | | | | | DualShockSupport.cs | | | | | | DualShockSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | IDualShockHaptics.cs | | | | | | IDualShockHaptics.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---EnhancedTouch | | | | | | EnhancedTouchSupport.cs | | | | | | EnhancedTouchSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | Finger.cs | | | | | | Finger.cs.meta | | | | | | Touch.cs | | | | | | Touch.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchHistory.cs | | | | | | TouchHistory.cs.meta | | | | | | TouchSimulation.cs | | | | | | TouchSimulation.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---HID | | | | | | HID.cs | | | | | | HID.cs.meta | | | | | | HIDDescriptorWindow.cs | | | | | | HIDDescriptorWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | HIDParser.cs | | | | | | HIDParser.cs.meta | | | | | | HIDSupport.cs | | | | | | HIDSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---InputForUI | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSystemForUI.asmdef | | | | | | InputSystemForUI.asmdef.meta | | | | | | InputSystemProvider.cs | | | | | | InputSystemProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---iOS | | | | | | InputSettingsiOS.cs | | | | | | InputSettingsiOS.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSettingsiOSProvider.cs | | | | | | InputSettingsiOSProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | IOSGameController.cs | | | | | | IOSGameController.cs.meta | | | | | | iOSPostProcessBuild.cs | | | | | | iOSPostProcessBuild.cs.meta | | | | | | iOSStepCounter.cs | | | | | | iOSStepCounter.cs.meta | | | | | | iOSStepCounter.mm | | | | | | iOSStepCounter.mm.meta | | | | | | iOSSupport.cs | | | | | | iOSSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Linux | | | | | | LinuxSupport.cs | | | | | | LinuxSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | SDLDeviceBuilder.cs | | | | | | SDLDeviceBuilder.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---OnScreen | | | | | | OnScreenButton.cs | | | | | | OnScreenButton.cs.meta | | | | | | OnScreenControl.cs | | | | | | OnScreenControl.cs.meta | | | | | | OnScreenStick.cs | | | | | | OnScreenStick.cs.meta | | | | | | OnScreenSupport.cs | | | | | | OnScreenSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---OSX | | | | | | OSXGameController.cs | | | | | | OSXGameController.cs.meta | | | | | | OSXSupport.cs | | | | | | OSXSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---PlayerInput | | | | | | DefaultInputActions.cs | | | | | | DefaultInputActions.cs.meta | | | | | | DefaultInputActions.inputactions | | | | | | DefaultInputActions.inputactions.meta | | | | | | InputValue.cs | | | | | | InputValue.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerInput.cs | | | | | | PlayerInput.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerInputEditor.cs | | | | | | PlayerInputEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerInputManager.cs | | | | | | PlayerInputManager.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerInputManagerEditor.cs | | | | | | PlayerInputManagerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerJoinBehavior.cs | | | | | | PlayerJoinBehavior.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayerNotifications.cs | | | | | | PlayerNotifications.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Steam | | | | | | IStreamControllerAPI.cs | | | | | | IStreamControllerAPI.cs.meta | | | | | | SteamController.cs | | | | | | SteamController.cs.meta | | | | | | SteamControllerType.cs | | | | | | SteamControllerType.cs.meta | | | | | | SteamHandle.cs | | | | | | SteamHandle.cs.meta | | | | | | SteamIGAConverter.cs | | | | | | SteamIGAConverter.cs.meta | | | | | | SteamSupport.cs | | | | | | SteamSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Switch | | | | | | SwitchProControllerHID.cs | | | | | | SwitchProControllerHID.cs.meta | | | | | | SwitchSupportHID.cs | | | | | | SwitchSupportHID.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---UI | | | | | | BaseInputOverride.cs | | | | | | BaseInputOverride.cs.meta | | | | | | ExtendedAxisEventData.cs | | | | | | ExtendedAxisEventData.cs.meta | | | | | | ExtendedPointerEventData.cs | | | | | | ExtendedPointerEventData.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModule.cs | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModule.cs.meta | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModuleEditor.cs | | | | | | InputSystemUIInputModuleEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | MultiplayerEventSystem.cs | | | | | | MultiplayerEventSystem.cs.meta | | | | | | NavigationModel.cs | | | | | | NavigationModel.cs.meta | | | | | | PointerModel.cs | | | | | | PointerModel.cs.meta | | | | | | StandaloneInputModuleEditor.cs | | | | | | StandaloneInputModuleEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | TrackedDeviceRaycaster.cs | | | | | | TrackedDeviceRaycaster.cs.meta | | | | | | UISupport.cs | | | | | | UISupport.cs.meta | | | | | | VirtualMouseInput.cs | | | | | | VirtualMouseInput.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---UnityRemote | | | | | | UnityRemoteSupport.cs | | | | | | UnityRemoteSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Users | | | | | | InputUser.cs | | | | | | InputUser.cs.meta | | | | | | InputUserAccountHandle.cs | | | | | | InputUserAccountHandle.cs.meta | | | | | | InputUserChange.cs | | | | | | InputUserChange.cs.meta | | | | | | InputUserPairingOptions.cs | | | | | | InputUserPairingOptions.cs.meta | | | | | | InputUserSettings.cs | | | | | | InputUserSettings.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---WebGL | | | | | | WebGLGamepad.cs | | | | | | WebGLGamepad.cs.meta | | | | | | WebGLJoystick.cs | | | | | | WebGLJoystick.cs.meta | | | | | | WebGLSupport.cs | | | | | | WebGLSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---XInput | | | | | | IXboxOneRumble.cs | | | | | | IXboxOneRumble.cs.meta | | | | | | XboxGamepadMacOS.cs | | | | | | XboxGamepadMacOS.cs.meta | | | | | | XInputController.cs | | | | | | XInputController.cs.meta | | | | | | XInputControllerWindows.cs | | | | | | XInputControllerWindows.cs.meta | | | | | | XInputSupport.cs | | | | | | XInputSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---XR | | | | | | Controls.meta | | | | | | Devices.meta | | | | | | GenericXRDevice.cs | | | | | | GenericXRDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | Haptics.meta | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver.cs | | | | | | TrackedPoseDriver.cs.meta | | | | | | XRLayoutBuilder.cs | | | | | | XRLayoutBuilder.cs.meta | | | | | | XRSupport.cs | | | | | | XRSupport.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Controls | | | | | | PoseControl.cs | | | | | | PoseControl.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Devices | | | | | | GoogleVR.cs | | | | | | GoogleVR.cs.meta | | | | | | Oculus.cs | | | | | | Oculus.cs.meta | | | | | | OpenVR.cs | | | | | | OpenVR.cs.meta | | | | | | WindowsMR.cs | | | | | | WindowsMR.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Haptics | | | | | BufferedRumble.cs | | | | | BufferedRumble.cs.meta | | | | | GetCurrentHapticStateCommand.cs | | | | | GetCurrentHapticStateCommand.cs.meta | | | | | GetHapticCapabilitiesCommand.cs | | | | | GetHapticCapabilitiesCommand.cs.meta | | | | | SendBufferedHapticsCommand.cs | | | | | SendBufferedHapticsCommand.cs.meta | | | | | SendHapticImpulseCommand.cs | | | | | SendHapticImpulseCommand.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---State | | | | | IInputStateCallbackReceiver.cs | | | | | IInputStateCallbackReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | IInputStateChangeMonitor.cs | | | | | IInputStateChangeMonitor.cs.meta | | | | | IInputStateTypeInfo.cs | | | | | IInputStateTypeInfo.cs.meta | | | | | InputState.cs | | | | | InputState.cs.meta | | | | | InputStateBlock.cs | | | | | InputStateBlock.cs.meta | | | | | InputStateBuffers.cs | | | | | InputStateBuffers.cs.meta | | | | | InputStateHistory.cs | | | | | InputStateHistory.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | | | ArrayHelpers.cs | | | | | ArrayHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | CallbackArray.cs | | | | | CallbackArray.cs.meta | | | | | Comparers.cs | | | | | Comparers.cs.meta | | | | | CSharpCodeHelpers.cs | | | | | CSharpCodeHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | DelegateHelpers.cs | | | | | DelegateHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | DisplayStringFormatAttribute.cs | | | | | DisplayStringFormatAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | DynamicBitfield.cs | | | | | DynamicBitfield.cs.meta | | | | | ExceptionHelpers.cs | | | | | ExceptionHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | FourCC.cs | | | | | FourCC.cs.meta | | | | | InlinedArray.cs | | | | | InlinedArray.cs.meta | | | | | InternedString.cs | | | | | InternedString.cs.meta | | | | | JsonParser.cs | | | | | JsonParser.cs.meta | | | | | MemoryHelpers.cs | | | | | MemoryHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | MiscHelpers.cs | | | | | MiscHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | NameAndParameters.cs | | | | | NameAndParameters.cs.meta | | | | | NamedValue.cs | | | | | NamedValue.cs.meta | | | | | NumberHelpers.cs | | | | | NumberHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | Observables.meta | | | | | OneOrMore.cs | | | | | OneOrMore.cs.meta | | | | | PredictiveParser.cs | | | | | PredictiveParser.cs.meta | | | | | PrimitiveValue.cs | | | | | PrimitiveValue.cs.meta | | | | | ReadOnlyArray.cs | | | | | ReadOnlyArray.cs.meta | | | | | SavedState.cs | | | | | SavedState.cs.meta | | | | | SpriteUtilities.cs | | | | | SpriteUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | StringHelpers.cs | | | | | StringHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | Substring.cs | | | | | Substring.cs.meta | | | | | TypeHelpers.cs | | | | | TypeHelpers.cs.meta | | | | | TypeTable.cs | | | | | TypeTable.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Observables | | | | ForDeviceEventObservable.cs | | | | ForDeviceEventObservable.cs.meta | | | | Observable.cs | | | | Observable.cs.meta | | | | Observer.cs | | | | Observer.cs.meta | | | | SelectManyObservable.cs | | | | SelectManyObservable.cs.meta | | | | SelectObservable.cs | | | | SelectObservable.cs.meta | | | | TakeNObservable.cs | | | | TakeNObservable.cs.meta | | | | WhereObservable.cs | | | | WhereObservable.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | IntegrationTests.meta | | | | TestFixture.meta | | | | | | | +---IntegrationTests | | | | IntegrationTests.cs | | | | IntegrationTests.cs.meta | | | | Unity.InputSystem.IntegrationTests.asmdef | | | | Unity.InputSystem.IntegrationTests.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---TestFixture | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | InputTestFixture.cs | | | InputTestFixture.cs.meta | | | InputTestRuntime.cs | | | InputTestRuntime.cs.meta | | | Unity.InputSystem.TestFramework.asmdef | | | Unity.InputSystem.TestFramework.asmdef.meta | | | WinUserInput.cs | | | WinUserInput.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.live-capture@4.0.0 | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | EditorBridge.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | Networking.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | RuntimeBridge.meta | | | | Third Party Notices.md | | | | Third Party Notices.md.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | | capture-device-setup-actor.md | | | | | capture-device-setup-create-device.md | | | | | capture-device-setup.md | | | | | connection-device.md | | | | | connection-network.md | | | | | connection.md | | | | | data-capture-process.md | | | | | face-capture-app-ui-settings.md | | | | | face-capture-app-ui.md | | | | | face-capture-components.md | | | | | face-capture-editor-settings.md | | | | | face-capture-features.md | | | | | face-capture-getting-started.md | | | | | face-capture-mapping-evaluator.md | | | | | face-capture-presets.md | | | | | face-capture-recommendations.md | | | | | face-capture-record-takes.md | | | | | face-capture.md | | | | | filter.yml | | | | | genlock.md | | | | | index.md | | | | | installation.md | | | | | known-issues-limitations.md | | | | | ref-asset-aspect-ratio-presets.md | | | | | ref-asset-lens-kit.md | | | | | ref-asset-sensor-presets.md | | | | | ref-asset-shot-library.md | | | | | ref-component-arkit-default-face-mapper.md | | | | | ref-component-arkit-face-actor.md | | | | | ref-component-arkit-face-device.md | | | | | ref-component-cinemachine-camera-driver.md | | | | | ref-component-depth-of-field.md | | | | | ref-component-field-of-view-to-focal-length.md | | | | | ref-component-focus-plane-renderer.md | | | | | ref-component-frame-lines.md | | | | | ref-component-lens-distortion.md | | | | | ref-component-ltc-timecode-source.md | | | | | ref-component-mocap-group.md | | | | | ref-component-ntp-timecode-source.md | | | | | ref-component-overscan.md | | | | | ref-component-physical-camera-driver.md | | | | | ref-component-shared-volume-profile.md | | | | | ref-component-shot-player.md | | | | | ref-component-system-clock-timecode-source.md | | | | | ref-component-timecode-post-processor.md | | | | | ref-component-timecode-synchronizer.md | | | | | ref-component-timecode.md | | | | | ref-component-transform-capture-device.md | | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-actor.md | | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device.md | | | | | ref-project-settings-main.md | | | | | ref-project-settings-snapshots.md | | | | | ref-user-preferences-video-server.md | | | | | ref-window-connections.md | | | | | ref-window-data-source-details.md | | | | | ref-window-synchronization.md | | | | | ref-window-take-recorder.md | | | | | TableOfContents.md | | | | | take-system-iterative-recording.md | | | | | take-system-recording.md | | | | | take-system-shots-in-library.md | | | | | take-system-shots-in-timeline.md | | | | | take-system.md | | | | | timecode-synchronization-components.md | | | | | timecode-synchronization-getting-started.md | | | | | timecode-synchronization.md | | | | | troubleshooting.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-infobar.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-lens.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-settings.md | | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui.md | | | | | virtual-camera-components.md | | | | | virtual-camera-editor-settings.md | | | | | virtual-camera-features.md | | | | | virtual-camera-getting-started.md | | | | | virtual-camera-lenses.md | | | | | virtual-camera-presets.md | | | | | virtual-camera-recommendations.md | | | | | virtual-camera-record-play-takes.md | | | | | virtual-camera-snapshots.md | | | | | virtual-camera-workflow.md | | | | | virtual-camera.md | | | | | | | | | \---images | | | | app-store-badge.png | | | | face-capture-app-ui-main.png | | | | face-capture-curve-evaluator.png | | | | face-capture-mapper-blendshape.png | | | | face-capture-mapping-inspector.png | | | | face-capture-settings.png | | | | face-capture-simple-evaluator.png | | | | firewall-advanced-settings.png | | | | firewall-inbound-rules.png | | | | firewall-new-rule.png | | | | focus-plane-reference.png | | | | format-mask-reference.png | | | | network-private.png | | | | network-wifi.png | | | | network-windows-settings.png | | | | optimal-editor-layout.png | | | | ref-asset-aspect-ratio-presets.png | | | | ref-asset-lens-kit.png | | | | ref-asset-sensor-presets.png | | | | ref-asset-shot-library.png | | | | ref-component-arkit-face-actor.png | | | | ref-component-arkit-face-device.png | | | | ref-component-cinemachine-camera-driver.png | | | | ref-component-field-of-view-to-focal-length.png | | | | ref-component-focus-plane-renderer.png | | | | ref-component-frame-lines.png | | | | ref-component-lens-distortion-brown-conrady.png | | | | ref-component-ltc-timecode-source.png | | | | ref-component-ntp-timecode-source.png | | | | ref-component-overscan.png | | | | ref-component-physical-camera-driver.png | | | | ref-component-shot-player-2.png | | | | ref-component-shot-player.png | | | | ref-component-system-clock-timecode-source.png | | | | ref-component-timecode-synchronizer.png | | | | ref-component-timecode.png | | | | ref-component-transform-capture-device.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-actor.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-camera-body.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-keyframe-reduction.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-lens.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-settings.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-snapshots.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device-video-settings.png | | | | ref-component-virtual-camera-device.png | | | | ref-window-connections.png | | | | ref-window-data-source-details.png | | | | ref-window-preferences.png | | | | ref-window-project-settings-main.png | | | | ref-window-project-settings-snapshots.png | | | | ref-window-synchronization.png | | | | ref-window-take-recorder-live.png | | | | ref-window-take-recorder.png | | | | take-system-assets.png | | | | timecode-synchronization-concept.png | | | | trouble-shooting-actor-assignment.png | | | | trouble-shooting-capture-devices.png | | | | trouble-shooting-hierarchy.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-lens.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-main.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-camera-setup-damping.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-camera-setup-motion-scale.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-camera-setup-rotation.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-joysticks-setup.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-reset-ar-off.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-reset-ar-on.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion-reset.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-motion.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-live-mode.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-playback-mode-enter.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-playback-mode-exit.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-playback-mode.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-take-config-button-gear.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-take-config-button-lock.png | | | | virtual-camera-app-ui-recplay-take-config.png | | | | virtual-camera-camera-setup-damping.png | | | | virtual-camera-camera-setup-motion-scale.png | | | | virtual-camera-camera-setup-rotation.png | | | | virtual-camera-focal-length-panel.png | | | | virtual-camera-focus-aperture-af.png | | | | virtual-camera-focus-aperture-man.png | | | | virtual-camera-focus-mode.png | | | | virtual-camera-focus-reticle.png | | | | virtual-camera-information-bar-help.png | | | | virtual-camera-information-bar-left.png | | | | virtual-camera-information-bar-right.png | | | | virtual-camera-information-bar-settings.png | | | | virtual-camera-lens-controls.png | | | | virtual-camera-lens-intrinsics.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-camera-options.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-connection-disconnected.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-connection.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-ergonomic-tilt.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-lens-damping.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-main-view.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-recording-countdown.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings-timecode.png | | | | virtual-camera-settings.png | | | | virtual-camera-snapshot-inspector.png | | | | virtual-camera-take-library.png | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | ARKitFaceCapture.meta | | | | | CompanionApp.meta | | | | | Core.meta | | | | | Mocap.meta | | | | | | | | | +---ARKitFaceCapture | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | DefaultMapper.meta | | | | | | FaceActorEditor.cs | | | | | | FaceActorEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceBlendShapeGenerator.cs | | | | | | FaceBlendShapeGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceDeviceEditor.cs | | | | | | FaceDeviceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | Icons.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---DefaultMapper | | | | | | BlendShapeUtility.cs | | | | | | BlendShapeUtility.cs.meta | | | | | | DefaultFaceMapperEditor.cs | | | | | | DefaultFaceMapperEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | EvaluatorDrawer.cs | | | | | | EvaluatorDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | Mapping.cs | | | | | | Mapping.cs.meta | | | | | | MappingList.cs | | | | | | MappingList.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Icons | | | | | d_FaceActor@64.png | | | | | d_FaceActor@64.png.meta | | | | | d_FaceDevice@64.png | | | | | d_FaceDevice@64.png.meta | | | | | d_FaceMapperAsset@64.png | | | | | d_FaceMapperAsset@64.png.meta | | | | | FaceActor@64.png | | | | | FaceActor@64.png.meta | | | | | FaceDevice@64.png | | | | | FaceDevice@64.png.meta | | | | | FaceMapperAsset@64.png | | | | | FaceMapperAsset@64.png.meta | | | | | | | | | +---CompanionApp | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | CompanionAppDeviceEditor.cs | | | | | | CompanionAppDeviceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | CompanionAppRepaintManager.cs | | | | | | CompanionAppRepaintManager.cs.meta | | | | | | Connections.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Connections | | | | | ClientListElement.uxml | | | | | ClientListElement.uxml.meta | | | | | CompanionAppConnection.uss | | | | | CompanionAppConnection.uss.meta | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionEditor.cs | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionEditor.cs.meta | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionInfo.uxml | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionInfo.uxml.meta | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionSettings.uxml | | | | | CompanionAppConnectionSettings.uxml.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | CallbackInitializer.cs | | | | | | CallbackInitializer.cs.meta | | | | | | Connections.meta | | | | | | GettingStarted.meta | | | | | | Icons.meta | | | | | | Layouts.cs | | | | | | Layouts.cs.meta | | | | | | Layouts.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureInfoGenerator.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureInfoGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureSettingsProvider.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureSettingsProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveProperties.meta | | | | | | ShotLibrary.meta | | | | | | Synchronization.meta | | | | | | Take.meta | | | | | | TakeEditor.cs | | | | | | TakeEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeOrganizer.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorder.meta | | | | | | Timecode.meta | | | | | | TimelineIntegration.meta | | | | | | TimelineUtility.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Connections | | | | | | ConnectionEditor.cs | | | | | | ConnectionEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | ConnectionPanes.uxml | | | | | | ConnectionPanes.uxml.meta | | | | | | ConnectionsWindow.cs | | | | | | ConnectionsWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | ConnectionsWindow.uxml | | | | | | ConnectionsWindow.uxml.meta | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowCommon.uss | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowCommon.uss.meta | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowDark.uss | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowDark.uss.meta | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowLight.uss | | | | | | ConnectionsWindowLight.uss.meta | | | | | | ConnectionToolbar.uxml | | | | | | ConnectionToolbar.uxml.meta | | | | | | SwitchToggle.png | | | | | | SwitchToggle.png.meta | | | | | | ToggleKnob.png | | | | | | ToggleKnob.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---GettingStarted | | | | | | FaceCaptureQRCode.png | | | | | | FaceCaptureQRCode.png.meta | | | | | | GettingStarted.uss | | | | | | GettingStarted.uss.meta | | | | | | GettingStarted.uxml | | | | | | GettingStarted.uxml.meta | | | | | | GettingStartedWindow.cs | | | | | | GettingStartedWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureIcon.png | | | | | | LiveCaptureIcon.png.meta | | | | | | QRCode.uxml | | | | | | QRCode.uxml.meta | | | | | | QRCodeWindow.cs | | | | | | QRCodeWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | VirtualCameraQRCode.png | | | | | | VirtualCameraQRCode.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Icons | | | | | | d_Live@64.png | | | | | | d_Live@64.png.meta | | | | | | d_LiveCaptureConnectionWindow.png | | | | | | d_LiveCaptureConnectionWindow.png.meta | | | | | | d_LiveCaptureConnectionWindow@2x.png | | | | | | d_LiveCaptureConnectionWindow@2x.png.meta | | | | | | d_TakeAsset@64.png | | | | | | d_TakeAsset@64.png.meta | | | | | | d_TakeRecorder@64.png | | | | | | d_TakeRecorder@64.png.meta | | | | | | d_TakeRecorderTrack@64.png | | | | | | d_TakeRecorderTrack@64.png.meta | | | | | | d_TimelinePlayRange.png | | | | | | d_TimelinePlayRange.png.meta | | | | | | Live@64.png | | | | | | Live@64.png.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureConnectionWindow.png | | | | | | LiveCaptureConnectionWindow.png.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureConnectionWindow@2x.png | | | | | | LiveCaptureConnectionWindow@2x.png.meta | | | | | | StarFilled@2x.png | | | | | | StarFilled@2x.png.meta | | | | | | StarMixed@2x.png | | | | | | StarMixed@2x.png.meta | | | | | | StarOutline@2x.png | | | | | | StarOutline@2x.png.meta | | | | | | StopRecording@64.png | | | | | | StopRecording@64.png.meta | | | | | | TakeAsset@64.png | | | | | | TakeAsset@64.png.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorder@64.png | | | | | | TakeRecorder@64.png.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrack@64.png | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrack@64.png.meta | | | | | | winbtn_mac_close.png | | | | | | winbtn_mac_close.png.meta | | | | | | winbtn_mac_max.png | | | | | | winbtn_mac_max.png.meta | | | | | | winbtn_mac_min.png | | | | | | winbtn_mac_min.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Layouts | | | | | | Live Capture.wlt | | | | | | Live Capture.wlt.meta | | | | | | Synchronization.wlt | | | | | | Synchronization.wlt.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---LiveProperties | | | | | | LiveStreamCaptureDeviceEditor.cs | | | | | | LiveStreamCaptureDeviceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---ShotLibrary | | | | | | ShotLibraryDragAndDrop.cs | | | | | | ShotLibraryDragAndDrop.cs.meta | | | | | | ShotLibraryEditor.cs | | | | | | ShotLibraryEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | ShotPlayerEditor.cs | | | | | | ShotPlayerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Synchronization | | | | | | | FrameNumberDrawer.cs | | | | | | | FrameNumberDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | RefPropertyDrawers.cs | | | | | | | RefPropertyDrawers.cs.meta | | | | | | | RegisteredRefPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | | RegisteredRefPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | SourceAndStatusBundlePropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | | SourceAndStatusBundlePropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | SynchronizationWindow.cs | | | | | | | SynchronizationWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | SynchronizerEditor.cs | | | | | | | SynchronizerEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimecodeSources.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSources.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceViewerWindow.cs | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceViewerWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimecodeSources | | | | | | | | Ltc.meta | | | | | | | | Ntp.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Ltc | | | | | | | | LtcSourceEditor.cs | | | | | | | | LtcSourceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Ntp | | | | | | | NtpTimecodeSourceEditor.cs | | | | | | | NtpTimecodeSourceEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.Editor.asmdef | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---TimedDataSources | | | | | | TimedDataSourceDrawer.cs | | | | | | TimedDataSourceDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Take | | | | | | RatingPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | RatingPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeBindingDrawer.cs | | | | | | TakeBindingDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeBindingsEditor.cs | | | | | | TakeBindingsEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | TrackBindingEntryDrawer.cs | | | | | | TrackBindingEntryDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TakeOrganizer | | | | | | DirectoryTreeView.cs | | | | | | DirectoryTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | PreviewResizer.cs | | | | | | PreviewResizer.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeOrganizerPostProcessor.cs | | | | | | TakeOrganizerPostProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeOrganizerWindow.cs | | | | | | TakeOrganizerWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeTreeView.cs | | | | | | TakeTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TakeRecorder | | | | | | | ContextEditorAttribute.cs | | | | | | | ContextEditorAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | | ContextEditorCache.cs | | | | | | | ContextEditorCache.cs.meta | | | | | | | DefaultTreeView.cs | | | | | | | DefaultTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | DeviceTreeView.cs | | | | | | | DeviceTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | ShotEditor.cs | | | | | | | ShotEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | ShotPlayerContextEditor.cs | | | | | | | ShotPlayerContextEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | ShotPlayerContextProvider.cs | | | | | | | ShotPlayerContextProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextEditor.cs | | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextProvider.cs | | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindow.cs | | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimelineContextEditor.cs | | | | | | | TimelineContextEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimelineContextProvider.cs | | | | | | | TimelineContextProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimelineTreeView.cs | | | | | | | TimelineTreeView.cs.meta | | | | | | | UI.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---UI | | | | | | TakeOrganizerWindow.uxml | | | | | | TakeOrganizerWindow.uxml.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindow.uxml | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindow.uxml.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindowCommon.uss | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindowCommon.uss.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindowDark.uss | | | | | | TakeRecorderWindowDark.uss.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Timecode | | | | | | FrameRatePropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | FrameRatePropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | TimecodePropertyDrawer.cs | | | | | | TimecodePropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimelineIntegration | | | | | | SlatePlayableAssetClipEditor.cs | | | | | | SlatePlayableAssetClipEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | SlatePlayableAssetEditor.cs | | | | | | SlatePlayableAssetEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrackEditor.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrackEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimelineUtility | | | | | | CustomTimelineEditorCache.cs | | | | | | CustomTimelineEditorCache.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineExtensions.cs | | | | | | TimelineExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextExtensions.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextUtility.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextUtility.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyImpl.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyImpl.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineImpl.cs | | | | | | TimelineImpl.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | | | CompactList.cs | | | | | CompactList.cs.meta | | | | | EnumButtonGroupAttributeDrawer.cs | | | | | EnumButtonGroupAttributeDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | EnumExtensions.cs | | | | | EnumExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | EnumFlagButtonGroupAttributeDrawer.cs | | | | | EnumFlagButtonGroupAttributeDrawer.cs.meta | | | | | FirewallUtility.cs | | | | | FirewallUtility.cs.meta | | | | | GUIContentCompact.cs | | | | | GUIContentCompact.cs.meta | | | | | InspectorScope.cs | | | | | InspectorScope.cs.meta | | | | | LiveCaptureGUI.cs | | | | | LiveCaptureGUI.cs.meta | | | | | MenuUtility.cs | | | | | MenuUtility.cs.meta | | | | | ObjectCreatorUtilities.cs | | | | | ObjectCreatorUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | OptionSelectWindow.cs | | | | | OptionSelectWindow.cs.meta | | | | | SerializedPropertyExtensions.cs | | | | | SerializedPropertyExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | SettingsWindowGUIScope.cs | | | | | SettingsWindowGUIScope.cs.meta | | | | | ShowMixedValuesScope.cs | | | | | ShowMixedValuesScope.cs.meta | | | | | TreeViewExtensions.cs | | | | | TreeViewExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | UIToolkitUtility.cs | | | | | UIToolkitUtility.cs.meta | | | | | UniqueNameFormatter.cs | | | | | UniqueNameFormatter.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Mocap | | | | MocapDeviceEditor.cs | | | | MocapDeviceEditor.cs.meta | | | | MocapGroupEditor.cs | | | | MocapGroupEditor.cs.meta | | | | MocapRecorderPropertyDrawer.cs | | | | MocapRecorderPropertyDrawer.cs.meta | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | +---EditorBridge | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | EditorGUIUtilityInternal.cs | | | | EditorGUIUtilityInternal.cs.meta | | | | Unity.InternalAPIEditorBridge.011.asmdef | | | | Unity.InternalAPIEditorBridge.011.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | +---Networking | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | ChannelType.cs | | | | | ChannelType.cs.meta | | | | | DisconnectStatus.cs | | | | | DisconnectStatus.cs.meta | | | | | Discovery.meta | | | | | Implementation.meta | | | | | Message.cs | | | | | Message.cs.meta | | | | | Plugins.meta | | | | | Protocol.meta | | | | | Remote.cs | | | | | Remote.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Networking.asmdef | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Networking.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Discovery | | | | | | Constants.cs | | | | | | Constants.cs.meta | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | DiscoveryBase.cs | | | | | | DiscoveryBase.cs.meta | | | | | | DiscoveryClient.cs | | | | | | DiscoveryClient.cs.meta | | | | | | DiscoveryInfo.cs | | | | | | DiscoveryInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | DiscoveryServer.cs | | | | | | DiscoveryServer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | | RequestData.cs | | | | | RequestData.cs.meta | | | | | ServerData.cs | | | | | ServerData.cs.meta | | | | | ShutdownData.cs | | | | | ShutdownData.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Implementation | | | | | | Connection.cs | | | | | | Connection.cs.meta | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | NetworkBase.cs | | | | | | NetworkBase.cs.meta | | | | | | NetworkClient.cs | | | | | | NetworkClient.cs.meta | | | | | | NetworkServer.cs | | | | | | NetworkServer.cs.meta | | | | | | NetworkSocket.cs | | | | | | NetworkSocket.cs.meta | | | | | | Packet.cs | | | | | | Packet.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | | RemoteData.cs | | | | | RemoteData.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Native~ | | | | | \---NetworkListManager | | | | | COMUtilities.cpp | | | | | COMUtilities.h | | | | | NetworkListManager.cpp | | | | | NetworkListManager.h | | | | | NetworkListManager.vcxproj | | | | | NetworkListManager.vcxproj.filters | | | | | PublicInterface.cpp | | | | | Summary.png | | | | | Utilities.cpp | | | | | Utilities.h | | | | | | | | | +---Plugins | | | | | NetworkListManager.dll | | | | | NetworkListManager.dll.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Protocol | | | | | | MessageBase.cs | | | | | | MessageBase.cs.meta | | | | | | Protocol.cs | | | | | | Protocol.cs.meta | | | | | | ProtocolSerializer.cs | | | | | | ProtocolSerializer.cs.meta | | | | | | Receivers.meta | | | | | | Senders.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Receivers | | | | | | BinaryReceiver.cs | | | | | | BinaryReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | BoolReceiver.cs | | | | | | BoolReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | DataReceiver.cs | | | | | | DataReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | EventReceiver.cs | | | | | | EventReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | IDataReceiver.cs | | | | | | IDataReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | JsonReceiver.cs | | | | | | JsonReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | StringReceiver.cs | | | | | | StringReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | TextureReceiver.cs | | | | | | TextureReceiver.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Senders | | | | | BinarySender.cs | | | | | BinarySender.cs.meta | | | | | BoolSender.cs | | | | | BoolSender.cs.meta | | | | | DataSender.cs | | | | | DataSender.cs.meta | | | | | EventSender.cs | | | | | EventSender.cs.meta | | | | | IDataSender.cs | | | | | IDataSender.cs.meta | | | | | JsonSender.cs | | | | | JsonSender.cs.meta | | | | | StringSender.cs | | | | | StringSender.cs.meta | | | | | TextureSender.cs | | | | | TextureSender.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | | | BufferPool.cs | | | | | BufferPool.cs.meta | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | Extensions.meta | | | | | NetworkListManager.cs | | | | | NetworkListManager.cs.meta | | | | | NetworkUtilities.cs | | | | | NetworkUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | RecyclableMemoryStream.meta | | | | | SizeOfCache.cs | | | | | SizeOfCache.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Data | | | | | EndPointData.cs | | | | | EndPointData.cs.meta | | | | | VersionData.cs | | | | | VersionData.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Extensions | | | | | BufferExtensions.cs | | | | | BufferExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | EnumExtensions.cs | | | | | EnumExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | StreamExtensions.cs | | | | | StreamExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---RecyclableMemoryStream | | | | RecyclableMemoryStream.cs | | | | RecyclableMemoryStream.cs.meta | | | | RecyclableMemoryStreamManager.cs | | | | RecyclableMemoryStreamManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | | ARKitFaceCapture.meta | | | | | CompanionApp.meta | | | | | Core.meta | | | | | Mocap.meta | | | | | | | | | +---ARKitFaceCapture | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | Communication.meta | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | DefaultMapper.meta | | | | | | FaceActor.cs | | | | | | FaceActor.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceBlendShapeCurves.cs | | | | | | FaceBlendShapeCurves.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceChannelFlags.cs | | | | | | FaceChannelFlags.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceDevice.cs | | | | | | FaceDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceDeviceRecorder.cs | | | | | | FaceDeviceRecorder.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceMapper.cs | | | | | | FaceMapper.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceMapperCache.cs | | | | | | FaceMapperCache.cs.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Communication | | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | | FaceCaptureHost.cs | | | | | | | FaceCaptureHost.cs.meta | | | | | | | FaceClient.cs | | | | | | | FaceClient.cs.meta | | | | | | | FaceMessages.cs | | | | | | | FaceMessages.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | | | FaceSample.cs | | | | | | FaceSample.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Data | | | | | | FaceBlendShapePose.cs | | | | | | FaceBlendShapePose.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceBlendShapePoseFields.cs | | | | | | FaceBlendShapePoseFields.cs.meta | | | | | | FacePose.cs | | | | | | FacePose.cs.meta | | | | | | FaceSample.cs | | | | | | FaceSample.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---DefaultMapper | | | | | | Binding.cs | | | | | | Binding.cs.meta | | | | | | BindingConfig.cs | | | | | | BindingConfig.cs.meta | | | | | | Default Evaluator.asset | | | | | | Default Evaluator.asset.meta | | | | | | DefaultFaceMapper.cs | | | | | | DefaultFaceMapper.cs.meta | | | | | | EvaluatorPreset.cs | | | | | | EvaluatorPreset.cs.meta | | | | | | Evaluators.meta | | | | | | GUI.meta | | | | | | IEvaluator.cs | | | | | | IEvaluator.cs.meta | | | | | | RendererMapping.cs | | | | | | RendererMapping.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Evaluators | | | | | | CurveEvaluator.cs | | | | | | CurveEvaluator.cs.meta | | | | | | SimpleEvaluator.cs | | | | | | SimpleEvaluator.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---GUI | | | | | GUIUtils.cs | | | | | GUIUtils.cs.meta | | | | | IDrawable.cs | | | | | IDrawable.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---CompanionApp | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | ClientAttribute.cs | | | | | | ClientAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | ClientMappingDatabase.cs | | | | | | ClientMappingDatabase.cs.meta | | | | | | Communication.meta | | | | | | CompanionAppDevice.cs | | | | | | CompanionAppDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | CompanionAppServer.cs | | | | | | CompanionAppServer.cs.meta | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | SlateChangeTracker.cs | | | | | | SlateChangeTracker.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeManager.cs | | | | | | TakeManager.cs.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.CompanionApp.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Communication | | | | | | | CompanionAppClient.cs | | | | | | | CompanionAppClient.cs.meta | | | | | | | CompanionAppHost.cs | | | | | | | CompanionAppHost.cs.meta | | | | | | | CompanionAppMessages.cs | | | | | | | CompanionAppMessages.cs.meta | | | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | | | TakeDescriptor.cs | | | | | | TakeDescriptor.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeDescriptorArray.cs | | | | | | TakeDescriptorArray.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | | ClientInitialization.cs | | | | | ClientInitialization.cs.meta | | | | | DeviceMode.cs | | | | | DeviceMode.cs.meta | | | | | ISample.cs | | | | | ISample.cs.meta | | | | | SlateDescriptor.cs | | | | | SlateDescriptor.cs.meta | | | | | TakeDescriptor.cs | | | | | TakeDescriptor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | Attributes.meta | | | | | | Communication.meta | | | | | | Curves.meta | | | | | | Documentation.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureDevice.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureInfo.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureSettings.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureSettings.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveProperties.meta | | | | | | PropertyPreview.meta | | | | | | Setters.meta | | | | | | ShotLibrary.meta | | | | | | Synchronization.meta | | | | | | TakeAsset.meta | | | | | | TakeBuilder.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorder.meta | | | | | | Timecode.meta | | | | | | TimelineIntegration.meta | | | | | | TimelineUtility.meta | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.asmdef | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.asmdef.meta | | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Attributes | | | | | | AttributeUtility.cs | | | | | | AttributeUtility.cs.meta | | | | | | CreateConnectionMenuItemAttribute.cs | | | | | | CreateConnectionMenuItemAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | CreateDeviceMenuItemAttribute.cs | | | | | | CreateDeviceMenuItemAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | DescriptionAttribute.cs | | | | | | DescriptionAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | EnumButtonGroupAttribute.cs | | | | | | EnumButtonGroupAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | EnumFlagButtonGroupAttribute.cs | | | | | | EnumFlagButtonGroupAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | MenuPathAttribute.cs | | | | | | MenuPathAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | RatingAttribute.cs | | | | | | RatingAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Communication | | | | | | Connection.cs | | | | | | Connection.cs.meta | | | | | | ConnectionManager.cs | | | | | | ConnectionManager.cs.meta | | | | | | SerializableGuid.cs | | | | | | SerializableGuid.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Curves | | | | | | | AnimationCurveUtility.cs | | | | | | | AnimationCurveUtility.cs.meta | | | | | | | BooleanCurve.cs | | | | | | | BooleanCurve.cs.meta | | | | | | | CurveFactory.cs | | | | | | | CurveFactory.cs.meta | | | | | | | EulerCurve.cs | | | | | | | EulerCurve.cs.meta | | | | | | | FloatCurve.cs | | | | | | | FloatCurve.cs.meta | | | | | | | ICurve.cs | | | | | | | ICurve.cs.meta | | | | | | | IntegerCurve.cs | | | | | | | IntegerCurve.cs.meta | | | | | | | KeyframeReducers.meta | | | | | | | PropertyBinding.cs | | | | | | | PropertyBinding.cs.meta | | | | | | | QuaternionToEulerConverter.cs | | | | | | | QuaternionToEulerConverter.cs.meta | | | | | | | Samplers.meta | | | | | | | TangentUpdaters.meta | | | | | | | Vector2Curve.cs | | | | | | | Vector2Curve.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector3Curve.cs | | | | | | | Vector3Curve.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector4Curve.cs | | | | | | | Vector4Curve.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---KeyframeReducers | | | | | | | EulerKeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | EulerKeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | FloatKeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | FloatKeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | IntegerKeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | IntegerKeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | KeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | KeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | QuaternionKeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | QuaternionKeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector2KeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | Vector2KeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector3KeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | Vector3KeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector4KeyframeReducer.cs | | | | | | | Vector4KeyframeReducer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Samplers | | | | | | | FloatSampler.cs | | | | | | | FloatSampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | IntegerSampler.cs | | | | | | | IntegerSampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | QuaternionSampler.cs | | | | | | | QuaternionSampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | Sampler.cs | | | | | | | Sampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector2Sampler.cs | | | | | | | Vector2Sampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector3Sampler.cs | | | | | | | Vector3Sampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | Vector4Sampler.cs | | | | | | | Vector4Sampler.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---TangentUpdaters | | | | | | FloatTangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | FloatTangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | IntegerTangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | IntegerTangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | QuaternionTangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | QuaternionTangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | TangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | TangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector2TangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | Vector2TangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector3TangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | Vector3TangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | Vector4TangentUpdater.cs | | | | | | Vector4TangentUpdater.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Documentation | | | | | | Documentation.cs | | | | | | Documentation.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---LiveProperties | | | | | | LiveProperty.cs | | | | | | LiveProperty.cs.meta | | | | | | LivePropertyHandle.cs | | | | | | LivePropertyHandle.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveStream.cs | | | | | | LiveStream.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveStreamCaptureDevice.cs | | | | | | LiveStreamCaptureDevice.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveStreamPostProcessor.cs | | | | | | LiveStreamPostProcessor.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---PropertyPreview | | | | | | IPreviewable.cs | | | | | | IPreviewable.cs.meta | | | | | | IPropertyPreviewer.cs | | | | | | IPropertyPreviewer.cs.meta | | | | | | PropertyPreviewer.cs | | | | | | PropertyPreviewer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Setters | | | | | | CameraSetters.cs | | | | | | CameraSetters.cs.meta | | | | | | GenericSetter.cs | | | | | | GenericSetter.cs.meta | | | | | | Setter.cs | | | | | | Setter.cs.meta | | | | | | SetterResolver.cs | | | | | | SetterResolver.cs.meta | | | | | | TransformSetters.cs | | | | | | TransformSetters.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---ShotLibrary | | | | | | ShotLibrary.cs | | | | | | ShotLibrary.cs.meta | | | | | | ShotPlayer.cs | | | | | | ShotPlayer.cs.meta | | | | | | ShotPlayerContext.cs | | | | | | ShotPlayerContext.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Synchronization | | | | | | | DefaultSyncCalibrator.cs | | | | | | | DefaultSyncCalibrator.cs.meta | | | | | | | Genlock.meta | | | | | | | ISynchronizationCalibrator.cs | | | | | | | ISynchronizationCalibrator.cs.meta | | | | | | | ISynchronizer.cs | | | | | | | ISynchronizer.cs.meta | | | | | | | Synchronizer.cs | | | | | | | Synchronizer.cs.meta | | | | | | | SynchronizerComponent.cs | | | | | | | SynchronizerComponent.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimecodeSources.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSources.meta | | | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Genlock | | | | | | | ISyncProvider.cs | | | | | | | ISyncProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | SyncManager.cs | | | | | | | SyncManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | SyncProvider.cs | | | | | | | SyncProvider.cs.meta | | | | | | | SyncProviderAttribute.cs | | | | | | | SyncProviderAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | | SyncStatus.cs | | | | | | | SyncStatus.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimecodeSources | | | | | | | | CreateTimecodeSourceMenuItemAttribute.cs | | | | | | | | CreateTimecodeSourceMenuItemAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | | | ITimecodeSource.cs | | | | | | | | ITimecodeSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | | Ltc.meta | | | | | | | | Ntp.meta | | | | | | | | SystemClockTimecodeSource.cs | | | | | | | | SystemClockTimecodeSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | | TimecodeSource.cs | | | | | | | | TimecodeSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceManager.cs | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceRef.cs | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceRef.cs.meta | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceState.cs | | | | | | | | TimecodeSourceState.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Ltc | | | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | | | LtcDecoder.cs | | | | | | | | LtcDecoder.cs.meta | | | | | | | | LtcTimecodeSource.cs | | | | | | | | LtcTimecodeSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.asmdef | | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ltc.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Ntp | | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | | NtpClient.cs | | | | | | | NtpClient.cs.meta | | | | | | | NtpConstants.cs | | | | | | | NtpConstants.cs.meta | | | | | | | NtpPacket.cs | | | | | | | NtpPacket.cs.meta | | | | | | | NtpTimecodeSource.cs | | | | | | | NtpTimecodeSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.asmdef | | | | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Ntp.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimedDataSources | | | | | | | ITimedDataSource.cs | | | | | | | ITimedDataSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSource.cs | | | | | | | TimedDataSource.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceManager.cs | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceRef.cs | | | | | | | TimedDataSourceRef.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | | | | IRegistrable.cs | | | | | | IRegistrable.cs.meta | | | | | | RegisteredRef.cs | | | | | | RegisteredRef.cs.meta | | | | | | Registry.cs | | | | | | Registry.cs.meta | | | | | | TimedDataBuffer.cs | | | | | | TimedDataBuffer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TakeAsset | | | | | | ITakeBinding.cs | | | | | | ITakeBinding.cs.meta | | | | | | ITakeBindingEqualityComparer.cs | | | | | | ITakeBindingEqualityComparer.cs.meta | | | | | | ITrackMetadata.cs | | | | | | ITrackMetadata.cs.meta | | | | | | Take.cs | | | | | | Take.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeBinding.cs | | | | | | TakeBinding.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeBindings.cs | | | | | | TakeBindings.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeExtensions.cs | | | | | | TakeExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | TrackBindingEntry.cs | | | | | | TrackBindingEntry.cs.meta | | | | | | TrackMetadataEntry.cs | | | | | | TrackMetadataEntry.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TakeBuilder | | | | | | ITakeBuilder.cs | | | | | | ITakeBuilder.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeBuilder.cs | | | | | | TakeBuilder.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeNameFormatter.cs | | | | | | TakeNameFormatter.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TakeRecorder | | | | | | ITakeRecorderContext.cs | | | | | | ITakeRecorderContext.cs.meta | | | | | | LiveCaptureDeviceManager.cs | | | | | | LiveCaptureDeviceManager.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayableDirectorExtensions.cs | | | | | | PlayableDirectorExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | Shot.cs | | | | | | Shot.cs.meta | | | | | | Slate.cs | | | | | | Slate.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorder.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorder.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextExtensions.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorderContextExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderPlaybackState.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorderPlaybackState.cs.meta | | | | | | UpdateManager.cs | | | | | | UpdateManager.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Timecode | | | | | | FrameRate.cs | | | | | | FrameRate.cs.meta | | | | | | FrameTime.cs | | | | | | FrameTime.cs.meta | | | | | | FrameTimeWithRate.cs | | | | | | FrameTimeWithRate.cs.meta | | | | | | OnlyStandardFrameRatesAttribute.cs | | | | | | OnlyStandardFrameRatesAttribute.cs.meta | | | | | | StandardFrameRate.cs | | | | | | StandardFrameRate.cs.meta | | | | | | Subframe.cs | | | | | | Subframe.cs.meta | | | | | | Timecode.cs | | | | | | Timecode.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimelineIntegration | | | | | | DirectorContext.cs | | | | | | DirectorContext.cs.meta | | | | | | MasterTimelineContext.cs | | | | | | MasterTimelineContext.cs.meta | | | | | | NestedTimelinePlayable.cs | | | | | | NestedTimelinePlayable.cs.meta | | | | | | PlayableAssetContext.cs | | | | | | PlayableAssetContext.cs.meta | | | | | | ShotPlayableAsset.cs | | | | | | ShotPlayableAsset.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrack.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrack.cs.meta | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrackMixer.cs | | | | | | TakeRecorderTrackMixer.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelinePropertyPreviewer.cs | | | | | | TimelinePropertyPreviewer.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---TimelineUtility | | | | | | PlayableDirectorControls.cs | | | | | | PlayableDirectorControls.cs.meta | | | | | | Timeline.cs | | | | | | Timeline.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineContext.cs | | | | | | TimelineContext.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchy.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchy.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContext.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContext.cs.meta | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextUtility.cs | | | | | | TimelineHierarchyContextUtility.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Utilities | | | | | AdditionalCoreUtils.cs | | | | | AdditionalCoreUtils.cs.meta | | | | | AnimatorExtensions.cs | | | | | AnimatorExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | AssetDatabaseUtility.cs | | | | | AssetDatabaseUtility.cs.meta | | | | | Bijection.cs | | | | | Bijection.cs.meta | | | | | CircularBuffer.cs | | | | | CircularBuffer.cs.meta | | | | | FilenameFormatter.cs | | | | | FilenameFormatter.cs.meta | | | | | IInterpolator.cs | | | | | IInterpolator.cs.meta | | | | | LiveCaptureUtility.cs | | | | | LiveCaptureUtility.cs.meta | | | | | MathUtility.cs | | | | | MathUtility.cs.meta | | | | | PackageUtility.cs | | | | | PackageUtility.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerLoopExtensions.cs | | | | | PlayerLoopExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | SamplerScope.cs | | | | | SamplerScope.cs.meta | | | | | Screenshot.cs | | | | | Screenshot.cs.meta | | | | | SerializableDictionary.cs | | | | | SerializableDictionary.cs.meta | | | | | SettingAsset.cs | | | | | SettingAsset.cs.meta | | | | | TimelineDisableUndoScope.cs | | | | | TimelineDisableUndoScope.cs.meta | | | | | WildcardFormatter.cs | | | | | WildcardFormatter.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Mocap | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | MocapDevice.cs | | | | MocapDevice.cs.meta | | | | MocapGroup.cs | | | | MocapGroup.cs.meta | | | | MocapRecorder.cs | | | | MocapRecorder.cs.meta | | | | TransformCurve.cs | | | | TransformCurve.cs.meta | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.asmdef | | | | Unity.LiveCapture.Mocap.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---RuntimeBridge | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | DrivenPropertyManagerInternal.cs | | | DrivenPropertyManagerInternal.cs.meta | | | PlayableDirectorInternal.cs | | | PlayableDirectorInternal.cs.meta | | | Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.011.asmdef | | | Unity.InternalAPIEngineBridge.011.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.psn.ps5-1.1.0 | | | | .buildversion.txt | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | ValidationConfig.json | | | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | | | ValidationExceptions.json | | | | ValidationExceptions.json.meta | | | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | | AccessThePSNPackage.md | | | | | Activities.md | | | | | ActivityTypes.md | | | | | Addnpconfig.md | | | | | config.json | | | | | ConfigureActivities.md | | | | | ConfigureTrophies.md | | | | | entitlements.md | | | | | ImplementActivities.md | | | | | index.md | | | | | InitializeThePSNPackage.md | | | | | InstallThePSNPackage.md | | | | | InteractWithTrophies.md | | | | | leaderboards.md | | | | | PS4CrossGen.md | | | | | PS4CrossGenSetup.md | | | | | TableOfContents.md | | | | | Trophies.md | | | | | TrophyConcepts.md | | | | | UniversalDataSystem.md | | | | | | | | | \---Images | | | | activitiesservices.PNG | | | | ps5moduleinstall.PNG | | | | sdkmanagerhome.PNG | | | | sdkmanagerinstall.PNG | | | | trophyservices.PNG | | | | UDSManagementToolActivities.PNG | | | | UDSManagementToolTrophies.PNG | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | BuildPackageLibs.cs | | | | BuildPackageLibs.cs.meta | | | | BuildUtils.cs | | | | BuildUtils.cs.meta | | | | SDKUtils.cs | | | | SDKUtils.cs.meta | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | +---HTMLDocs~ | | | | | favicon.ico | | | | | index.html | | | | | index.json | | | | | logo.svg | | | | | manifest.json | | | | | search-stopwords.json | | | | | toc.html | | | | | xrefmap.yml | | | | | | | | | +---api | | | | | Global Namespace.BuildTestExpectedPlugin.html | | | | | Global Namespace.BuildTests.html | | | | | Global Namespace.html | | | | | Global Namespace.PS4_DevelopmentBuildTests.html | | | | | Global Namespace.PS4_ReleaseBuildTests.html | | | | | Global Namespace.PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.html | | | | | Global Namespace.PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.html | | | | | Global Namespace.WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.html | | | | | index.html | | | | | PSNTests.BaseTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.CommerceTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.EntitlementTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.FeatureGatingTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.GameUpdateTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.InitializationTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.LeaderboardTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.OnlineSafetyTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.SessionManagerTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.SessionTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.TrophyTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.TUSTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.UDSTests.html | | | | | PSNTests.UserTests.html | | | | | toc.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.APIResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.APIResultTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Auth.Authentication.GetAuthorizationCodeRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Auth.Authentication.GetIdTokenRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Auth.Authentication.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Auth.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.AsyncAction-1.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.AsyncAction.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.AsyncOp.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.AsyncOp.State.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.AsyncRequest-1.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Aysnc.Request.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Bandwidth.BandwidthTest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Bandwidth.BandwidthTest.MeasureBandwidthRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Bandwidth.BandwidthTest.Modes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Bandwidth.BandwidthTest.Status.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Bandwidth.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.OnlineSafety.CRStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.OnlineSafety.FilterProfanityRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.OnlineSafety.GetCommunicationRestrictionStatusRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.OnlineSafety.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Checks.OnlineSafety.ProfanityFilterType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenBrowseCategoryDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenBrowseProductDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenCheckoutDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenDownloadDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenJoinPremiumDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceDialogSystem.OpenRedeemPromotionCodeDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceSystem.PSStoreIconRequest.DisplayModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceSystem.PSStoreIconRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceSystem.PSStoreIconRequest.IconLayouts.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.CommerceSystem.PSStoreIconRequest.IconPositions.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Commerce.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.DialogSystem.DialogStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.DialogSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.OpenMsgDialogRequest.ButtonResultTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.OpenMsgDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.OpenMsgDialogRequest.MsgModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.ProgressBarParams.BarTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.ProgressBarParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.SystemMsgParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.SystemMsgParams.SystemMessageTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.UserMsgParams.ButtonTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Dialogs.MessageDialogSystem.UserMsgParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.AdditionalContentEntitlementInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.ConsumeServiceEntitlementRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.ConsumeUnifiedEntitlementRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.EntitlementAccessDownloadStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.EntitlementAccessPackageType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.EntitlementTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GenerateTransactionIdRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetAdditionalContentEntitlementInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetAdditionalContentEntitlementListRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetEntitlementKeyRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetServiceEntitlementInfoListRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetServiceEntitlementInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetSkuFlagRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetUnifiedEntitlementInfoListRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.GetUnifiedEntitlementInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.ServiceEntitlementInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.SkuTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.SortOrders.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.SortTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.Entitlements.UnifiedEntitlementInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Entitlement.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.ExceededMaximumOperations.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.GameIntent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.GameIntent.IntentTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.GameIntentNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.JoinSession.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.JoinSession.MemberTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.LaunchActivity.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.LaunchMultiplayerActivity.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.GameIntentSystem.LaunchTournamentMatch.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameIntent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameUpdate.AddcontLatestVersionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameUpdate.GameUpdateRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.GameUpdate.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Initialization.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Initialization.InitResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Initialization.NativeInitResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Initialization.SceSDKVersion.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.BoardDefinition.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.BoardFields.Flags.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.BoardFields.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.GetBoardDefinitionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.GetLargeDataRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.GetRankingRequest.Groups.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.GetRankingRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.GetRankingRequest.UserInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.RankingEntry.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.Rankings.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.RecordScoreRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.SortModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Leaderboard.Leaderboards.UpdateModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Main.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.AdditonalStats.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.CooperativeResults.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.Match.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchCompetitionType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchCreationParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchesDialogSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchesDialogSystem.OpenPlayerReviewDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchesDialogSystem.OpenPlayerReviewDialogRequest.ReviewModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchGroupType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchPlayer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchPlayerCreateParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchPlayerResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchPlayerStats.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.CreateMatchRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.GetMatchDetailRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.JoinMatchRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.JoinPlayer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.JoinPlayer.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.LeaveMatchRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.LeavePlayer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.LeavePlayer.Reasons.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.PlayerReviewEligibility.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.ReportResultsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.RetrievedMatchDetail.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.RetrievedMatchDetail.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.UpdateMatchDetailRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.UpdateMatchDetailRequest.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.UpdateMatchStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchRequests.UpdateMatchStatusRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchResults.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchResultsType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchStats.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeam.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamCreateParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamMember.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamMemberResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamMemberStats.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamResult.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchTeamStats.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.MatchType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matches.PlayerType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Attribute.AttrTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Attribute.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Location.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingNotifications.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingNotifications.NotificationTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.CancelTicketRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.GetOfferRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.GetTicketRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.ListUserTicketsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.ListUserTicketsRequest.PlatformFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.MatchMakingRequests.SubmitTicketRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Offer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Offer.Notification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Offer.OfferStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Offer.TicketEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.OfferLocation.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.OfferPlayer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.TestJSONParsing.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Ticket.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Ticket.Notification.CancelType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Ticket.Notification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Ticket.TicketEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.Ticket.TicketStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.TicketPlayer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.TicketSubmitter.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Matchmaking.UserTicket.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.NpPlatformType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.CheckPremiumRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.Features.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.MultiplayProperties.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.NotifyPremiumFeatureRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.PremiumEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.PremiumEventType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.PremiumNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.StartPremiumEventCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.FeatureGating.StopPremiumEventCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PremiumFeatures.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.PSNException.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Condition.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSession.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSession.Notification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSession.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSession.SessionEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionCallbacks.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionCreationParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionInitMember.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionJoinState.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionNotifications.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionNotifications.NotificationTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRepresentative.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.CreateGameSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.DeleteGameSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.GameSessionsSearchRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.GetGameSessionsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.GetJoinedGameSessionsByUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.JoinedGameSession.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.JoinGameSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.LeaveGameSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.RetrievedSessionData.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.RetrievedSessionsData.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.SendGameSessionMessageRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.SetGameSessionMemberSystemPropertiesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.GameSessionRequests.SetGameSessionPropertiesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.InvitableUserTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.InvitationDialogSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.InvitationDialogSystem.OpenPlayerInvitationDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.InvitationDialogSystem.OpenPlayerInvitationDialogRequest.InvitationModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.JoinableSpecifiedUsers.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.JoinableUserTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.LeaderPrivilegeFlags.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.LocalisedSessionNames.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.LocalisedText.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.NotificationJoinableUser.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSession.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSession.Notification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSession.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSession.SessionEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionCallbacks.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionCreationParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionNotifications.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionNotifications.NotificationTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.AddPlayerSessionJoinableSpecifiedUsersRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.ChangePlayerSessionLeaderRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.CreatePlayerSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.DeletePlayerSessionJoinableSpecifiedUsersRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.GetJoinedPlayerSessionsByUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.GetPlayerSessionInvitationsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.GetPlayerSessionInvitationsRequest.RetrievalFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.GetPlayerSessionsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.JoinedPlayerSession.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.JoinPlayerSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.LeavePlayerSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.RetrievedInvitation.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.RetrievedInvitation.ParamTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.RetrievedSessionData.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.RetrievedSessionsData.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.SendPlayerSessionInvitationsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.SendPlayerSessionMessageRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.SetPlayerSessionMemberSystemPropertiesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.SetPlayerSessionPropertiesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.PlayerSessionRequests.SwapPlayerSessionMemberRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SearchAttribute.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SearchAttributesType.DataStore-1.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SearchAttributesType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SearchOperator.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Session.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Session.RawSessionEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionMember.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionMemberIdentifier.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionPlatforms.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ActivateSessionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ActivateUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionEvent.Reasons.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionInfoCodes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.ConnectionStatus.Statuses.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.CreateUserContextRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.DeactivateRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.DestroyUserContextRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GetConnectionInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GetConnectionStatusRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GetLocalNetInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GetNatRouterInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GroupEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GroupEvent.Reasons.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.GroupNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.NatInfoStunStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.NatRouterInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.NetInfo.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.PeerAddress.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.RequestEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.RequestEvent.Reasons.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.RequestNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.SignalingHostTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.SignalingSessionTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.SignalingTopologyTypes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.SignallingEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionSignalling.UserToUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.GameNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.Notification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.PlayerNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.RawUserSessionEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.SessionsManager.UserEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Sockets.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Sockets.RecvSocketNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Sockets.SendRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Sockets.SetupUdpP2PSocketRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.Sockets.TerminateSocketRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.TestJSONParsing.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Sessions.UserSessionFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.AddAndGetVariableRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.DataStatus.Filters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.DataStatus.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.DataStatusCollection.html | | | | | 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Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.SetVariableWithConditionRequest.Conditions.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.SetVariableWithConditionRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.SortDataConditions.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.SortModes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.SortVariableConditions.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.UploadDataRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.Variable.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.Variable.SetProperties.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.VariableCollection.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.TCS.TitleCloudStorage.VariableToWrite.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.TrophySystem.GetGameInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.TrophySystem.GetGroupInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.TrophySystem.GetTrophyGameIconRequest.html | | | | | 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Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.TrophySystem.TrophyGroupDetails.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Trophies.TrophySystem.UnlockNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.EventDebugStringRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.EventProperties.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.EventProperty.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.EventPropertyArray.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.GetMemoryStatsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.PostEventRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.PropertiesContainer.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.PropertyType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.StartSystemRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.StopSystemRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.UDSEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.UnlockTrophyProgressRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.UnlockTrophyRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.UDS.UniversalDataSystem.UpdateTrophyProgressRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.AddUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.BasicPresence.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.BasicPresence.OnlineStates.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetBasicPresencesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetBlockingUsersRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetFriendsRequest.Filters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetFriendsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetFriendsRequest.Order.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.GetProfilesRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.ProfilePicture.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.ProfilePicture.Sizes.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.ReachabilityEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.ReachabilityNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.ReachabilityStates.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.RemoveUserRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.SignedInEvent.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.SignedInStateNotification.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.SignedInStates.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.StartReachabilityStateCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.StartSignedStateCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.StopReachabilityStateCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.StopSignedStateCallbackRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.UserPersonalDetails.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.UserProfile.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Users.UserSystem.UserProfile.VerifiedStates.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiFilter.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiFilters.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.CallbackParams.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.ExtendedData.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.NotificationEventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.NpPeerAddress.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.PushContextCallbackType.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.RegisterFilterRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.RegisterPushEventRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.UnregisterFilterRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiNotifications.UnregisterPushEventRequest.html | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.WebApi.WebApiPushEvent.html | 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| | Trophies.html | | | | | | TrophyConcepts.html | | | | | | UniversalDataSystem.html | | | | | | | | | | | \---images | | | | | activitiesservices.PNG | | | | | ps5moduleinstall.PNG | | | | | sdkmanagerhome.PNG | | | | | sdkmanagerinstall.PNG | | | | | trophyservices.PNG | | | | | UDSManagementToolActivities.PNG | | | | | UDSManagementToolTrophies.PNG | | | | | | | | | \---styles | | | | docfx.css | | | | docfx.js | | | | docfx.vendor.css | | | | docfx.vendor.js | | | | language-switcher.css | | | | language-switcher.js | | | | lunr.js | | | | lunr.min.js | | | | main.css | | | | main.js | | | | metadata-collector.js | | | | search-worker.js | | | | sprites.png | | | | statictoc.docfx.vendor.css | | | | version-switcher.css | | | | version-switcher.js | | | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Authentication.cs | | | | | Authentication.cs.meta | | | | | Bandwidth.cs | | | | | Bandwidth.cs.meta | | | | | Commerce.cs | | | | | Commerce.cs.meta | | | | | Core.meta | | | | | Dialogs.cs | | | | | Dialogs.cs.meta | | | | | Entitlements.cs | | | | | Entitlements.cs.meta | | | | | FeatureGating.cs | | | | | FeatureGating.cs.meta | | | | | GameIntentSystem.cs | | | | | GameIntentSystem.cs.meta | | | | | GameSession.cs | | | | | GameSession.cs.meta | | | | | GameSessionNotifications.cs | | | | | GameSessionNotifications.cs.meta | | | | | GameSessionRequests.cs | | | | | GameSessionRequests.cs.meta | | | | | GameUpdate.cs | | | | | GameUpdate.cs.meta | | | | | Leaderboards.cs | | | | | Leaderboards.cs.meta | | | | | Main.cs | | | | | Main.cs.meta | | | | | Matches.cs | | | | | Matches.cs.meta | | | | | MatchMaking.cs | | | | | MatchMaking.cs.meta | | | | | MatchMakingNotifications.cs | | | | | MatchMakingNotifications.cs.meta | | | | | MatchMakingRequests.cs | | | | | MatchMakingRequests.cs.meta | | | | | MatchRequests.cs | | | | | MatchRequests.cs.meta | | | | | MsgDialog.cs | | | | | MsgDialog.cs.meta | | | | | OnlineSafety.cs | | | | | OnlineSafety.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerInvitationDialog.cs | | | | | PlayerInvitationDialog.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerReviewDialog.cs | | | | | PlayerReviewDialog.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerSession.cs | | | | | PlayerSession.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerSessionNotifications.cs | | | | | PlayerSessionNotifications.cs.meta | | | | | PlayerSessionRequests.cs | | | | | PlayerSessionRequests.cs.meta | | | | | Sessions.cs | | | | | Sessions.cs.meta | | | | | SessionSignalling.cs | | | | | SessionSignalling.cs.meta | | | | | SessionsManager.cs | | | | | SessionsManager.cs.meta | | | | | Sockets.cs | | | | | Sockets.cs.meta | | | | | TitleCloudStorage.cs | | | | | TitleCloudStorage.cs.meta | | | | | TrophySystem.cs | | | | | TrophySystem.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Runtime.asmdef | | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Runtime.asmdef.meta | | | | | UniversalDataSystem.cs | | | | | UniversalDataSystem.cs.meta | | | | | UserSystem.cs | | | | | UserSystem.cs.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | 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| | | | | | | | | | | | \---NPXX53794_00 | | | | | | nptitle.dat | | | | | | | | | | | \---Settings~ | | | | | | BackgroundImage.meta | | | | | | Doubles_Match_Ignoring_NatType.json | | | | | | Doubles_Match_Ignoring_NatType.json.meta | | | | | | events.json | | | | | | events.json.meta | | | | | | npconfig.zip | | | | | | objects.json | | | | | | objects.json.meta | | | | | | param.json | | | | | | param.json.meta | | | | | | StartupImages.meta | | | | | | TitleIcons.meta | | | | | | trophies.json | | | | | | trophies.json.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---BackgroundImage | | | | | | pic0.png | | | | | | pic0.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---StartupImages | | | | | | pic1.png | | | | | | pic1.png.meta | | | | | | pic2.png | | | | | | pic2.png.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---TitleIcons | | | | | icon0.png | | | | | icon0.png.meta | | | | | | | | | \---SonyExamples | | | | | IconMat.mat | | | | | IconMat.mat.meta | | | | | NP.meta | | | | | Unity.PSNSample.PS5.asmdef | | | | | Unity.PSNSample.PS5.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | | | | +---NP | | | | | SonyAuth.cs | | | | | SonyAuth.cs.meta | | | | | SonyBandwidth.cs | | | | | SonyBandwidth.cs.meta | | | | | SonyCommerce.cs | | | | | SonyCommerce.cs.meta | | | | | SonyEntitlements.cs | | | | | SonyEntitlements.cs.meta | | | | | SonyFeatureGating.cs | | | | | SonyFeatureGating.cs.meta | | | | | SonyGameIntent.cs | | | | | SonyGameIntent.cs.meta | | | | | SonyGameUpdate.cs | | | | | SonyGameUpdate.cs.meta | | | | | SonyLeaderboards.cs | | | | | SonyLeaderboards.cs.meta | | | | | SonyMessage.cs | | | | | SonyMessage.cs.meta | | | | | SonyNpMain.cs | | | | | SonyNpMain.cs.meta | | | | | SonyNpTrophies.cs | | | | | SonyNpTrophies.cs.meta | | | | | SonyNpUDS.cs | | | | | SonyNpUDS.cs.meta | | | | | SonyOnlineSafety.cs | | | | | SonyOnlineSafety.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessions.cs | | | | | SonySessions.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionsGame.cs | | | | | SonySessionsGame.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionSignalling.cs | | | | | SonySessionSignalling.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionsMatches.cs | | | | | SonySessionsMatches.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionsMatchmaking.cs | | | | | SonySessionsMatchmaking.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionsPlayer.cs | | | | | SonySessionsPlayer.cs.meta | | | | | SonySessionsTournaments.cs | | | | | SonySessionsTournaments.cs.meta | | | | | SonyTitleCloudStorage.cs | | | | | SonyTitleCloudStorage.cs.meta | | | | | SonyUserProfiles.cs | | | | | SonyUserProfiles.cs.meta | | | | | SonyWebApiEvents.cs | | | | | SonyWebApiEvents.cs.meta | | | | | User.cs | | | | | User.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | GamePad.cs | | | | GamePad.cs.meta | | | | IScreen.cs | | | | IScreen.cs.meta | | | | MenuLayout.cs | | | | MenuLayout.cs.meta | | | | MenuStack.cs | | | | MenuStack.cs.meta | | | | Notifications.cs | | | | Notifications.cs.meta | | | | OnScreenLog.cs | | | | OnScreenLog.cs.meta | | | | sceCode.cs | | | | sceCode.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Source~ | | | | +---PSNCommon | | | | | | PSNCommon.vcxproj | | | | | | PSNCommon.vcxproj.filters | | | | | | | | | | | +---PlayerInterface | | | | | | IPluginSceAppParams.h | | | | | | IPluginSceNpParams.h | | | | | | IPluginUnity.h | | | | | | PrxPluginInterface.h | | | | | | UnityEventQueue.h | | | | | | | | | | | +---SharedInclude | | | | | | BinaryBuffers.h | | | | | | CommonTypes.h | | | | | | Errors.h | | | | | | HandleMsg.h | | | | | | SharedCoreIncludes.h | | | | | | SonyCommonIncludes.h | | | | | | UserMap.h | | | | | | | | | | | +---Source | | | | | | BinaryBuffers.cpp | | | | | | Errors.cpp | | | | | | HandleMsg.cpp | | | | | | Module.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | \---SystemEvents | | | | | PS5SystemEventManager.cpp | | | | | PS5SystemEventManager.h | | | | | PS5SystemEvents.h | | | | | | | | | \---PSNCore | | | | | PSNCore.vcxproj | | | | | PSNCore.vcxproj.filters | | | | | | | | | \---Source | | | | Authentication.cpp | | | | Authentication.h | | | | Bandwidth.cpp | | | | Bandwidth.h | | | | Commerce.cpp | | | | Commerce.h | | | | CoreMain.cpp | | | | CoreMain.h | | | | Entitlements.cpp | | | | Entitlements.h | | | | FeatureGating.cpp | | | | FeatureGating.h | | | | GameIntent.cpp | | | | GameIntent.h | | | | GameSession.cpp | | | | GameSession.h | | | | GameUpdate.cpp | | | | GameUpdate.h | | | | Leaderboards.cpp | | | | Leaderboards.h | | | | Matches.cpp | | | | Matches.h | | | | MatchMaking.cpp | | | | MatchMaking.h | | | | MsgDialog.cpp | | | | MsgDialog.h | | | | OnlineSafety.cpp | | | | OnlineSafety.h | | | | PlayerInvitationDialog.cpp | | | | PlayerInvitationDialog.h | | | | PlayerReviewDialog.cpp | | | | PlayerReviewDialog.h | | | | PlayerSession.cpp | | | | PlayerSession.h | | | | SessionMap.h | | | | SessionSignalling.cpp | | | | SessionSignalling.h | | | | SessionsManager.cpp | | | | SessionsManager.h | | | | Sockets.cpp | | | | Sockets.h | | | | TitleCloudStorage.cpp | | | | TitleCloudStorage.h | | | | TrophyService.cpp | | | | TrophyService.h | | | | UniversalDataSystem.cpp | | | | UniversalDataSystem.h | | | | Users.cpp | | | | Users.h | | | | Utils.cpp | | | | Utils.h | | | | WebApi.cpp | | | | WebApi.h | | | | WebApiNotifications.cpp | | | | WebApiNotifications.h | | | | WebApiPushEvents.cpp | | | | WebApiPushEvents.h | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | BuildTests.cs | | | | BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | BaseTestFramework.cs | | | BaseTestFramework.cs.meta | | | CommerceTests.cs | | | CommerceTests.cs.meta | | | EntitlementTests.cs | | | EntitlementTests.cs.meta | | | FeatureGatingTests.cs | | | FeatureGatingTests.cs.meta | | | GameUpdateTests.cs | | | GameUpdateTests.cs.meta | | | InitializationTest.cs | | | InitializationTest.cs.meta | | | LeaderboardTests.cs | | | LeaderboardTests.cs.meta | | | OnlineSafetyTests.cs | | | OnlineSafetyTests.cs.meta | | | RuntimeExampleTest.cs | | | RuntimeExampleTest.cs.meta | | | SessionManagerTests.cs | | | SessionManagerTests.cs.meta | | | SessionTests.cs | | | SessionTests.cs.meta | | | TrophyTests.cs | | | TrophyTests.cs.meta | | | TUSTests.cs | | | TUSTests.cs.meta | | | UDSTests.cs | | | UDSTests.cs.meta | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.asmdef | | | Unity.PSN.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | UserTests.cs | | | UserTests.cs.meta | | | | | +---com.unity.savedata.ps5-1.1.3 | | | | .buildversion.txt | | | | .signature | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | package.json | | | | package.json.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | Tests.meta | | | | ValidationConfig.json | 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Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.APIResultTypes.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.BackupNotification.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.DirName.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.EmptyResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.Fingerprint.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.FunctionTypes.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.PendingRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.RequestBase.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.ResponseBase.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.ReturnCodes.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.SaveDataCallbackEvent.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.SaveDataException.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.TitleId.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Core.UnmountWithBackupNotification.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Delete.Deleting.DeleteRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Delete.Deleting.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Delete.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.Animation.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.AnimationParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.CloseParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogButtonIds.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogButtonTypes.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogCallResults.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogMode.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogResult.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogStatus.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.DialogType.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.ErrorCodeParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.FocusPos.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.Items.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.ItemStyle.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.NewItem.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.OpenDialogRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.OpenDialogResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.OptionBack.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.OptionFlag.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.OptionParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.ProgressBarParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.ProgressBarType.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.ProgressSystemMessageType.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.SystemMessageParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.SystemMessageType.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.UserMessageParam.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.Dialogs.UserMessageType.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.SaveDataDialogProcess.AllowNewItemTest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Dialog.SaveDataDialogProcess.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Files.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Files.Progress.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.FileOps.FileOperationRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.FileOps.FileOperationResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.FileOps.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.Icon.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.SaveDataInfo.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Info.SaveDataParams.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Initialization.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Initialization.InitResult.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Initialization.InitSettings.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Initialization.SceSDKVersion.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Initialization.ThreadAffinity.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Main.EventHandler.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Main.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.GetMountInfoRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.GetMountParamsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.LoadIconRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.LoadIconResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountInfoResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountModeFlags.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountParamsResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountPoint.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountPointName.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountPS4Request.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.MountResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.SaveIconRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.SetMountParamsRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.UnmountMode.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Mount.Mounting.UnmountRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.DirNameSearchRequest.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.DirNameSearchResponse.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.SearchSaveDataItem.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.SearchSortKey.html | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Search.Searching.SearchSortOrder.html | | | | | | | | | +---changelog | | | | | CHANGELOG.html | | | | | toc.html | | | | | | | | | +---fonts | | | | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot | | | | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg | | | | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf | | | | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff | | | | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 | | | | | | | | | +---license | | | | | index.html | | | | | LICENSE.html | | | | | toc.html | | | | | | | | | +---manual | | | | | | CreateSequence.html | | | | | | DialogSequence.html | | | | | | ExternalLinks.html | | | | | | Features.html | | | | | | index.html | | | | | | 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Dialogs.cs.meta | | | | | FileOps.cs | | | | | FileOps.cs.meta | | | | | Main.cs | | | | | Main.cs.meta | | | | | Mounting.cs | | | | | Mounting.cs.meta | | | | | Notifications.cs | | | | | Notifications.cs.meta | | | | | Progress.cs | | | | | Progress.cs.meta | | | | | Searching.cs | | | | | Searching.cs.meta | | | | | Threading.meta | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Runtime.asmdef | | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Runtime.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | ExceptionHandling.cs | | | | | ExceptionHandling.cs.meta | | | | | Init.cs | | | | | Init.cs.meta | | | | | MemoryBuffer.cs | | | | | MemoryBuffer.cs.meta | | | | | Request.cs | | | | | Request.cs.meta | | | | | Response.cs | | | | | Response.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---DialogProcess | | | | | SaveDataDialogProcess.cs | | | | | SaveDataDialogProcess.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Threading | | | | | DispatchQueue.cs | | | | | DispatchQueue.cs.meta | | | | | ProcessQueue.cs | | | | | ProcessQueue.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | LibraryInfo.cs | | | | LibraryInfo.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Samples~ | | | | | SaveSample.meta | | | | | | | | | \---SaveSample | | | | | .sample.json | | | | | Editor.meta | | | | | README.md | | | | | README.md.meta | | | | | SampleStreamingAssets.meta | | | | | SaveSample.unity | | | | | SaveSample.unity.meta | | | | | SonyExamples.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | InputManager | | | | | InputManager.meta | | | | | param.json | | | | | param.json.meta | | | | | SetPlatformOptionsPS5.cs | | | | | SetPlatformOptionsPS5.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---SampleStreamingAssets | | | | | SaveIcon.png | | | | | SaveIcon.png.meta | | | | | | | | | \---SonyExamples | | | | | BlueCube.mat | | | | | BlueCube.mat.meta | | | | | GreenCube.mat | | | | | GreenCube.mat.meta | | | | | IconBackgroundMat.mat | | | | | IconBackgroundMat.mat.meta | | | | | IconMat.mat | | | | | IconMat.mat.meta | | | | | RedCube.mat | | | | | RedCube.mat.meta | | | | | SaveData.meta | | | | | Unity.SaveSample.PS5.asmdef | | | | | Unity.SaveSample.PS5.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | | | | +---SaveData | | | | | AutoSave.cs | | | | | AutoSave.cs.meta | | | | | ExampleFileOps.cs | | | | | ExampleFileOps.cs.meta | | | | | GetScreenShot.cs | | | | | GetScreenShot.cs.meta | | | | | SaveDataDirNames.cs | | | | | SaveDataDirNames.cs.meta | | | | | SaveIconWithScreenShot.cs | | | | | SaveIconWithScreenShot.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataBackup.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataBackup.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataDelete.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataDelete.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataDialogs.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataDialogs.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataDialogTests.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataDialogTests.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataFileOps.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataFileOps.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataMain.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataMain.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataMount.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataMount.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataSearch.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataSearch.cs.meta | | | | | SonySaveDataUnmount.cs | | | | | SonySaveDataUnmount.cs.meta | | | | | SpinCube.cs | | | | | SpinCube.cs.meta | | | | | User.cs | | | | | User.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | GamePad.cs | | | | GamePad.cs.meta | | | | IScreen.cs | | | | IScreen.cs.meta | | | | MenuLayout.cs | | | | MenuLayout.cs.meta | | | | MenuStack.cs | | | | MenuStack.cs.meta | | | | Notifications.cs | | | | Notifications.cs.meta | | | | OnScreenLog.cs | | | | OnScreenLog.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Source~ | | | | | SaveData.vcxproj | | | | | SaveData.vcxproj.filters | | | | | | | | | +---ErrorHandling | | | | | ErrorCodes.cpp | | | | | Errors.cpp | | | | | Errors.h | | | | | | | | | +---Includes | | | | | CommonTypes.h | | | | | PluginCommonIncludes.h | | | | | SonyCommonIncludes.h | | | | | | | | | +---Managed | | | | | ManagedRequest.cpp | | | | | ManagedRequest.h | | | | | ManagedResponse.cpp | | | | | ManagedResponse.h | | | | | MemoryBufferManaged.cpp | | | | | MemoryBufferManaged.h | | | | | | | | | +---PlayerInterface | | | | | IPluginSceAppParams.h | | | | | IPluginSceNpParams.h | | | | | IPluginUnity.h | | | | | PrxPluginInterface.h | | | | | UnityEventQueue.h | | | | | UnityPrxPlugin.cpp | | | | | UnityPrxPlugin.h | | | | | | | | | \---Source | | | | Backup.cpp | | | | Backup.h | | | | config.h | | | | Core.cpp | | | | Core.h | | | | Delete.cpp | | | | Delete.h | | | | Dialogs.cpp | | | | Dialogs.h | | | | Info.cpp | | | | Info.h | | | | Main.cpp | | | | Main.h | | | | Mount.cpp | | | | Mount.h | | | | Notifications.cpp | | | | Notifications.h | | | | Progress.cpp | | | | Progress.h | | | | Search.cpp | | | | Search.h | | | | Transactions.cpp | | | | Transactions.h | | | | Utils.cpp | | | | Utils.h | | | | | | | \---Tests | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Runtime.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | BuildTests.cs | | | | BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_DevelopmentBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs | | | | PS5_ReleaseBuildTests.cs.meta | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs | | | | WindowsIl2cpp_BuildTests.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | Common.meta | | | | DummyTests.cs | | | | DummyTests.cs.meta | | | | InitializationTests.cs | | | | InitializationTests.cs.meta | | | | SaveDataTests.cs | | | | SaveDataTests.cs.meta | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.asmdef | | | | Unity.SaveData.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---Common | | | BaseTestFramework.cs | | | BaseTestFramework.cs.meta | | | | | \---com.unity.terrain-tools@5.0.3 | | | .signature | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | | Editor.meta | | | ExampleAssets.meta | | | LICENSE.md | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | package.json | | | package.json.meta | | | README.md | | | README.md.meta | | | Runtime.meta | | | Shaders.meta | | | Tests.meta | | | ThirdPartyNotices.md | | | ThirdPartyNotices.md.meta | | | | | +---Documentation~ | | | | brush-controls-shortcut-keys.md | | | | brush-mask-filters-list.md | | | | brush-mask-filters.md | | | | brushes.md | | | | create-add-brush-controls.md | | | | create-custom-tools.md | | | | create-filterstacks-and-filters.md | | | | create-modify-terrain-heightmap.md | | | | create-shortcut-handlers.md | | | | create-tool-script.md | | | | create-use-custom-shaders.md | | | | effects-contrast.md | | | | effects-sharpen-peaks.md | | | | effects-slope-flatten.md | | | | effects.md | | | | erosion-hydraulic.md | | | | erosion-thermal.md | | | | erosion-wind.md | | | | erosion.md | | | | getting-started-with-terrain-tools.md | | | | index.md | | | | installing-terrain-tools.md | | | | noise-editor.md | | | | paint-details.md | | | | paint-terrain.md | | | | paint-texture.md | | | | sculpt-bridge.md | | | | sculpt-clone.md | | | | sculpt-noise.md | | | | sculpt-terrace.md | | | | sculpt.md | | | | smooth-height.md | | | | stamp-terrain.md | | | | TableOfContents.md | | | | terrain-toolbox.md | | | | toolbox-altitude-heatmap.md | | | | toolbox-change-apply-settings.md | | | | toolbox-creating-terrain.md | | | | toolbox-export-heightmaps.md | | | | toolbox-export-splatmaps.md | | | | toolbox-general-settings.md | | | | toolbox-gizmo.md | | | | toolbox-import-heightmap.md | | | | toolbox-import-splatmaps.md | | | | toolbox-load-settings.md | | | | toolbox-options-create.md | | | | toolbox-preset-settings.md | | | | toolbox-preset.md | | | | toolbox-terrain-edit.md | | | | toolbox-terrain-layers.md | | | | toolbox-terrain-settings.md | | | | toolbox-terrain-utilities.md | | | | toolbox-visualization.md | | | | transform-pinch.md | | | | transform-smudge.md | | | | transform-twist.md | | | | transform.md | | | | upgrade-guide.md | | | | whats-new.md | | | | | | | +---images | | | | 1-21-Paint-Tool-Dropdown-Example-01.png | | | | 2-11-bridge-02.png | | | | 2-11-bridge-03.png | | | | 2-12-Clone-01.png | | | | 2-12-Clone-02.png | | | | 2-12-Clone-03.png | | | | 2-14-terrace-01.png | | | | 2-14-terrace-02.png | | | | 2-14-terrace-03.png | | | | 2-21-Contrast-01.png | | | | 2-21-contrast-02.png | | | | 2-21-Contrast-03.png | | | | 2-22-Sharpen-01.png | | | | 2-22-sharpen-02.png | | | | 2-22-sharpen-03.png | | | | 2-23-Slope-01.png | | | | 2-31-hydraulic-erosion-01.png | | | | 2-31-hydraulic-erosion-02.png | | | | 2-31-hydraulic-erosion-03.png | | | | 2-32-Thermal-Erosion-01.png | | | | 2-32-Thermal-Erosion-02.png | | | | 2-33-Wind-Erosion-01.png | | | | 2-33-Wind-Erosion-02.png | | | | 2-41-pinch-02.png | | | | 2-41-pinch-03.png | | | | 2-42-Smudge-01.png | | | | 2-42-Smudge-02.png | | | | 2-43-twist-01.png | | | | 2-43-twist-02.png | | | | 2-43-twist-03.png | | | | 2-50-mesh-stamp-02.png | | | | 2-50-stamp-01.png | | | | 2-60-paint-texture-01.png | | | | 2-60-paint-texture-02.png | | | | 2-60-paint-texture-03.png | | | | 2-60-paint-texture-04.png | | | | 2-70-stamp-terrain-01.png | | | | 2-70-stamp-terrain-02.png | | | | 2-70-stamp-terrain-03.png | | | | 2-80-smooth-height-01.png | | | | 2-80-smooth-height-02.png | | | | 3-1-brush-controls-01.png | | | | 3-2-brush-masks-01.png | | | | 3-2-brush-masks-filters.png | | | | 4-00-toolbox-01.png | | | | 4-00-toolbox-02.png | | | | 4-10-toolbox-create-01.png | | | | 4-11-toolbox-create-groupsettings.png | | | | 4-11-toolbox-create-settings.png | | | | 4-13-toolbox-preset.png | | | | 4-15-toolbox-create-02.png | | | | 4-15-toolbox-options.png | | | | 4-20-toolbox-settings-01.png | | | | 4-21-toolbox-loadsettings.png | | | | 4-22-toolbox-preset-settings.png | | | | 4-23-toolbox-applysettings.png | | | | 4-23-toolbox-settingsinspector.png | | | | 4-23-toolbox-togglesetting.png | | | | 4-30-toolbox-utilities-01.png | | | | 4-31-toolbox-terrain-edit-01.png | | | | 4-31-toolbox-terrain-edit-02.png | | | | 4-32-toolbox-terrain-layers-01.png | | | | 4-32-toolbox-terrain-layers-02.png | | | | 4-32-toolbox-terrain-layers-03.png | | | | 4-32-toolbox-terrain-layers-04.png | | | | 4-32-toolbox-terrain-layers-05.png | | | | 4-33-toolbox-import-splatmap-01.png | | | | 4-33-toolbox-import-splatmap-02.png | | | | 4-34-toolbox-export-splatmaps.png | | | | 4-35-toolbox-export-heightmaps.png | | | | 4-40-toolbox-visualization.png | | | | 4-41-toolbox-heatmap-01.png | | | | Brush_Mask_Orange.png | | | | Effects.png | | | | Erosion.png | | | | NoiseEditor_01.png | | | | NoiseTool_00.png | | | | NoiseTool_01.png | | | | NoiseTool_02.png | | | | NoiseTool_03.png | | | | PaintTexture_Eyedropper.png | | | | Paint_Details_01.png | | | | Paint_Details_02.png | | | | Paint_Details_03.png | | | | Paint_Details_04.png | | | | Paint_Details_05.png | | | | Paint_Details_06.png | | | | Paint_Details_07.png | | | | Paint_Details_08.png | | | | Paint_Terrain.png | | | | Sculpt.png | | | | TerrainTools_FrontPage.png | | | | Toolbox_Create_Gizmo.png | | | | Toolbox_Create_Heightmap.png | | | | Toolbox_Gizmo_SceneView.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_Batch.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_BatchFileNaming.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_InfoBox.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_Settings.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_Tiles.png | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_UseRawFile.PNG | | | | Toolbox_Heightmap_UseTexture2D.PNG | | | | Toolbox_Utilities_Edit.png | | | | Toolbox_Utilities_Split.png | | | | Transform.png | | | | | | | \---snippets | | | domain-settings.md | | | export-settings.md | | | noise-field-preview.md | | | noise-settings-asset.md | | | transform-settings.md | | | warp-settings.md | | | | | +---Editor | | | | Analytics.meta | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | Icons.meta | | | | Importers.meta | | | | SamplesLinkPackageManagerExtension.cs | | | | SamplesLinkPackageManagerExtension.cs.meta | | | | TerrainToolbox.meta | | | | TerrainTools.meta | | | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.asmdef | | | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | +---Analytics | | | | TerrainToolsAnalytics.cs | | | | TerrainToolsAnalytics.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Icons | | | | LayersEyedropper.png | | | | LayersEyedropper.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Importers | | | | TerrainToolsShaderImporter.cs | | | | TerrainToolsShaderImporter.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---TerrainToolbox | | | | | Data.meta | | | | | OptimizeHeightRange.cs | | | | | OptimizeHeightRange.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainDetailUtilities.cs | | | | | TerrainDetailUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainGroupInspector.cs | | | | | TerrainGroupInspector.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxCreateTerrain.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxCreateTerrain.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxLayer.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxLayer.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxSettings.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxSettings.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxUtilities.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxUtilities.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxVisualization.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxVisualization.cs.meta | | | | | TerrainToolboxWindow.cs | | | | | TerrainToolboxWindow.cs.meta | | | | | ToolboxHelper.cs | | | | | ToolboxHelper.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Data | | | | Heightmap.cs | | | | Heightmap.cs.meta | | | | TerrainCreationSettings.cs | | | | TerrainCreationSettings.cs.meta | | | | TerrainPalette.cs | | | | TerrainPalette.cs.meta | | | | TerrainSettings.cs | | | | TerrainSettings.cs.meta | | | | TerrainVisualizationSettings.cs | | | | TerrainVisualizationSettings.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---TerrainTools | | | | BridgeTool.cs | | | | BridgeTool.cs.meta | | | | BrushControllers.meta | | | | CloneBrushTool.cs | | | | CloneBrushTool.cs.meta | | | | Compute.meta | | | | ContrastTool.cs | | | | ContrastTool.cs.meta | | | | DetailsScatterTool.cs | | | | DetailsScatterTool.cs.meta | | | | Erosion.meta | | | | FilterStack.meta | | | | GUI.meta | | | | HydroErosion.cs | | | | HydroErosion.cs.meta | | | | NoiseFillShaderGenerator.cs | | | | NoiseFillShaderGenerator.cs.meta | | | | NoiseHeightTool.cs | | | | NoiseHeightTool.cs.meta | | | | NoiseLib.meta | | | | PaintHeightTool.cs | | | | PaintHeightTool.cs.meta | | | | PaintHolesTool.cs | | | | PaintHolesTool.cs.meta | | | | PaintTextureTool.cs | | | | PaintTextureTool.cs.meta | | | | PinchHeight.cs | | | | PinchHeight.cs.meta | | | | RTHandleCollection.cs | | | | RTHandleCollection.cs.meta | | | | SetHeightTool.cs | | | | SetHeightTool.cs.meta | | | | SharpenPeaksTool.cs | | | | SharpenPeaksTool.cs.meta | | | | SlopeFlattenTool.cs | | | | SlopeFlattenTool.cs.meta | | | | SmoothHeightTool.cs | | | | SmoothHeightTool.cs.meta | | | | SmudgeHeight.cs | | | | SmudgeHeight.cs.meta | | | | StampTool.cs | | | | StampTool.cs.meta | | | | TerraceErosion.cs | | | | TerraceErosion.cs.meta | | | | TerrainFillUtility.cs | | | | TerrainFillUtility.cs.meta | | | | TerrainToolUtility.cs | | | | TerrainToolUtility.cs.meta | | | | ThermalErosionTool.cs | | | | ThermalErosionTool.cs.meta | | | | TwistHeight.cs | | | | TwistHeight.cs.meta | | | | WindErosionTool.cs | | | | WindErosionTool.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---BrushControllers | | | | BaseBrushUIGroup.cs | | | | BaseBrushUIGroup.cs.meta | | | | BaseBrushVariator.cs | | | | BaseBrushVariator.cs.meta | | | | BrushJitterHandler.cs | | | | BrushJitterHandler.cs.meta | | | | BrushRenderUIGroupUnderCursor.cs | | | | BrushRenderUIGroupUnderCursor.cs.meta | | | | BrushRenderWithTerrainUiGroup.cs | | | | BrushRenderWithTerrainUiGroup.cs.meta | | | | BrushRotationVariator.cs | | | | BrushRotationVariator.cs.meta | | | | BrushScatterVariator.cs | | | | BrushScatterVariator.cs.meta | | | | BrushShortcutHandler.cs | | | | BrushShortcutHandler.cs.meta | | | | BrushShortcutType.cs | | | | BrushShortcutType.cs.meta | | | | BrushSizeVariator.cs | | | | BrushSizeVariator.cs.meta | | | | BrushSpacingVariator.cs | | | | BrushSpacingVariator.cs.meta | | | | BrushStrengthVariator.cs | | | | BrushStrengthVariator.cs.meta | | | | DefaultBrushModifierKeys.cs | | | | DefaultBrushModifierKeys.cs.meta | | | | DefaultBrushSmoother.cs | | | | DefaultBrushSmoother.cs.meta | | | | DefaultBrushUIGroup.cs | | | | DefaultBrushUIGroup.cs.meta | | | | IBrushController.cs | | | | IBrushController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushEventHandler.cs | | | | IBrushEventHandler.cs.meta | | | | IBrushModifierKeyController.cs | | | | IBrushModifierKeyController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushRenderUnderCursor.cs | | | | IBrushRenderUnderCursor.cs.meta | | | | IBrushRenderWithTerrain.cs | | | | IBrushRenderWithTerrain.cs.meta | | | | IBrushRotationController.cs | | | | IBrushRotationController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushScatterController.cs | | | | IBrushScatterController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushSizeController.cs | | | | IBrushSizeController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushSmoothController.cs | | | | IBrushSmoothController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushSpacingController.cs | | | | IBrushSpacingController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushStrengthController.cs | | | | IBrushStrengthController.cs.meta | | | | IBrushTerrainCache.cs | | | | IBrushTerrainCache.cs.meta | | | | IBrushUIGroup.cs | | | | IBrushUIGroup.cs.meta | | | | IPaintContextRender.cs | | | | IPaintContextRender.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Compute | | | | Advection.compute | | | | Advection.compute.meta | | | | Aeolian.compute | | | | Aeolian.compute.meta | | | | Aspect.compute | | | | Aspect.compute.meta | | | | ComputeUtility.cs | | | | ComputeUtility.cs.meta | | | | Concavity.compute | | | | Concavity.compute.meta | | | | Diffusion.compute | | | | Diffusion.compute.meta | | | | Height.compute | | | | Height.compute.meta | | | | Hydraulic.compute | | | | Hydraulic.compute.meta | | | | ImageUtility.compute | | | | ImageUtility.compute.meta | | | | Projection.compute | | | | Projection.compute.meta | | | | Slope.compute | | | | Slope.compute.meta | | | | Thermal.compute | | | | Thermal.compute.meta | | | | | | | +---Erosion | | | | Eroder.cs | | | | Eroder.cs.meta | | | | ErosionUtility.cs | | | | ErosionUtility.cs.meta | | | | HydraulicEroder.cs | | | | HydraulicEroder.cs.meta | | | | HydraulicErosionSettings.cs | | | | HydraulicErosionSettings.cs.meta | | | | ThermalEroder.cs | | | | ThermalEroder.cs.meta | | | | WindEroder.cs | | | | WindEroder.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---FilterStack | | | | | AbsFilter.cs | | | | | AbsFilter.cs.meta | | | | | AddFilter.cs | | | | | AddFilter.cs.meta | | | | | AspectFilter.cs | | | | | AspectFilter.cs.meta | | | | | BlurFilter.cs | | | | | BlurFilter.cs.meta | | | | | ClampFilter.cs | | | | | ClampFilter.cs.meta | | | | | ComplementFilter.cs | | | | | ComplementFilter.cs.meta | | | | | ConcavityFilter.cs | | | | | ConcavityFilter.cs.meta | | | | | Editor.meta | | | | | Filter.cs | | | | | Filter.cs.meta | | | | | FilterContext.cs | | | | | FilterContext.cs.meta | | | | | FilterStack.cs | | | | | FilterStack.cs.meta | | | | | FilterStackView.cs | | | | | FilterStackView.cs.meta | | | | | FilterUtility.cs | | | | | FilterUtility.cs.meta | | | | | HeightFilter.cs | | | | | HeightFilter.cs.meta | | | | | LayerFilter.cs | | | | | LayerFilter.cs.meta | | | | | MaxFilter.cs | | | | | MaxFilter.cs.meta | | | | | MinFilter.cs | | | | | MinFilter.cs.meta | | | | | MultiplyFilter.cs | | | | | MultiplyFilter.cs.meta | | | | | NegateFilter.cs | | | | | NegateFilter.cs.meta | | | | | NoiseFilter.cs | | | | | NoiseFilter.cs.meta | | | | | PowerFilter.cs | | | | | PowerFilter.cs.meta | | | | | RemapFilter.cs | | | | | RemapFilter.cs.meta | | | | | Shaders.meta | | | | | SlopeFilter.cs | | | | | SlopeFilter.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | | FilterStackEditor.cs | | | | | | FilterStackEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | Images.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Images | | | | | eye-off.png | | | | | eye-off.png.meta | | | | | eye.png | | | | | eye.png.meta | | | | | move.png | | | | | move.png.meta | | | | | trash.png | | | | | trash.png.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Shaders | | | | BlendModes.shader | | | | BlendModes.shader.meta | | | | Blur.shader | | | | Blur.shader.meta | | | | Filters.shader | | | | Filters.shader.meta | | | | | | | +---GUI | | | | DistributionSliderGUI.cs | | | | DistributionSliderGUI.cs.meta | | | | TerrainToolGUIHelper.cs | | | | TerrainToolGUIHelper.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---NoiseLib | | | | API.meta | | | | BillowNoise.cs | | | | BillowNoise.cs.meta | | | | Editor.meta | | | | FbmFractalType.cs | | | | FbmFractalType.cs.meta | | | | NoiseBlitShaderGenerator.cs | | | | NoiseBlitShaderGenerator.cs.meta | | | | NoiseComponent.cs | | | | NoiseComponent.cs.meta | | | | NoiseComponentEditor.cs | | | | NoiseComponentEditor.cs.meta | | | | NoiseSettings.cs | | | | NoiseSettings.cs.meta | | | | NoiseSettingsAssetEditor.cs | | | | NoiseSettingsAssetEditor.cs.meta | | | | NoiseSettingsFactory.cs | | | | NoiseSettingsFactory.cs.meta | | | | NoiseSettingsGUI.cs | | | | NoiseSettingsGUI.cs.meta | | | | NoneFractalType.cs | | | | NoneFractalType.cs.meta | | | | PerlinNoise.cs | | | | PerlinNoise.cs.meta | | | | RidgeNoise.cs | | | | RidgeNoise.cs.meta | | | | StrataFractalType.cs | | | | StrataFractalType.cs.meta | | | | Styles.meta | | | | ValueNoise.cs | | | | ValueNoise.cs.meta | | | | VoronoiNoise.cs | | | | VoronoiNoise.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---API | | | | DimensionFlags.cs | | | | DimensionFlags.cs.meta | | | | FractalType.cs | | | | FractalType.cs.meta | | | | GeneratedShaderInfo.cs | | | | GeneratedShaderInfo.cs.meta | | | | HlslDescriptions.cs | | | | HlslDescriptions.cs.meta | | | | NoiseLib.cs | | | | NoiseLib.cs.meta | | | | NoiseShaderGenerator.cs | | | | NoiseShaderGenerator.cs.meta | | | | NoiseTemplateImporter.cs | | | | NoiseTemplateImporter.cs.meta | | | | NoiseType.cs | | | | NoiseType.cs.meta | | | | NoiseUtils.cs | | | | NoiseUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | ExportNoiseGUI.cs | | | | ExportNoiseGUI.cs.meta | | | | ExportNoiseWindow.cs | | | | ExportNoiseWindow.cs.meta | | | | NoiseEditorView.cs | | | | NoiseEditorView.cs.meta | | | | NoiseFieldView.cs | | | | NoiseFieldView.cs.meta | | | | NoiseWindow.cs | | | | NoiseWindow.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Styles | | | Noise_Dark.uss | | | Noise_Dark.uss.meta | | | Noise_Light.uss | | | Noise_Light.uss.meta | | | | | +---ExampleAssets | | | | NoiseSettings.meta | | | | | | | \---NoiseSettings | | | noise-billow.asset | | | noise-billow.asset.meta | | | noise-perlin.asset | | | noise-perlin.asset.meta | | | noise-ridge.asset | | | noise-ridge.asset.meta | | | noise-smooth-rock.asset | | | noise-smooth-rock.asset.meta | | | noise-value.asset | | | noise-value.asset.meta | | | noise-voronoi.asset | | | noise-voronoi.asset.meta | | | noise-warped-ridge.asset | | | noise-warped-ridge.asset.meta | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | TerrainToolbox.meta | | | | Unity.TerrainTools.asmdef | | | | Unity.TerrainTools.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---TerrainToolbox | | | TerrainGroup.cs | | | TerrainGroup.cs.meta | | | | | +---Shaders | | | | BrushPreview.shader | | | | BrushPreview.shader.meta | | | | CloneBrush.shader | | | | CloneBrush.shader.meta | | | | ContrastHeight.shader | | | | ContrastHeight.shader.meta | | | | DetailScatter.shader | | | | DetailScatter.shader.meta | | | | Generated.meta | | | | MeshUtility.shader | | | | MeshUtility.shader.meta | | | | NoiseFill.shader | | | | NoiseFill.shader.meta | | | | NoiseHeightTool.shader | | | | NoiseHeightTool.shader.meta | | | | NoiseLib.meta | | | | PaintAspect.shader | | | | PaintAspect.shader.meta | | | | PaintConcavity.shader | | | | PaintConcavity.shader.meta | | | | PaintHeight.shader | | | | PaintHeight.shader.meta | | | | PaintMaterialBrushPreview.shader | | | | PaintMaterialBrushPreview.shader.meta | | | | PaintTexture.shader | | | | PaintTexture.shader.meta | | | | PinchHeight.shader | | | | PinchHeight.shader.meta | | | | SedimentSplat.shader | | | | SedimentSplat.shader.meta | | | | SetExactHeight.shader | | | | SetExactHeight.shader.meta | | | | SharpenPeaks.shader | | | | SharpenPeaks.shader.meta | | | | SimpleHeightBlend.shader | | | | SimpleHeightBlend.shader.meta | | | | SlopeFlatten.shader | | | | SlopeFlatten.shader.meta | | | | SmoothHeight.shader | | | | SmoothHeight.shader.meta | | | | SmudgeHeight.shader | | | | SmudgeHeight.shader.meta | | | | Templates.meta | | | | TerraceErosion.shader | | | | TerraceErosion.shader.meta | | | | TerrainToolHeightBlit.shader | | | | TerrainToolHeightBlit.shader.meta | | | | TerrainTools.hlsl | | | | TerrainTools.hlsl.meta | | | | TexelValidity.shader | | | | TexelValidity.shader.meta | | | | TwistHeight.shader | | | | TwistHeight.shader.meta | | | | Visualization.meta | | | | | | | +---Generated | | | | NoiseBlitFbm.shader | | | | NoiseBlitFbm.shader.meta | | | | NoiseBlitNone.shader | | | | NoiseBlitNone.shader.meta | | | | NoiseBlitStrata.shader | | | | NoiseBlitStrata.shader.meta | | | | NoiseFillFbm.shader | | | | NoiseFillFbm.shader.meta | | | | NoiseFillNone.shader | | | | NoiseFillNone.shader.meta | | | | NoiseFillStrata.shader | | | | NoiseFillStrata.shader.meta | | | | | | | +---NoiseLib | | | | | Fbm.meta | | | | | Implementation.meta | | | | | Noise.hlsl | | | | | Noise.hlsl.meta | | | | | NoiseCommon.hlsl | | | | | NoiseCommon.hlsl.meta | | | | | NoiseImpl.hlsl | | | | | NoiseImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | NoisePreview.shader | | | | | NoisePreview.shader.meta | | | | | None.meta | | | | | Preview.shader | | | | | Preview.shader.meta | | | | | Strata.meta | | | | | Templates.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Fbm | | | | | Billow.hlsl | | | | | Billow.hlsl.meta | | | | | Perlin.hlsl | | | | | Perlin.hlsl.meta | | | | | Ridge.hlsl | | | | | Ridge.hlsl.meta | | | | | Value.hlsl | | | | | Value.hlsl.meta | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Implementation | | | | | BillowImpl.hlsl | | | | | BillowImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | PerlinImpl.hlsl | | | | | PerlinImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | RidgeImpl.hlsl | | | | | RidgeImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | ValueImpl.hlsl | | | | | ValueImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | VoronoiImpl.hlsl | | | | | VoronoiImpl.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | | | +---None | | | | | Billow.hlsl | | | | | Billow.hlsl.meta | | | | | Perlin.hlsl | | | | | Perlin.hlsl.meta | | | | | Ridge.hlsl | | | | | Ridge.hlsl.meta | | | | | Value.hlsl | | | | | Value.hlsl.meta | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Strata | | | | | Billow.hlsl | | | | | Billow.hlsl.meta | | | | | Perlin.hlsl | | | | | Perlin.hlsl.meta | | | | | Ridge.hlsl | | | | | Ridge.hlsl.meta | | | | | Value.hlsl | | | | | Value.hlsl.meta | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl | | | | | Voronoi.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Templates | | | | Blit.noisehlsltemplate | | | | Blit.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | Fill.noisehlsltemplate | | | | Fill.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | FractalFbm.noisehlsltemplate | | | | FractalFbm.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | FractalNone.noisehlsltemplate | | | | FractalNone.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | FractalStrata.noisehlsltemplate | | | | FractalStrata.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | | | | +---Templates | | | | NoiseHeightTool.noisehlsltemplate | | | | NoiseHeightTool.noisehlsltemplate.meta | | | | | | | \---Visualization | | | | Builtin.meta | | | | HDRP.meta | | | | URP.meta | | | | | | | +---Builtin | | | | BLT_TerrainVisualization.shader | | | | BLT_TerrainVisualization.shader.meta | | | | BLT_TerrainVisualizationCommon.cginc | | | | BLT_TerrainVisualizationCommon.cginc.meta | | | | | | | +---HDRP | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualization.hdrpterraintoolshader | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualization.hdrpterraintoolshader.meta | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualizationData.hlsl | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualizationData.hlsl.meta | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualizationTemplate.hlsl | | | | HDRP_TerrainVisualizationTemplate.hlsl.meta | | | | | | | \---URP | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationInput.hlsl | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationInput.hlsl.meta | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationLit.urpterraintoolshader | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationLit.urpterraintoolshader.meta | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationLitPass.hlsl | | | URP_TerrainVisualizationLitPass.hlsl.meta | | | | | \---Tests | | | Editor.meta | | | | | \---Editor | | | BaseTests.cs | | | BaseTests.cs.meta | | | BrushPlaybackTests.cs | | | BrushPlaybackTests.cs.meta | | | BrushRotationVariatorTests.cs | | | BrushRotationVariatorTests.cs.meta | | | BrushSizeTest.cs | | | BrushSizeTest.cs.meta | | | FilterTests.cs | | | FilterTests.cs.meta | | | NoiseTests.shader | | | NoiseTests.shader.meta | | | PaintDetails.cs | | | PaintDetails.cs.meta | | | PaintTextureTest.cs | | | PaintTextureTest.cs.meta | | | PlaybackData.meta | | | RegressionTests.cs | | | RegressionTests.cs.meta | | | RenderTextureTests.cs | | | RenderTextureTests.cs.meta | | | TerrainFloatMinMaxValueTests.cs | | | TerrainFloatMinMaxValueTests.cs.meta | | | ToolboxHelperTests.cs | | | ToolboxHelperTests.cs.meta | | | ToolboxUtilitiesSplatmapTests.cs | | | ToolboxUtilitiesSplatmapTests.cs.meta | | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.Tests.asmdef | | | Unity.TerrainTools.Editor.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | | | \---PlaybackData | | DetailScatterHistory.txt | | DetailScatterHistory.txt.meta | | Logo.txt | | Logo.txt.meta | | NoiseHeightHistory.txt | | NoiseHeightHistory.txt.meta | | PaintHeightHistory.txt | | PaintHeightHistory.txt.meta | | PaintHeightHistoryW.txt | | PaintHeightHistoryW.txt.meta | | PaintHeightHistory_Null.txt | | PaintHeightHistory_Null.txt.meta | | PaintHistory_Null.txt | | PaintHistory_Null.txt.meta | | PaintTextureHistory.txt | | PaintTextureHistory.txt.meta | | SculptToolHistory.txt | | SculptToolHistory.txt.meta | | SetHeightHistory.txt | | SetHeightHistory.txt.meta | | SmileHistory.txt | | SmileHistory.txt.meta | | StampHistory.txt | | StampHistory.txt.meta | | StampToolHistory.txt | | StampToolHistory.txt.meta | | testGradientCircle.png | | testGradientCircle.png.meta | | VerticalZigzag.txt | | VerticalZigzag.txt.meta | | VerticalZigzagHistory.txt | | VerticalZigzagHistory.txt.meta | | | +---Packaging | | \---PS5 | | \---sce_sys | | | icon0.png | | | nptitle.dat | | | param.json | | | pic0.png | | | pic1.png | | | pic2.png | | | | | +---trophy2 | | | npbind.dat | | | trophy00.ucp | | | | | \---uds | | npbind.dat | | uds00.ucp | | | +---ProjectSettings | | | AudioManager.asset | | | BurstAotSettings_PS5.json | | | BurstAotSettings_StandaloneLinux64.json | | | BurstAotSettings_StandaloneWindows.json | | | ClusterInputManager.asset | | | CommonBurstAotSettings.json | | | DynamicsManager.asset | | | EditorBuildSettings.asset | | | EditorSettings.asset | | | GraphicsSettings.asset | | | InputManager.asset | | | LiveCaptureSettings.asset | | | MemorySettings.asset | | | NavMeshAreas.asset | | | NeedleConsoleProjectSettings.asset | | | PackageManagerSettings.asset | | | Physics2DSettings.asset | | | PresetManager.asset | | | ProjectSettings.asset | | | ProjectVersion.txt | | | PS5ParamFile.json | | | PS5Settings.json | | | QualitySettings.asset | | | SceneTemplateSettings.json | | | ScriptableBuildPipeline.json | | | TagManager.asset | | | TimelineSettings.asset | | | TimeManager.asset | | | UnityConnectSettings.asset | | | URPProjectSettings.asset | | | VersionControlSettings.asset | | | VFXManager.asset | | | XRSettings.asset | | | | | \---Packages | | +---com.unity.polybrush | | | Settings.json | | | | | +---com.unity.probuilder | | | Settings.json | | | | | \---com.unity.testtools.codecoverage | | Settings.json | | | +---ReaperTemplates | | RecordingTemplate-32bit-48k.rpp | | | +---RewiredBackup | | InputManager.asset.backup | | | +---Steamworks_SDK | | | run_build.bat | | | | | +---builder | | | | crashhandler.dll | | | | crashhandler.dll.old | | | | ssfn4210865657412596378 | | | | ssfn49952480419056417 | | | | steam.dll | | | | steamclient.dll | | | | steamcmd.exe | | | | steamcmd.exe.old | | | | steamconsole.dll | | | | steamerrorreporter.exe | | | | steamerrorreporter.exe.old | | | | tier0_s.dll | | | | tier0_s.dll.old | | | | update_hosts_cached.vdf | | | | vstdlib_s.dll | | | | vstdlib_s.dll.old | | | | | | | +---appcache | | | | | appinfo.vdf | | | | | packageinfo.vdf | | | | | | | | | \---httpcache | | | | .gitkeep | | | | | | | +---config | | | | config.vdf | | | | | | | +---dumps | | | | .gitkeep | | | | | | | +---package | | | | steamcmd_bins_win32.zip.vz.653c702a325c64aa8f579b7809de12bb96b19623_5939507 | | | | steamcmd_public_all.zip.716674556427db82df7272603a00b5affcd9bb7b | | | | steamcmd_siteserverui_win32.zip.vz.ffdecf7feea9168b3b9f71ee63f28d45e7857e95_33294045 | | | | steamcmd_steamerrorreporter_win32.zip.270fff9355c7c67af9db084b99860d8a2e31b013 | | | | steamcmd_steamservice_win32.zip.vz.4d015f1e147f241531ae694c90054965b8708436_1605865 | | | | steamcmd_win32.zip.vz.936346278c946e0b376a3dd0df5297c0bede64c0_1608082 | | | | steam_cmd_win32.installed | | | | steam_cmd_win32.manifest | | | | | | | +---public | | | | steambootstrapper_brazilian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_bulgarian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_czech.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_danish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_dutch.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_english.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_finnish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_french.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_german.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_greek.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_hungarian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_italian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_japanese.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_korean.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_koreana.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_latam.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_norwegian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_polish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_portuguese.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_romanian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_russian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_schinese.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_spanish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_swedish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_tchinese.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_thai.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_turkish.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_ukrainian.txt | | | | steambootstrapper_vietnamese.txt | | | | | | | +---siteserverui | | | | \---win32 | | | | | api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll | | | | | blink_image_resources_200_percent.pak | | | | | content_resources_200_percent.pak | | | | | content_shell.pak | | | | | d3dcompiler_47.dll | | | | | ffmpeg.dll | | | | | icudtl.dat | | | | | libEGL.dll | | | | | libGLESv2.dll | | | | | LICENSE | | | | | LICENSES.chromium.html | | | | | msvcp140.dll | | | | | natives_blob.bin | | | | | node.dll | | | | | pdf_viewer_resources.pak | | | | | siteserverui.exe | | | | | snapshot_blob.bin | | | | | ucrtbase.dll | | | | | ui_resources_200_percent.pak | | | | | vcruntime140.dll | | | | | version | | | | | views_resources_200_percent.pak | | | | | | | | | +---locales | | | | | am.pak | | | | | ar.pak | | | | | bg.pak | | | | | bn.pak | | | | | ca.pak | | | | | cs.pak | | | | | da.pak | | | | | de.pak | | | | | el.pak | | | | | en-GB.pak | | | | | en-US.pak | | | | | es-419.pak | | | | | es.pak | | | | | et.pak | | | | | fa.pak | | | | | fake-bidi.pak | | | | | fi.pak | | | | | fil.pak | | | | | fr.pak | | | | | gu.pak | | | | | he.pak | | | | | hi.pak | | | | | hr.pak | | | | | hu.pak | | | | | id.pak | | | | | it.pak | | | | | ja.pak | | | | | kn.pak | | | | | ko.pak | | | | | lt.pak | | | | | lv.pak | | | | | ml.pak | | | | | mr.pak | | | | | ms.pak | | | | | nb.pak | | | | | nl.pak | | | | | pl.pak | | | | | pt-BR.pak | | | | | pt-PT.pak | | | | | ro.pak | | | | | ru.pak | | | | | sk.pak | | | | | sl.pak | | | | | sr.pak | | | | | sv.pak | | | | | sw.pak | | | | | ta.pak | | | | | te.pak | | | | | th.pak | | | | | tr.pak | | | | | uk.pak | | | | | vi.pak | | | | | zh-CN.pak | | | | | zh-TW.pak | | | | | | | | | \---resources | | | | app.asar | | | | electron.asar | | | | | | | +---steamapps | | | | libraryfolders.vdf | | | | | | | \---userdata | | | \---8017808 | | | +---7 | | | | | remotecache.vdf | | | | | | | | | \---remote | | | | serverbrowser_hist.vdf | | | | sharedconfig.vdf | | | | | | | +---config | | | | localconfig.vdf | | | | | | | \---ugc | | | 241100_subscriptions.vdf | | | | | +---builder_linux | | | | steamcmd.sh | | | | | | | \---linux32 | | | crashhandler.so | | | libstdc++.so.6 | | | steamcmd | | | steamerrorreporter | | | | | +---builder_osx | | | crashhandler.dylib | | | steamcmd | | | steamcmd.sh | | | | | +---content | | | .gitkeep | | | | | +---content_linux | | | .gitkeep | | | | | +---output | | | .gitkeep | | | | | \---scripts | | | BabySteps_app_build_1281040.vdf | | | BabySteps_linux_depot_build_depot_build_1281042.vdf | | | BabySteps_win64_depot_build_depot_build_1281041.vdf | | | README.md | | | | | \---BabySteps_Default Windows desktop 64-bit | | .gitkeep | | | +---Substances | | aspere_cliff_mossy.sbsar | | aspere_cliff_mossy.sbsar.meta | | dead_grass.sbsar | | dead_grass.sbsar.meta | | disturbed_soil.sbsar | | disturbed_soil.sbsar.meta | | forest_soil_with_roots.sbsar | | forest_soil_with_roots.sbsar.meta | | iceland_grassy_cliff.sbsar | | iceland_grassy_cliff.sbsar.meta | | mossy_granite_gravel.sbsar | | mossy_granite_gravel.sbsar.meta | | mud_brown.sbsar | | mud_brown.sbsar.meta | | test.sbsprs | | | +---Tool | | +---Babysteps.UnityBatch | | | | App.config | | | | Babysteps.UnityBatch.csproj | | | | Babysteps.UnityBatch.sln | | | | Program.cs | | | | | | | \---Properties | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | \---Jenkins | | | BabystepsBuild _Old.groovy | | | BabystepsBuild.groovy | | | BabystepsBuild_New.groovy | | | console_parsing_rules | | | pipeline.gdsl | | | | | \---lib | | groovy-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-ant-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-ant-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-astbuilder-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-astbuilder-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-cli-commons-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-cli-commons-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-cli-picocli-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-cli-picocli-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-console-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-console-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-contracts-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-contracts-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-datetime-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-datetime-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-dateutil-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-dateutil-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-docgenerator-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-docgenerator-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-ginq-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-ginq-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-groovydoc-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-groovydoc-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-groovysh-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-groovysh-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-jmx-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-jmx-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-json-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-json-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-jsr223-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-jsr223-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-macro-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-macro-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-macro-library-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-macro-library-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-nio-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-nio-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-servlet-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-servlet-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-sql-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-sql-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-swing-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-swing-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-templates-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-templates-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-test-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-test-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-test-junit5-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-test-junit5-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-testng-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-testng-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-typecheckers-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-typecheckers-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-xml-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-xml-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | groovy-yaml-4.0.0-alpha-3-sources.jar | | groovy-yaml-4.0.0-alpha-3.jar | | | +---UIElementsSchema | | UIElements.xsd | | UnityEditor.ImmediateWindow.UI.xsd | | UnityEditor.PackageManager.UI.xsd | | UnityEditor.UIElements.Debugger.xsd | | UnityEditor.UIElements.xsd | | UnityEngine.UIElements.xsd | | | +---UserSettings | | EditorUserSettings.asset | | QuickSearch.settings | | Search.settings | | | +---WwiseUnityIntegration_Mac_Src | | \---Wwise | | +---AkSoundEngine | | | +---Common | | | | AkArrayIterator.h | | | | AkArrayProxy.h | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.cpp | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.h | | | | AkDynamicSequence_Playlist.h | | | | AkDynamicSequence_PlaylistItem.h | | | | AkFileHelpersBase.h | | | | AkFileLocationBase.cpp | | | | AkFileLocationBase.h | | | | AkFilePackage.cpp | | | | AkFilePackage.h | | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIO.h | | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIO.inl | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.cpp | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.h | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.cpp | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.h | | | | AkSoundEngine.rc | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.cpp | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.h | | | | BuildInitializer.py | | | | BuildUtil.py | | | | BuildWwiseUnityIntegration.py | | | | ExtraCallbacks.h | | | | GenerateApiBinding.py | | | | lua51.dll | | | | PostprocessSwigOutput.py | | | | premake5.bat | | | | premake5.lua | | | | premake5.sh | | | | PrepareSwigInput.py | | | | readme.txt | | | | resource.h | | | | SoundEngine.swig | | | | SwigExceptionSwitch.h | | | | | | | \---Mac | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.cpp | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.h | | | | AkFileHelpers.h | | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIOBlocking.h | | | | BuildModule.py | | | | BuildModule.pyc | | | | platformPremake.lua | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.cxx | | | | stdafx.cpp | | | | stdafx.h | | | | __init__.py | | | | __init__.pyc | | | | | | | +---AkSoundEngineMac.xcodeproj | | | | project.pbxproj | | | | | | | +---AkSoundEngineMac.xcworkspace | | | | contents.xcworkspacedata | | | | | | | +---DerivedData | | | | \---AkSoundEngineMac | | | | | info.plist | | | | | | | | | +---Logs | | | | | +---Build | | | | | | LogStoreManifest.plist | | | | | | | | | | | +---Package | | | | | | LogStoreManifest.plist | | | | | | | | | | | \---Test | | | | | LogStoreManifest.plist | | | | | | | | | \---XCBuildData | | | | \---PIFCache | | | | +---project | | | | | PROJECT@v11_mod=1645809586.6131907_hash=ee4afbde1bc68f6646852a3b42669acc-json | | | | | | | | | +---target | | | | | TARGET@v11_hash=0b8ab67b56172843e5bfc173224266e1-json | | | | | | | | | \---workspace | | | | WORKSPACE@v11_hash=(null)_subobjects=af1b2b9aa6a6f05dd723ea59ab3a9aaa-json | | | | | | | \---obj | | | \---universal | | | +---Debug | | | | +---AkSoundEngineMac.build | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-non-framework-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-generated-files.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-own-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-project-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.hmap | | | | | | all-product-headers.yaml | | | | | | | | | | | \---Objects-normal | | | | | +---arm64 | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | | | | | \---x86_64 | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | | | \---XCBuildData | | | | 028f2c8a5c709f0f8c74df28fb40bd9e-buildRequest.json | | | | 028f2c8a5c709f0f8c74df28fb40bd9e-desc.xcbuild | | | | 028f2c8a5c709f0f8c74df28fb40bd9e-manifest.xcbuild | | | | 028f2c8a5c709f0f8c74df28fb40bd9e-targetGraph.txt | | | | build.db | | | | BuildDescriptionCacheIndex-78314b158bdf68772fe9d77116f712ab | | | | | | | +---Profile | | | | +---AkSoundEngineMac.build | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-non-framework-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-generated-files.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-own-target-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine-project-headers.hmap | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.hmap | | | | | | all-product-headers.yaml | | | | | | | | | | | \---Objects-normal | | | | | +---arm64 | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | | | | | \---x86_64 | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | | | \---XCBuildData | | | | 88b33d6dbdfd684d3a386713a2dce4d6-buildRequest.json | | | | 88b33d6dbdfd684d3a386713a2dce4d6-desc.xcbuild | | | | 88b33d6dbdfd684d3a386713a2dce4d6-manifest.xcbuild | | | | 88b33d6dbdfd684d3a386713a2dce4d6-targetGraph.txt | | | | build.db | | | | BuildDescriptionCacheIndex-78314b158bdf68772fe9d77116f712ab | | | | | | | \---Release | | | +---AkSoundEngineMac.build | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-non-framework-target-headers.hmap | | | | | AkSoundEngine-all-target-headers.hmap | | | | | AkSoundEngine-generated-files.hmap | | | | | AkSoundEngine-own-target-headers.hmap | | | | | AkSoundEngine-project-headers.hmap | | | | | AkSoundEngine.hmap | | | | | all-product-headers.yaml | | | | | | | | | \---Objects-normal | | | | +---arm64 | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | | | \---x86_64 | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.d | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.dia | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.o | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.d | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.dia | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.d | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.dia | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.o | | | | | AkFilePackage.d | | | | | AkFilePackage.dia | | | | | AkFilePackage.o | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.d | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.dia | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.o | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.d | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.dia | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.o | | | | | AkSoundEngine.LinkFileList | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.d | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.dia | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.o | | | | | AkSoundEngine_dependency_info.dat | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.d | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.dia | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.o | | | | | stdafx.d | | | | | stdafx.dia | | | | | stdafx.o | | | | | | | | | \---Binary | | | | AkSoundEngine | | | | | | | \---XCBuildData | | | 2c0e346d7ec610536887d3921c045509-buildRequest.json | | | 2c0e346d7ec610536887d3921c045509-desc.xcbuild | | | 2c0e346d7ec610536887d3921c045509-manifest.xcbuild | | | 2c0e346d7ec610536887d3921c045509-targetGraph.txt | | | build.db | | | BuildDescriptionCacheIndex-78314b158bdf68772fe9d77116f712ab | | | | | \---Integration | | \---Assets | | \---Wwise | | | NewVersion.txt | | | Readme_Src.txt | | | | | +---API | | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | package.json | | | | README.md | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.Editor.asmdef | | | | AkPluginActivator.cs | | | | | | | \---Runtime | | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.asmdef | | | | AkSoundEngine.extensions.cs | | | | | | | +---Generated | | | | +---Common | | | | | Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities.cs | | | | | Ak3dData.cs | | | | | Ak3DPositionType.cs | | | | | Ak3DSpatializationMode.cs | | | | | AkAcousticSurface.cs | | | | | AkActionOnEventType.cs | | | | | AkAudioDeviceState.cs | | | | | AkAudioFormat.cs | | | | | AkAudioInterruptionCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkAudioObjectDestination.cs | | | | | AkAudioSettings.cs | | | | | AkAudioSourceChangeCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkAuxSendValue.cs | | | | | AkBankCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkBankContent.cs | | | | | AkBehavioralPositioningData.cs | | | | | AkBusHierarchyFlags.cs | | | | | AkCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.cs | | | | | AkCallbackType.cs | | | | | AkChannelConfig.cs | | | | | AkChannelConfigType.cs | | | | | AkChannelEmitter.cs | | | | | AkChannelOrdering.cs | | | | | AkConnectionType.cs | | | | | AkCurveInterpolation.cs | | | | | AkDeviceDescription.cs | | | | | AkDeviceSettings.cs | | | | | AkDiffractionPathInfo.cs | | | | | AkDurationCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkDynamicSequenceItemCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkDynamicSequenceType.cs | | | | | AkEventCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkExtent.cs | | | | | AkExternalSourceInfo.cs | | | | | AkFloorPlane.cs | | | | | AkGlobalCallbackLocation.cs | | | | | AkGroupType.cs | | | | | AkImageSourceParams.cs | | | | | AkImageSourceSettings.cs | | | | | AkInitializationSettings.cs | | | | | AkInitSettings.cs | | | | | AkIterator.cs | | | | | AkMarkerCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkMeteringFlags.cs | | | | | AkMIDICcTypes.cs | | | | | AkMIDIEvent.cs | | | | | AkMIDIEventCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkMIDIEventTypes.cs | | | | | AkMIDIPost.cs | | | | | AkMonitorErrorCode.cs | | | | | AkMonitorErrorLevel.cs | | | | | AkMonitoringCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkMultiPositionType.cs | | | | | AkMusicPlaylistCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkMusicSettings.cs | | | | | AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.cs | | | | | AkObjectInfo.cs | | | | | AkObstructionOcclusionValues.cs | | | | | AkOutputSettings.cs | | | | | AkPanningRule.cs | | | | | AkPlaylist.cs | | | | | AkPlaylistArray.cs | | | | | AkPlaylistItem.cs | | | | | AkPluginType.cs | | | | | AkPositioningData.cs | | | | | AkPositioningInfo.cs | | | | | AkPreparationType.cs | | | | | AkQueryRTPCValue.cs | | | | | AkRamp.cs | | | | | AkReflectionPathInfo.cs | | | | | AkResourceMonitorDataSummary.cs | | | | | AKRESULT.cs | | | | | AkRoomParams.cs | | | | | AkSegmentInfo.cs | | | | | AkSerializedCallbackHeader.cs | | | | | AkSourceChannelOrdering.cs | | | | | AkSourceSettings.cs | | | | | AkSpatialAudioInitSettings.cs | | | | | AkSpeakerPanningType.cs | | | | | AkStreamMgrSettings.cs | | | | | AkTaskContext.cs | | | | | AkTransform.cs | | | | | AkTriangle.cs | | | | | | | | | \---Mac | | | | AkCommunicationSettings_Mac.cs | | | | AkPlatformInitSettings_Mac.cs | | | | AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_Mac.cs | | | | AkSoundEngine_Mac.cs | | | | AkThreadProperties_Mac.cs | | | | AkUnityPlatformSpecificSettings_Mac.cs | | | | | | | +---Handwritten | | | | +---Common | | | | | | AkAudioInputManager.cs | | | | | | AkBankManager.cs | | | | | | AkBasePathGetter.cs | | | | | | AkCallbackManager.cs | | | | | | AkCommonPlatformSettings.cs | | | | | | AkEnumFlagAttribute.cs | | | | | | AkLogger.cs | | | | | | AkShowOnlyAttribute.cs | | | | | | AkSoundEngine.cs | | | | | | AkUtilities.cs | | | | | | AkVector.cs | | | | | | AkVertex.cs | | | | | | AkWwiseEditorSettings.cs | | | | | | AkWwiseFileWatcher.cs | | | | | | AkWwiseInitializationSettings.cs | | | | | | | | | | | \---Arrays | | | | | AkAcousticSurfaceArray.cs | | | | | AkAuxSendArray.cs | | | | | AkBaseArray.cs | | | | | AkChannelEmitterArray.cs | | | | | AkDeviceDescriptionArray.cs | | | | | AkDiffractionPathInfoArray.cs | | | | | AkExternalSourceInfoArray.cs | | | | | AkMIDIPostArray.cs | | | | | AkObjectInfoArray.cs | | | | | AkObstructionOcclusionValuesArray.cs | | | | | AkPositionArray.cs | | | | | AkReflectionPathInfoArray.cs | | | | | AkSourceSettingsArray.cs | | | | | AkTriangleArray.cs | | | | | | | | | \---Mac | | | | AkMacBasePathGetter.cs | | | | AkMacSettings.cs | | | | AkSoundEngine.cs | | | | | | | \---WwiseTypes | | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.WwiseTypes.asmdef | | | | | | | +---WwiseObjects | | | | WwiseAcousticTextureReference.cs | | | | WwiseAuxBusReference.cs | | | | WwiseBankReference.cs | | | | WwiseEventReference.cs | | | | WwiseObjectReference.cs | | | | WwiseObjectType.cs | | | | WwiseRtpcReference.cs | | | | WwiseStateGroupReference.cs | | | | WwiseStateReference.cs | | | | WwiseSwitchGroupReference.cs | | | | WwiseSwitchReference.cs | | | | WwiseTriggerReference.cs | | | | | | | \---WwiseTypes | | | AkWwiseAcousticTexture.cs | | | AkWwiseAuxBus.cs | | | AkWwiseBank.cs | | | AkWwiseBaseGroupType.cs | | | AkWwiseBaseType.cs | | | AkWwiseCallbackFlags.cs | | | AkWwiseEvent.cs | | | AkWwiseRtpc.cs | | | AkWwiseState.cs | | | AkWwiseSwitch.cs | | | AkWwiseTrigger.cs | | | AkWwiseTypeMigration.cs | | | | | +---MonoBehaviour | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.MonoBehaviour.asmdef | | | AkAmbient.cs | | | AkAmbientLargeModePositioner.cs | | | AkAudioListener.cs | | | AkBank.cs | | | AkEarlyReflections.cs | | | AkEmitterObstructionOcclusion.cs | | | AkEnvironment.cs | | | AkEnvironmentPortal.cs | | | AkEvent.cs | | | AkEventCallbackData.cs | | | AkGameObj.cs | | | AkGameObjEnvironmentData.cs | | | AkGameObjListenerList.cs | | | AkGameObjPositionData.cs | | | AkGameObjPositionOffsetData.cs | | | AkGameObjPosOffsetData.cs | | | AkInitializer.cs | | | AkMemBankLoader.cs | | | AkObstructionOcclusion.cs | | | AkRadialEmitter.cs | | | AkRoom.cs | | | AkRoomAwareManager.cs | | | AkRoomAwareObject.cs | | | AkRoomManager.cs | | | AkRoomPortal.cs | | | AkRoomPortalObstruction.cs | | | AkSoundEngineController.cs | | | AkSpatialAudioDebugDraw.cs | | | AkSpatialAudioEmitter.cs | | | AkSpatialAudioListener.cs | | | AkState.cs | | | AkSurfaceReflector.cs | | | AkSwitch.cs | | | AkTerminator.cs | | | AkTriggerBase.cs | | | AkTriggerCollisionEnter.cs | | | AkTriggerCollisionExit.cs | | | AkTriggerDisable.cs | | | AkTriggerEnable.cs | | | AkTriggerEnter.cs | | | AkTriggerExit.cs | | | AkTriggerHandler.cs | | | AkTriggerMouseDown.cs | | | AkTriggerMouseEnter.cs | | | AkTriggerMouseExit.cs | | | AkTriggerMouseUp.cs | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | LICENSE.md | | | package.json | | | README.md | | | | | \---Timeline | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | LICENSE.md | | | package.json | | | README.md | | | | | +---Editor | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.Timeline.Editor.asmdef | | | AkEventPlayableInspector.cs | | | AkRTPCPlayableInspector.cs | | | AkRTPCTrackInspector.cs | | | | | \---Runtime | | AK.Wwise.Unity.Timeline.asmdef | | AkEventPlayable.cs | | AkEventPlayableBehavior.cs | | AkEventTrack.cs | | AkRTPCPlayable.cs | | AkRTPCTrack.cs | | AkTimelineEventPlayable.cs | | AkTimelineEventTrack.cs | | AkTimelineRtpcPlayable.cs | | AkTimelineRtpcTrack.cs | | | \---WwiseUnityIntegration_Windows_Src | \---Wwise | +---AkSoundEngine | | +---Common | | | AkArrayIterator.h | | | AkArrayProxy.h | | | AkCallbackSerializer.cpp | | | AkCallbackSerializer.h | | | AkDynamicSequence_Playlist.h | | | AkDynamicSequence_PlaylistItem.h | | | AkFileHelpersBase.h | | | AkFileLocationBase.cpp | | | AkFileLocationBase.h | | | AkFilePackage.cpp | | | AkFilePackage.h | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIO.h | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIO.inl | | | AkFilePackageLUT.cpp | | | AkFilePackageLUT.h | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.cpp | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.h | | | AkSoundEngine.rc | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.cpp | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.h | | | BuildInitializer.py | | | BuildUtil.py | | | BuildWwiseUnityIntegration.py | | | ExtraCallbacks.h | | | GenerateApiBinding.py | | | lua51.dll | | | PostprocessSwigOutput.py | | | premake5.bat | | | premake5.lua | | | premake5.sh | | | PrepareSwigInput.py | | | readme.txt | | | resource.h | | | SoundEngine.swig | | | SwigExceptionSwitch.h | | | | | \---Windows | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.cpp | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.h | | | AkFileHelpers.h | | | AkFilePackageLowLevelIOBlocking.h | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.sln | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.vcxproj | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.vcxproj.filters | | | BuildModule.py | | | platformPremake.lua | | | SoundEngine_wrap.cxx | | | stdafx.cpp | | | stdafx.h | | | __init__.py | | | | | +---obj | | | +---Win32 | | | | +---Debug | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | | | CL.10728.write.1.tlog | | | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | | | | | +---Profile | | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | | | CL.12244.write.1.tlog | | | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | | | | | \---Release | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | | CL.12416.write.1.tlog | | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | | | \---x64 | | | +---Debug | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | | CL.12684.write.1.tlog | | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | | | +---Profile | | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | | CL.10256.write.1.tlog | | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | | | \---Release | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.obj | | | | AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.obj | | | | AkFileLocationBase.obj | | | | AkFilePackage.obj | | | | AkFilePackageLUT.obj | | | | AkMultipleFileLocation.obj | | | | AkSoundEngineStubs.obj | | | | SoundEngine_wrap.obj | | | | stdafx.obj | | | | vc141.pdb | | | | | | | \---AkSoundE.ACA1FCE6.tlog | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.lastbuildstate | | | AkSoundEngineWindows.write.1u.tlog | | | CL.10832.write.1.tlog | | | CL.command.1.tlog | | | CL.read.1.tlog | | | link.command.1.tlog | | | link.read.1.tlog | | | link.write.1.tlog | | | | | \---__pycache__ | | BuildModule.cpython-39.pyc | | __init__.cpython-39.pyc | | | \---Integration | \---Assets | \---Wwise | | NewVersion.txt | | Readme_Src.txt | | | +---API | | | CHANGELOG.md | | | LICENSE.md | | | package.json | | | README.md | | | | | +---Editor | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.Editor.asmdef | | | AkPluginActivator.cs | | | | | \---Runtime | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.asmdef | | | AkSoundEngine.extensions.cs | | | | | +---Generated | | | +---Common | | | | Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities.cs | | | | Ak3dData.cs | | | | Ak3DPositionType.cs | | | | Ak3DSpatializationMode.cs | | | | AkAcousticSurface.cs | | | | AkActionOnEventType.cs | | | | AkAudioDeviceState.cs | | | | AkAudioFormat.cs | | | | AkAudioInterruptionCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkAudioObjectDestination.cs | | | | AkAudioSettings.cs | | | | AkAudioSourceChangeCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkAuxSendValue.cs | | | | AkBankCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkBankContent.cs | | | | AkBehavioralPositioningData.cs | | | | AkBusHierarchyFlags.cs | | | | AkCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkCallbackSerializer.cs | | | | AkCallbackType.cs | | | | AkChannelConfig.cs | | | | AkChannelConfigType.cs | | | | AkChannelEmitter.cs | | | | AkChannelOrdering.cs | | | | AkConnectionType.cs | | | | AkCurveInterpolation.cs | | | | AkDeviceDescription.cs | | | | AkDeviceSettings.cs | | | | AkDiffractionPathInfo.cs | | | | AkDurationCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkDynamicSequenceItemCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkDynamicSequenceType.cs | | | | AkEventCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkExtent.cs | | | | AkExternalSourceInfo.cs | | | | AkFloorPlane.cs | | | | AkGlobalCallbackLocation.cs | | | | AkGroupType.cs | | | | AkImageSourceParams.cs | | | | AkImageSourceSettings.cs | | | | AkInitializationSettings.cs | | | | AkInitSettings.cs | | | | AkIterator.cs | | | | AkMarkerCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkMeteringFlags.cs | | | | AkMIDICcTypes.cs | | | | AkMIDIEvent.cs | | | | AkMIDIEventCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkMIDIEventTypes.cs | | | | AkMIDIPost.cs | | | | AkMonitorErrorCode.cs | | | | AkMonitorErrorLevel.cs | | | | AkMonitoringCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkMultiPositionType.cs | | | | AkMusicPlaylistCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkMusicSettings.cs | | | | AkMusicSyncCallbackInfo.cs | | | | AkObjectInfo.cs | | | | AkObstructionOcclusionValues.cs | | | | AkOutputSettings.cs | | | | AkPanningRule.cs | | | | AkPlaylist.cs | | | | AkPlaylistArray.cs | | | | AkPlaylistItem.cs | | | | AkPluginType.cs | | | | AkPositioningData.cs | | | | AkPositioningInfo.cs | | | | AkPreparationType.cs | | | | AkQueryRTPCValue.cs | | | | AkRamp.cs | | | | AkReflectionPathInfo.cs | | | | AkResourceMonitorDataSummary.cs | | | | AKRESULT.cs | | | | AkRoomParams.cs | | | | AkSegmentInfo.cs | | | | AkSerializedCallbackHeader.cs | | | | AkSourceChannelOrdering.cs | | | | AkSourceSettings.cs | | | | AkSpatialAudioInitSettings.cs | | | | AkSpeakerPanningType.cs | | | | AkStreamMgrSettings.cs | | | | AkTaskContext.cs | | | | AkTransform.cs | | | | AkTriangle.cs | | | | | | | \---Windows | | | AkCommunicationSettings_Windows.cs | | | AkPlatformInitSettings_Windows.cs | | | AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_Windows.cs | | | AkSoundEngine_Windows.cs | | | AkThreadProperties_Windows.cs | | | AkUnityPlatformSpecificSettings_Windows.cs | | | | | +---Handwritten | | | +---Common | | | | | AkAudioInputManager.cs | | | | | AkBankManager.cs | | | | | AkBasePathGetter.cs | | | | | AkCallbackManager.cs | | | | | AkCommonPlatformSettings.cs | | | | | AkEnumFlagAttribute.cs | | | | | AkLogger.cs | | | | | AkShowOnlyAttribute.cs | | | | | AkSoundEngine.cs | | | | | AkUtilities.cs | | | | | AkVector.cs | | | | | AkVertex.cs | | | | | AkWwiseEditorSettings.cs | | | | | AkWwiseFileWatcher.cs | | | | | AkWwiseInitializationSettings.cs | | | | | | | | | \---Arrays | | | | AkAcousticSurfaceArray.cs | | | | AkAuxSendArray.cs | | | | AkBaseArray.cs | | | | AkChannelEmitterArray.cs | | | | AkDeviceDescriptionArray.cs | | | | AkDiffractionPathInfoArray.cs | | | | AkExternalSourceInfoArray.cs | | | | AkMIDIPostArray.cs | | | | AkObjectInfoArray.cs | | | | AkObstructionOcclusionValuesArray.cs | | | | AkPositionArray.cs | | | | AkReflectionPathInfoArray.cs | | | | AkSourceSettingsArray.cs | | | | AkTriangleArray.cs | | | | | | | \---Windows | | | AkSoundEngine.cs | | | AkWindowsBasePathGetter.cs | | | AkWindowsSettings.cs | | | | | \---WwiseTypes | | | AK.Wwise.Unity.API.WwiseTypes.asmdef | | | | | +---WwiseObjects | | | WwiseAcousticTextureReference.cs | | | WwiseAuxBusReference.cs | | | WwiseBankReference.cs | | | WwiseEventReference.cs | | | WwiseObjectReference.cs | | | WwiseObjectType.cs | | | WwiseRtpcReference.cs | | | WwiseStateGroupReference.cs | | | WwiseStateReference.cs | | | WwiseSwitchGroupReference.cs | | | WwiseSwitchReference.cs | | | WwiseTriggerReference.cs | | | | | \---WwiseTypes | | AkWwiseAcousticTexture.cs | | AkWwiseAuxBus.cs | | AkWwiseBank.cs | | AkWwiseBaseGroupType.cs | | AkWwiseBaseType.cs | | AkWwiseCallbackFlags.cs | | AkWwiseEvent.cs | | AkWwiseRtpc.cs | | AkWwiseState.cs | | AkWwiseSwitch.cs | | AkWwiseTrigger.cs | | AkWwiseTypeMigration.cs | | | +---MonoBehaviour | | AK.Wwise.Unity.MonoBehaviour.asmdef | | AkAmbient.cs | | AkAmbientLargeModePositioner.cs | | AkAudioListener.cs | | AkBank.cs | | AkEarlyReflections.cs | | AkEmitterObstructionOcclusion.cs | | AkEnvironment.cs | | AkEnvironmentPortal.cs | | AkEvent.cs | | AkEventCallbackData.cs | | AkGameObj.cs | | AkGameObjEnvironmentData.cs | | AkGameObjListenerList.cs | | AkGameObjPositionData.cs | | AkGameObjPositionOffsetData.cs | | AkGameObjPosOffsetData.cs | | AkInitializer.cs | | AkMemBankLoader.cs | | AkObstructionOcclusion.cs | | AkRadialEmitter.cs | | AkRoom.cs | | AkRoomAwareManager.cs | | AkRoomAwareObject.cs | | AkRoomManager.cs | | AkRoomPortal.cs | | AkRoomPortalObstruction.cs | | AkSoundEngineController.cs | | AkSpatialAudioDebugDraw.cs | | AkSpatialAudioEmitter.cs | | AkSpatialAudioListener.cs | | AkState.cs | | AkSurfaceReflector.cs | | AkSwitch.cs | | AkTerminator.cs | | AkTriggerBase.cs | | AkTriggerCollisionEnter.cs | | AkTriggerCollisionExit.cs | | AkTriggerDisable.cs | | AkTriggerEnable.cs | | AkTriggerEnter.cs | | AkTriggerExit.cs | | AkTriggerHandler.cs | | AkTriggerMouseDown.cs | | AkTriggerMouseEnter.cs | | AkTriggerMouseExit.cs | | AkTriggerMouseUp.cs | | CHANGELOG.md | | LICENSE.md | | package.json | | README.md | | | \---Timeline | | CHANGELOG.md | | LICENSE.md | | package.json | | README.md | | | +---Editor | | AK.Wwise.Unity.Timeline.Editor.asmdef | | AkEventPlayableInspector.cs | | AkRTPCPlayableInspector.cs | | AkRTPCTrackInspector.cs | | | \---Runtime | AK.Wwise.Unity.Timeline.asmdef | AkEventPlayable.cs | AkEventPlayableBehavior.cs | AkEventTrack.cs | AkRTPCPlayable.cs | AkRTPCTrack.cs | AkTimelineEventPlayable.cs | AkTimelineEventTrack.cs | AkTimelineRtpcPlayable.cs | AkTimelineRtpcTrack.cs | +---com.unity.ai.navigation | | CHANGELOG.md | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | Editor.meta | | Gizmos.meta | | LICENSE.md | | LICENSE.md.meta | | package.json | | package.json.meta | | README.md | | README.md.meta | | Runtime.meta | | Tests.meta | | | +---Documentation~ | | | filter.yml | | | index.md | | | NavMeshLink.md | | | NavMeshModifier.md | | | NavMeshModifierVolume.md | | | NavMeshSurface.md | | | | | \---Images | | ConnectingSurfaces-Example.png | | NavMeshLink-Example.png | | NavMeshModifier-Example.png | | NavMeshModifierVolume-Example.png | | NavMeshSurface-Advanced.png | | NavMeshSurface-Example.png | | | +---Editor | | NavMeshAssetManager.cs | | NavMeshAssetManager.cs.meta | | NavMeshComponentsGUIUtility.cs | | NavMeshComponentsGUIUtility.cs.meta | | NavMeshLinkEditor.cs | | NavMeshLinkEditor.cs.meta | | NavMeshModifierEditor.cs | | NavMeshModifierEditor.cs.meta | | NavMeshModifierVolumeEditor.cs | | NavMeshModifierVolumeEditor.cs.meta | | NavMeshSurfaceEditor.cs | | NavMeshSurfaceEditor.cs.meta | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.asmdef | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | +---Gizmos | | NavMeshLink Icon.png | | NavMeshLink Icon.png.meta | | NavMeshModifier Icon.png | | NavMeshModifier Icon.png.meta | | NavMeshModifierVolume Icon.png | | NavMeshModifierVolume Icon.png.meta | | NavMeshSurface Icon.png | | NavMeshSurface Icon.png.meta | | | +---Runtime | | HelpUrls.cs | | HelpUrls.cs.meta | | NavMeshLink.cs | | NavMeshLink.cs.meta | | NavMeshModifier.cs | | NavMeshModifier.cs.meta | | NavMeshModifierVolume.cs | | NavMeshModifierVolume.cs.meta | | NavMeshSurface.cs | | NavMeshSurface.cs.meta | | Unity.AI.Navigation.asmdef | | Unity.AI.Navigation.asmdef.meta | | | +---Samples~ | | | .sample.json | | | Cube.prefab | | | Cube.prefab.meta | | | Editor.meta | | | Materials.meta | | | Prefabs.meta | | | Scenes.meta | | | Scripts.meta | | | Terrains.meta | | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Samples.asmdef | | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Samples.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---Editor | | | NavMeshPrefabInstanceEditor.cs | | | NavMeshPrefabInstanceEditor.cs.meta | | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Samples.Editor.asmdef | | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Samples.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---Materials | | | brightgreen.mat | | | brightgreen.mat.meta | | | brown.mat | | | brown.mat.meta | | | crosshair.mat | | | crosshair.mat.meta | | | floor.mat | | | floor.mat.meta | | | green.mat | | | green.mat.meta | | | grey.mat | | | grey.mat.meta | | | modify_crosshair.png | | | modify_crosshair.png.meta | | | red.mat | | | red.mat.meta | | | yellow.mat | | | yellow.mat.meta | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | BanyanTree.fbx | | | | BanyanTree.fbx.meta | | | | BanyanTree.prefab | | | | BanyanTree.prefab.meta | | | | DungeonTiles.meta | | | | GroundTile.prefab | | | | GroundTile.prefab.meta | | | | Materials.meta | | | | Plank.prefab | | | | Plank.prefab.meta | | | | | | | +---DungeonTiles | | | | Tile0.prefab | | | | Tile0.prefab.meta | | | | Tile1.prefab | | | | Tile1.prefab.meta | | | | Tile10.prefab | | | | Tile10.prefab.meta | | | | Tile11.prefab | | | | Tile11.prefab.meta | | | | Tile12.prefab | | | | Tile12.prefab.meta | | | | Tile13.prefab | | | | Tile13.prefab.meta | | | | Tile14.prefab | | | | Tile14.prefab.meta | | | | Tile15.prefab | | | | Tile15.prefab.meta | | | | Tile2.prefab | | | | Tile2.prefab.meta | | | | Tile3.prefab | | | | Tile3.prefab.meta | | | | Tile4.prefab | | | | Tile4.prefab.meta | | | | Tile5.prefab | | | | Tile5.prefab.meta | | | | Tile6.prefab | | | | Tile6.prefab.meta | | | | Tile7.prefab | | | | Tile7.prefab.meta | | | | Tile8.prefab | | | | Tile8.prefab.meta | | | | Tile9.prefab | | | | Tile9.prefab.meta | | | | | | | \---Materials | | | BanyanBark.mat | | | BanyanBark.mat.meta | | | BanyanBranches.mat | | | BanyanBranches.mat.meta | | | | | +---Scenes | | | | 1_multiple_agent_sizes.meta | | | | 1_multiple_agent_sizes.unity | | | | 1_multiple_agent_sizes.unity.meta | | | | 2_drop_plank.unity | | | | 2_drop_plank.unity.meta | | | | 3_free_orientation.meta | | | | 3_free_orientation.unity | | | | 3_free_orientation.unity.meta | | | | 4_sliding_window_infinite.unity | | | | 4_sliding_window_infinite.unity.meta | | | | 5_sliding_window_terrain.unity | | | | 5_sliding_window_terrain.unity.meta | | | | 6_modify_mesh.unity | | | | 6_modify_mesh.unity.meta | | | | 7b_dungeon_tile_prefabs.unity | | | | 7b_dungeon_tile_prefabs.unity.meta | | | | 7_dungeon.unity | | | | 7_dungeon.unity.meta | | | | | | | +---1_multiple_agent_sizes | | | | NavMesh-Geometry 1.asset | | | | NavMesh-Geometry 1.asset.meta | | | | NavMesh-Geometry.asset | | | | NavMesh-Geometry.asset.meta | | | | | | | \---3_free_orientation | | | NavMesh.asset | | | NavMesh.asset.meta | | | | | +---Scripts | | | AgentLinkMover.cs | | | AgentLinkMover.cs.meta | | | ClickToMove.cs | | | ClickToMove.cs.meta | | | DestroyOnTrigger.cs | | | DestroyOnTrigger.cs.meta | | | DungeonManager.cs | | | DungeonManager.cs.meta | | | EnableIffSleeping.cs | | | EnableIffSleeping.cs.meta | | | FreeCam.cs | | | FreeCam.cs.meta | | | LocalNavMeshBuilder.cs | | | LocalNavMeshBuilder.cs.meta | | | MeshTool.cs | | | MeshTool.cs.meta | | | NavMeshPrefabInstance.cs | | | NavMeshPrefabInstance.cs.meta | | | NavMeshSourceTag.cs | | | NavMeshSourceTag.cs.meta | | | Oscillator.cs | | | Oscillator.cs.meta | | | RandomInstancing.cs | | | RandomInstancing.cs.meta | | | RandomWalk.cs | | | RandomWalk.cs.meta | | | SpawnPrefabOnKeyDown.cs | | | SpawnPrefabOnKeyDown.cs.meta | | | | | \---Terrains | | Islands.asset | | Islands.asset.meta | | layer_LightmapWithFog(2048.000,2048.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer | | layer_LightmapWithFog(2048.000,2048.000)(0.000,0.000)(0.000,0.000,0.000),0.000,0.000.terrainlayer.meta | | LightmapWithFog.png | | LightmapWithFog.png.meta | | | \---Tests | | Editor.meta | | Runtime.meta | | | +---Editor | | NavMeshModifierVolumeInPrefabTests.cs | | NavMeshModifierVolumeInPrefabTests.cs.meta | | NavMeshSurfaceInPrefabTests.cs | | NavMeshSurfaceInPrefabTests.cs.meta | | NavMeshSurfaceInPrefabVariantTests.cs | | NavMeshSurfaceInPrefabVariantTests.cs.meta | | PrefabSavingUtil.cs | | PrefabSavingUtil.cs.meta | | PrefabStageAutoSavingUtil.cs | | PrefabStageAutoSavingUtil.cs.meta | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.Tests.asmdef | | Unity.AI.Navigation.Editor.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | \---Runtime | NavMeshSurfaceAgentTests.cs | NavMeshSurfaceAgentTests.cs.meta | NavMeshSurfaceLinkTests.cs | NavMeshSurfaceLinkTests.cs.meta | NavMeshSurfaceModifierTests.cs | NavMeshSurfaceModifierTests.cs.meta | NavMeshSurfaceModifierVolumeTests.cs | NavMeshSurfaceModifierVolumeTests.cs.meta | NavMeshSurfaceTests.cs | NavMeshSurfaceTests.cs.meta | Unity.AI.Navigation.Tests.asmdef | Unity.AI.Navigation.Tests.asmdef.meta | +---com.unity.barracuda | | Barracuda.meta | | CHANGELOG.md | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | LICENSE.md | | LICENSE.md.meta | | package.json | | package.json.meta | | README.md | | README.md.meta | | Samples.meta | | Third Party Notices.md | | Third Party Notices.md.meta | | | +---Barracuda | | | Editor.meta | | | Runtime.meta | | | Tests.meta | | | | | +---Editor | | | NNModelIcon.png | | | NNModelIcon.png.meta | | | NNModelImporter.cs | | | NNModelImporter.cs.meta | | | ONNXModelIcon.png | | | ONNXModelIcon.png.meta | | | ONNXModelImporter.cs | | | ONNXModelImporter.cs.meta | | | ONNXModelImporterEditor.cs | | | ONNXModelImporterEditor.cs.meta | | | Unity.Barracuda.Editor.asmdef | | | Unity.Barracuda.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---Runtime | | | | Core.meta | | | | ONNX.meta | | | | Plugins.meta | | | | | | | +---Core | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | | Backends.meta | | | | | Barracuda.cs | | | | | Barracuda.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaArray.cs | | | | | BarracudaArray.cs.meta | | | | | Compiler.meta | | | | | Internals.meta | | | | | Layer.cs | | | | | Layer.cs.meta | | | | | LayerAttributes.cs | | | | | LayerAttributes.cs.meta | | | | | Logger.cs | | | | | Logger.cs.meta | | | | | Model.cs | | | | | Model.cs.meta | | | | | ModelLoader.cs | | | | | ModelLoader.cs.meta | | | | | ModelWriter.cs | | | | | ModelWriter.cs.meta | | | | | PluginInterfaces.cs | | | | | PluginInterfaces.cs.meta | | | | | Random.cs | | | | | Random.cs.meta | | | | | Resources.meta | | | | | ShapeInference.meta | | | | | Tensor.cs | | | | | Tensor.cs.meta | | | | | TensorExtensions.cs | | | | | TensorExtensions.cs.meta | | | | | TensorFloat.cs | | | | | TensorFloat.cs.meta | | | | | TensorIndex.cs | | | | | TensorIndex.cs.meta | | | | | TensorInt.cs | | | | | TensorInt.cs.meta | | | | | TensorIterator.cs | | | | | TensorIterator.cs.meta | | | | | TensorShape.cs | | | | | TensorShape.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.Barracuda.asmdef | | | | | Unity.Barracuda.asmdef.meta | | | | | Utils.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Backends | | | | | BarracudaArrayTensorData.cs | | | | | BarracudaArrayTensorData.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBackends.cs | | | | | BarracudaBackends.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBackendsFactory.cs | | | | | BarracudaBackendsFactory.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Helper.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Helper.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Activation.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Activation.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ActivationA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ActivationA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ActivationB.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ActivationB.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Broadcast.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Broadcast.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ConvA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.ConvA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Einsum.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Einsum.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.GenericA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.GenericA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.GenericB.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.GenericB.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.IndexingOpsA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.IndexingOpsA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Logical.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Logical.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Other.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Other.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Pad.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Pad.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.PadA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.PadA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Pool.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Pool.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.PoolA.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.PoolA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Reduction.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Jobs.Reduction.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.MatMul.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.MatMul.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Ops.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Ops.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Ops.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstCPU.Ops.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaBurstTensorData.cs | | | | | BarracudaBurstTensorData.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaCompute.cs | | | | | BarracudaCompute.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Ops.gen.cs | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Ops.gen.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaComputeTensorData.cs | | | | | BarracudaComputeTensorData.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaJobSystem.cs | | | | | BarracudaJobSystem.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaPixelShader.cs | | | | | BarracudaPixelShader.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaReferenceCPU.cs | | | | | BarracudaReferenceCPU.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaReferenceCPU.Einsum.cs | | | | | BarracudaReferenceCPU.Einsum.cs.meta | | | | | BarracudaTextureTensorData.cs | | | | | BarracudaTextureTensorData.cs.meta | | | | | CompareOps.cs | | | | | CompareOps.cs.meta | | | | | CompareOpsUtils.cs | | | | | CompareOpsUtils.cs.meta | | | | | ComputeInfo.cs | | | | | ComputeInfo.cs.meta | | | | | ComputeShaderSingleton.cs | | | | | ComputeShaderSingleton.cs.meta | | | | | ComputeShaderSingleton.gen.cs | | | | | ComputeShaderSingleton.gen.cs.meta | | | | | ComputeShaderSingletonA.gen.cs | | | | | ComputeShaderSingletonA.gen.cs.meta | | | | | GenericWorker.cs | | | | | GenericWorker.cs.meta | | | | | LayerFusingHelper.cs | | | | | LayerFusingHelper.cs.meta | | | | | MathUtils.cs | | | | | MathUtils.cs.meta | | | | | ModelAnalyzer.cs | | | | | ModelAnalyzer.cs.meta | | | | | ModelOptimizer.cs | | | | | ModelOptimizer.cs.meta | | | | | ModelValidater.cs | | | | | ModelValidater.cs.meta | | | | | OpsUtils.cs | | | | | OpsUtils.cs.meta | | | | | PixelShaderSingleton.cs | | | | | PixelShaderSingleton.cs.meta | | | | | TensorAllocators.cs | | | | | TensorAllocators.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Compiler | | | | | | Analyser.meta | | | | | | Passes.meta | | | | | | Validation.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Analyser | | | | | | GraphLogicAnalysis.cs | | | | | | GraphLogicAnalysis.cs.meta | | | | | | MemoryFootprintAnalysis.cs | | | | | | MemoryFootprintAnalysis.cs.meta | | | | | | ShapeInferenceAnalysis.cs | | | | | | ShapeInferenceAnalysis.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Passes | | | | | | ConcatenateTransposesPass.cs | | | | | | ConcatenateTransposesPass.cs.meta | | | | | | ContractToSimplerLayerPass.cs | | | | | | ContractToSimplerLayerPass.cs.meta | | | | | | CPUFallbackPass.cs | | | | | | CPUFallbackPass.cs.meta | | | | | | EinsumToMatMulPass.cs | | | | | | EinsumToMatMulPass.cs.meta | | | | | | FuseActivationsPass.cs | | | | | | FuseActivationsPass.cs.meta | | | | | | FuseConstantsPass.cs | | | | | | FuseConstantsPass.cs.meta | | | | | | FuseDensePass.cs | | | | | | FuseDensePass.cs.meta | | | | | | FuseLinearLayersPass.cs | | | | | | FuseLinearLayersPass.cs.meta | | | | | | IModelPass.cs | | | | | | IModelPass.cs.meta | | | | | | PassesUtils.cs | | | | | | PassesUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | RemoveNoOpsPass.cs | | | | | | RemoveNoOpsPass.cs.meta | | | | | | RemoveUnusedPass.cs | | | | | | RemoveUnusedPass.cs.meta | | | | | | ValidatePasses.cs | | | | | | ValidatePasses.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Validation | | | | | IValidationPass.cs | | | | | IValidationPass.cs.meta | | | | | ValidateShapeInference.cs | | | | | ValidateShapeInference.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Internals | | | | | Debug.cs | | | | | Debug.cs.meta | | | | | NNModel.cs | | | | | NNModel.cs.meta | | | | | NNModelData.cs | | | | | NNModelData.cs.meta | | | | | StringCache.cs | | | | | StringCache.cs.meta | | | | | TestSetLoader.cs | | | | | TestSetLoader.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Resources | | | | | | Barracuda.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Barracuda | | | | | | Activations.compute | | | | | | Activations.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Shaders.Broadcast.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Shaders.Broadcast.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Shaders.Reduction.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaCompute.Shaders.Reduction.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ActivationA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ActivationA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ActivationB.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ActivationB.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ConvA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ConvA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.Einsum.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.Einsum.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.GenericA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.GenericA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.GenericB.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.GenericB.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.IndexingOpsA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.IndexingOpsA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.Logical.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.Logical.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.PadA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.PadA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.PoolA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.PoolA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ReduceA.gen.compute | | | | | | BarracudaReferenceImpl.ReduceA.gen.compute.meta | | | | | | Broadcast.cginc | | | | | | Broadcast.cginc.meta | | | | | | CompareOps.compute | | | | | | CompareOps.compute.meta | | | | | | ComputeShaders.meta | | | | | | Conv.compute | | | | | | Conv.compute.meta | | | | | | ConvTranspose.compute | | | | | | ConvTranspose.compute.meta | | | | | | CopyOps.compute | | | | | | CopyOps.compute.meta | | | | | | Dense.compute | | | | | | Dense.compute.meta | | | | | | IndexingOps.compute | | | | | | IndexingOps.compute.meta | | | | | | LogicalOps.compute | | | | | | LogicalOps.compute.meta | | | | | | PixelShaders.meta | | | | | | Pool.compute | | | | | | Pool.compute.meta | | | | | | Random.cginc | | | | | | Random.cginc.meta | | | | | | Random.compute | | | | | | Random.compute.meta | | | | | | Reduce.compute | | | | | | Reduce.compute.meta | | | | | | ReduceIndices.compute | | | | | | ReduceIndices.compute.meta | | | | | | ScatterOps.compute | | | | | | ScatterOps.compute.meta | | | | | | Tensor.cginc | | | | | | Tensor.cginc.meta | | | | | | TextureConversion.meta | | | | | | Upsample.compute | | | | | | Upsample.compute.meta | | | | | | WarningAsError.cginc | | | | | | WarningAsError.cginc.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---ComputeShaders | | | | | | AxisActivations.compute | | | | | | AxisActivations.compute.meta | | | | | | CumSum.compute | | | | | | CumSum.compute.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---PixelShaders | | | | | | Activation.shader | | | | | | Activation.shader.meta | | | | | | Broadcast.shader | | | | | | Broadcast.shader.meta | | | | | | BroadcastBlockC.shader | | | | | | BroadcastBlockC.shader.meta | | | | | | BufferToTensor.shader | | | | | | BufferToTensor.shader.meta | | | | | | CommonVertexShader.cginc | | | | | | CommonVertexShader.cginc.meta | | | | | | Concat.shader | | | | | | Concat.shader.meta | | | | | | Conv2D.shader | | | | | | Conv2D.shader.meta | | | | | | CopyStride.shader | | | | | | CopyStride.shader.meta | | | | | | Dense.shader | | | | | | Dense.shader.meta | | | | | | DepthToSpace.shader | | | | | | DepthToSpace.shader.meta | | | | | | GlobalPool.shader | | | | | | GlobalPool.shader.meta | | | | | | GroupedConv2D.shader | | | | | | GroupedConv2D.shader.meta | | | | | | LocalPool.shader | | | | | | LocalPool.shader.meta | | | | | | Pad.shader | | | | | | Pad.shader.meta | | | | | | Reduce.shader | | | | | | Reduce.shader.meta | | | | | | ScaleBias.shader | | | | | | ScaleBias.shader.meta | | | | | | Slice.shader | | | | | | Slice.shader.meta | | | | | | SpaceToDepth.shader | | | | | | SpaceToDepth.shader.meta | | | | | | TensorToBuffer.shader | | | | | | TensorToBuffer.shader.meta | | | | | | Transpose.shader | | | | | | Transpose.shader.meta | | | | | | TransposeLayout.shader | | | | | | TransposeLayout.shader.meta | | | | | | Upsample2D.shader | | | | | | Upsample2D.shader.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---TextureConversion | | | | | ComputeBufferToTexture.shader | | | | | ComputeBufferToTexture.shader.meta | | | | | TensorToTexture.compute | | | | | TensorToTexture.compute.meta | | | | | TensorToTextureUtils.cginc | | | | | TensorToTextureUtils.cginc.meta | | | | | TextureToTensor.compute | | | | | TextureToTensor.compute.meta | | | | | | | | | +---ShapeInference | | | | | EinsumHelper.cs | | | | | EinsumHelper.cs.meta | | | | | PartialInferenceHelper.cs | | | | | PartialInferenceHelper.cs.meta | | | | | PartialTensor.cs | | | | | PartialTensor.cs.meta | | | | | PartialTensorElement.cs | | | | | PartialTensorElement.cs.meta | | | | | ShapeInferenceContext.cs | | | | | ShapeInferenceContext.cs.meta | | | | | ShapeInferenceHelper.cs | | | | | ShapeInferenceHelper.cs.meta | | | | | SymbolicInferenceHelper.cs | | | | | SymbolicInferenceHelper.cs.meta | | | | | SymbolicTensorDim.cs | | | | | SymbolicTensorDim.cs.meta | | | | | SymbolicTensorShape.cs | | | | | SymbolicTensorShape.cs.meta | | | | | TensorShapeInferenceHelper.cs | | | | | TensorShapeInferenceHelper.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Utils | | | | TensorAsTextureCommon.cs | | | | TensorAsTextureCommon.cs.meta | | | | TensorToTextureUtils.cs | | | | TensorToTextureUtils.cs.meta | | | | TextureToTensorUtils.cs | | | | TextureToTensorUtils.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---ONNX | | | | | Generated.meta | | | | | ONNXModelConverter.cs | | | | | ONNXModelConverter.cs.meta | | | | | ONNXNodeWrapper.cs | | | | | ONNXNodeWrapper.cs.meta | | | | | ONNXTensor.cs | | | | | ONNXTensor.cs.meta | | | | | Unity.Barracuda.ONNX.asmdef | | | | | Unity.Barracuda.ONNX.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Generated | | | | Onnx.cs | | | | Onnx.cs.meta | | | | onnx.proto3 | | | | onnx.proto3.meta | | | | | | | \---Plugins | | | | Google.Protobuf_Packed.dll | | | | Google.Protobuf_Packed.dll.meta | | | | iOS.meta | | | | OSX.meta | | | | | | | +---iOS | | | | iOSBLAS.cs | | | | iOSBLAS.cs.meta | | | | iOSBLAS.mm | | | | iOSBLAS.mm.meta | | | | Unity.Barracuda.iOSBLAS.asmdef | | | | Unity.Barracuda.iOSBLAS.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---OSX | | | MacBLAS.cs | | | MacBLAS.cs.meta | | | Unity.Barracuda.MacBLAS.asmdef | | | Unity.Barracuda.MacBLAS.asmdef.meta | | | | | \---Tests | | | Editor.meta | | | | | \---Editor | | BasicNNInferenceTestSuite.cs | | BasicNNInferenceTestSuite.cs.meta | | mnist-cnn-mini.onnx | | mnist-cnn-mini.onnx.meta | | Unity.Barracuda.Editor.Tests.asmdef | | Unity.Barracuda.Editor.Tests.asmdef.meta | | | +---Documentation~ | | | AdvancedTopics.md | | | Exporting.md | | | FAQ.md | | | filter.yml | | | FP16Support.md | | | GettingStarted.md | | | index.md | | | Installing.md | | | Loading.md | | | MemoryManagement.md | | | ModelExecution.md | | | ModelOutput.md | | | SupportedArchitectures.md | | | SupportedOperators.md | | | SupportedPlatforms.md | | | TableOfContents.md | | | TensorHandling.md | | | VisualizingModel.md | | | Worker.md | | | | | \---images | | Assets.png | | BarracudaLanding.png | | ChannelsLast.png | | Inspector.png | | InstallPackages.png | | InstallPackagesLocally.png | | InstallPreviewPackages.png | | ModelDiffVisualization.png | | ModelOpenVisualization.png | | WeightsType.png | | | \---Samples | | Projects.meta | | Resources.meta | | Unity.Barracuda.Samples.asmdef | | Unity.Barracuda.Samples.asmdef.meta | | | +---Projects | | | AsyncReadback.meta | | | ComputeBuffer.meta | | | CSharpJob.meta | | | ModelExecution.meta | | | ModelExecutionInParts.meta | | | ModelMetadata.meta | | | RunModelOnFullScreen.meta | | | TensorIndexing.meta | | | TensorToTexture.meta | | | TextureToTensor.meta | | | | | +---AsyncReadback | | | AsyncReadback.unity | | | AsyncReadback.unity.meta | | | AsyncReadbackBurst.cs | | | AsyncReadbackBurst.cs.meta | | | AsyncReadbackCompute.cs | | | AsyncReadbackCompute.cs.meta | | | SubtractConstantOne.onnx | | | SubtractConstantOne.onnx.meta | | | | | +---ComputeBuffer | | | Adder.onnx | | | Adder.onnx.meta | | | ComputeBuffer.unity | | | ComputeBuffer.unity.meta | | | ComputeBufferExampleShader.compute | | | ComputeBufferExampleShader.compute.meta | | | UsingComputeBuffers.cs | | | UsingComputeBuffers.cs.meta | | | white32x24.png | | | white32x24.png.meta | | | | | +---CSharpJob | | | CSharpJob.cs | | | CSharpJob.cs.meta | | | CSharpJob.unity | | | CSharpJob.unity.meta | | | SubtractConstantOne.onnx | | | SubtractConstantOne.onnx.meta | | | | | +---ModelExecution | | | ModelExecution.cs | | | ModelExecution.cs.meta | | | ModelExecution.unity | | | ModelExecution.unity.meta | | | ModelExecutionMultipleInputsOutputs.cs | | | ModelExecutionMultipleInputsOutputs.cs.meta | | | ModelExecutionMultipleInputsOutputs.unity | | | ModelExecutionMultipleInputsOutputs.unity.meta | | | MultipleInputMultipleOuput.onnx | | | MultipleInputMultipleOuput.onnx.meta | | | SingleInputSingleOuput.onnx | | | SingleInputSingleOuput.onnx.meta | | | | | +---ModelExecutionInParts | | | Model.onnx | | | Model.onnx.meta | | | ModelExecutionInParts.cs | | | ModelExecutionInParts.cs.meta | | | ModelExecutionInParts.unity | | | ModelExecutionInParts.unity.meta | | | | | +---ModelMetadata | | | Adder.onnx | | | Adder.onnx.meta | | | ModelMetadata.cs | | | ModelMetadata.cs.meta | | | ModelMetadata.unity | | | ModelMetadata.unity.meta | | | | | +---RunModelOnFullScreen | | | Adder.onnx | | | Adder.onnx.meta | | | RunModelOnFullScreen.cs | | | RunModelOnFullScreen.cs.meta | | | RunModelOnFullScreen.unity | | | RunModelOnFullScreen.unity.meta | | | | | +---TensorIndexing | | | TensorIndexing.cs | | | TensorIndexing.cs.meta | | | TensorIndexing.unity | | | TensorIndexing.unity.meta | | | white32x24.png | | | white32x24.png.meta | | | | | +---TensorToTexture | | | R8x8RenderTexture.asset | | | R8x8RenderTexture.asset.meta | | | RGBA8x8RenderTexture.asset | | | RGBA8x8RenderTexture.asset.meta | | | TensorToTexture.cs | | | TensorToTexture.cs.meta | | | TensorToTexture.unity | | | TensorToTexture.unity.meta | | | | | \---TextureToTensor | | 8x8-ff00007f.png | | 8x8-ff00007f.png.meta | | TextureToTensor.cs | | TextureToTensor.cs.meta | | TextureToTensor.unity | | TextureToTensor.unity.meta | | | \---Resources | | OnnxModels.meta | | | \---OnnxModels | CreateSampleModels.py | CreateSampleModels.py.meta | +---com.unity.inputsystem.ps5-0.1.11-preview.tar | \---com.unity.inputsystem.ps5-0.1.11-preview | \---package | | .signature | | CHANGELOG.md | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | InputSystem.meta | | LICENSE.md | | LICENSE.md.meta | | package.json | | package.json.meta | | QAReport.md | | QAReport.md.meta | | README.md | | README.md.meta | | Tests.meta | | ValidationConfig.json | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | | +---Documentation~ | | index.md | | | +---InputSystem | | | Plugins.meta | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.asmdef | | | Unity.InputSystem.PS5.asmdef.meta | | | | | \---Plugins | | | PS5.meta | | | | | \---PS5 | | GamepadPS5.cs | | GamepadPS5.cs.meta | | PS5Support.cs | | PS5Support.cs.meta | | | \---Tests | | Runtime.meta | | | \---Runtime | RuntimeExampleTest.cs | RuntimeExampleTest.cs.meta | Unity.PlayGo.PS5.Tests.asmdef | Unity.PlayGo.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | +---com.unity.probuilder | | .signature | | Addons.meta | | AssetIdRemapUtility.meta | | CHANGELOG.md | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | Content.meta | | CONTRIBUTING.md | | CONTRIBUTING.md.meta | | Editor.meta | | External.meta | | LICENSE.md | | LICENSE.md.meta | | package.json | | package.json.meta | | README.md | | README.md.meta | | Runtime.meta | | Third Party Notices.md | | Third Party Notices.md.meta | | validationExceptions.json | | validationExceptions.json.meta | | | +---Addons | | Fbx.cs | | Fbx.cs.meta | | readme.md | | readme.md.meta | | Unity.ProBuilder.AddOns.Editor.asmdef | | Unity.ProBuilder.AddOns.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | +---AssetIdRemapUtility | | | Editor.meta | | | | | \---Editor | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | AssetId.cs | | AssetId.cs.meta | | AssetIdRemapBuilderEditor.cs | | AssetIdRemapBuilderEditor.cs.meta | | AssetIdRemapBuilderTreeView.cs | | AssetIdRemapBuilderTreeView.cs.meta | | AssetIdRemapEditor.cs | | AssetIdRemapEditor.cs.meta | | AssetTreeView.cs | | AssetTreeView.cs.meta | | PackageImporter.cs | | PackageImporter.cs.meta | | Unity.ProBuilder.AssetIdRemapUtility.asmdef | | Unity.ProBuilder.AssetIdRemapUtility.asmdef.meta | | | +---Content | | | Icons.meta | | | Material.meta | | | Resources.meta | | | Shader.meta | | | Upgrade.meta | | | | | +---Icons | | | | Modes.meta | | | | Scene.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Toolbar.meta | | | | Tools.meta | | | | UVEditor.meta | | | | | | | +---Modes | | | | Mode_Edge.png | | | | Mode_Edge.png.meta | | | | Mode_Edge@2x.png | | | | Mode_Edge@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Edge_Light.png | | | | Mode_Edge_Light.png.meta | | | | Mode_Edge_Light@2x.png | | | | Mode_Edge_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Face.png | | | | Mode_Face.png.meta | | | | Mode_Face@2x.png | | | | Mode_Face@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Face_Light.png | | | | Mode_Face_Light.png.meta | | | | Mode_Face_Light@2x.png | | | | Mode_Face_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Object.png | | | | Mode_Object.png.meta | | | | Mode_Object@2x.png | | | | Mode_Object@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Object_Light.png | | | | Mode_Object_Light.png.meta | | | | Mode_Object_Light@2x.png | | | | Mode_Object_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Vertex.png | | | | Mode_Vertex.png.meta | | | | Mode_Vertex@2x.png | | | | Mode_Vertex@2x.png.meta | | | | Mode_Vertex_Light.png | | | | Mode_Vertex_Light.png.meta | | | | Mode_Vertex_Light@2x.png | | | | Mode_Vertex_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Scene | | | | SelectionRect.png | | | | SelectionRect.png.meta | | | | SelectionRect@2x.png | | | | SelectionRect@2x.png.meta | | | | TextBackground.png | | | | TextBackground.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | MeshFilter Icon.asset | | | | MeshFilter Icon.asset.meta | | | | | | | +---Toolbar | | | | | AltButton_Hover.png | | | | | AltButton_Hover.png.meta | | | | | AltButton_Normal.png | | | | | AltButton_Normal.png.meta | | | | | AltButton_Pressed.png | | | | | AltButton_Pressed.png.meta | | | | | Background.meta | | | | | Bezier_Aligned.png | | | | | Bezier_Aligned.png.meta | | | | | Bezier_Free.png | | | | | 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CreatePolyShape@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | CreatePolyShape@2x_Over.png | | | | | CreatePolyShape@2x_Over.png.meta | | | | | CreatePolyShape_Light.png | | | | | CreatePolyShape_Light.png.meta | | | | | CreatePolyShape_Over.png | | | | | CreatePolyShape_Over.png.meta | | | | | | | | | \---ShapeTool | | | | | Arch.png | | | | | Arch.png.meta | | | | | Arch@2x.png | | | | | Arch@2x.png.meta | | | | | Arch@2x_Light.png | | | | | Arch@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Arch_Light.png | | | | | Arch_Light.png.meta | | | | | Capsule.png | | | | | Capsule.png.meta | | | | | Capsule@2x.png | | | | | Capsule@2x.png.meta | | | | | Capsule@2x_Light.png | | | | | Capsule@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Capsule_Light.png | | | | | Capsule_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cone.png | | | | | Cone.png.meta | | | | | Cone@2x.png | | | | | Cone@2x.png.meta | | | | | Cone@2x_Light.png | | | | | Cone@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cone_Light.png | | | | | Cone_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cube.png | | | | | Cube.png.meta | | | | | Cube@2x.png | | | | | Cube@2x.png.meta | | | | | Cube@2x_Light.png | | | | | Cube@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cube_Light.png | | | | | Cube_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cylinder.png | | | | | Cylinder.png.meta | | | | | Cylinder@2x.png | | | | | Cylinder@2x.png.meta | | | | | Cylinder@2x_Light.png | | | | | Cylinder@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Cylinder_Light.png | | | | | Cylinder_Light.png.meta | | | | | Door.png | | | | | Door.png.meta | | | | | Door@2x.png | | | | | Door@2x.png.meta | | | | | Door@2x_Light.png | | | | | Door@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Door_Light.png | | | | | Door_Light.png.meta | | | | | on.meta | | | | | Pipe.png | | | | | Pipe.png.meta | | | | | Pipe@2x.png | | | | | Pipe@2x.png.meta | | | | | Pipe_Light.png | | | | | Pipe_Light.png.meta | | | | | Pipe_Light@2x.png | | | | | Pipe_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | | Plane.png | | | | | Plane.png.meta | | | | | Plane@2x.png | | | | | Plane@2x.png.meta | | | | | Plane@2x_Light.png | | | | | Plane@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Plane_Light.png | | | | | Plane_Light.png.meta | | | | | Prism.png | | | | | Prism.png.meta | | | | | Prism@2x.png | | | | | Prism@2x.png.meta | | | | | Prism@2x_Light.png | | | | | Prism@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Prism_Light.png | | | | | Prism_Light.png.meta | | | | | Sphere.png | | | | | Sphere.png.meta | | | | | Sphere@2x.png | | | | | Sphere@2x.png.meta | | | | | Sphere@2x_Light.png | | | | | Sphere@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Sphere_Light.png | | | | | Sphere_Light.png.meta | | | | | Sprite.png | | | | | Sprite.png.meta | | | | | Sprite@2x.png | | | | | Sprite@2x.png.meta | | | | | Sprite_Light.png | | | | | Sprite_Light.png.meta | | | | | Sprite_Light@2x.png | | | | | Sprite_Light@2x.png.meta | | | | | Stairs.png | | | | | Stairs.png.meta | | | | | Stairs@2x.png | | | | | Stairs@2x.png.meta | | | | | Stairs@2x_Light.png | | | | | Stairs@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Stairs_Light.png | | | | | Stairs_Light.png.meta | | | | | Torus.png | | | | | Torus.png.meta | | | | | Torus@2x.png | | | | | Torus@2x.png.meta | | | | | Torus@2x_Light.png | | | | | Torus@2x_Light.png.meta | | | | | Torus_Light.png | | | | | Torus_Light.png.meta | | | | | | | | | \---on | | | | Arch.png | | | | Arch.png.meta | | | | Arch@2x.png | | | | Arch@2x.png.meta | | | | Capsule.png | | | | Capsule.png.meta | | | | Capsule@2x.png | | | | Capsule@2x.png.meta | | | | Cone.png | | | | Cone.png.meta | | | | Cone@2x.png | | | | Cone@2x.png.meta | | | | Cube.png | | | | Cube.png.meta | | | | Cube@2x.png | | | | Cube@2x.png.meta | | | | Cylinder.png | | | | Cylinder.png.meta | | | | Cylinder@2x.png | | | | Cylinder@2x.png.meta | | | | Door.png | | | | Door.png.meta | | | | Door@2x.png | | | | Door@2x.png.meta | | | | Pipe.png | | | | Pipe.png.meta | | | | Pipe@2x.png | | | | Pipe@2x.png.meta | | | | Plane.png | | | | Plane.png.meta | | | | Plane@2x.png | | | | Plane@2x.png.meta | | | | Prism.png | | | | Prism.png.meta | | | | Prism@2x.png | | | | Prism@2x.png.meta | | | | Sphere.png | | | | Sphere.png.meta | | | | Sphere@2x.png | | | | Sphere@2x.png.meta | | | | Sprite.png | | | | Sprite.png.meta | | | | Sprite@2x.png | | | | Sprite@2x.png.meta | | | | Stair.png | | | | Stair.png.meta | | | | Stair@2x.png | | | | Stair@2x.png.meta | | | | Torus.png | | | | Torus.png.meta | | | | Torus@2x.png | | | | Torus@2x.png.meta | | | | | | | \---UVEditor | | | camera-64x64.png | | | camera-64x64.png.meta | | | camera-64x64_Light.png | | | camera-64x64_Light.png.meta | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_Off.png | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_Off.png.meta | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png.meta | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_Off.png | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_Off.png.meta | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png | | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png.meta | | | | | +---Material | | | | Checker.mat | | | | Checker.mat.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | Checker.png | | | Checker.png.meta | | | GridBox_Collider.png | | | GridBox_Collider.png.meta | | | GridBox_NoDraw.png | | | GridBox_NoDraw.png.meta | | | GridBox_Trigger.png | | | GridBox_Trigger.png.meta | | | | | +---Resources | | | | Cursors.meta | | | | Materials.meta | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | +---Cursors | | | | cutCursor-add.png | | | | cutCursor-add.png.meta | | | | cutCursor.png | | | | cutCursor.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Materials | | | | Collider.mat | | | | Collider.mat.meta | | | | EdgePicker.mat | | | | EdgePicker.mat.meta | | | | EdgePickerHDRP.mat | | | | EdgePickerHDRP.mat.meta | | | | FacePicker.mat | | | | FacePicker.mat.meta | | | | FacePickerHDRP.mat | | | | FacePickerHDRP.mat.meta | | | | InvisibleFace.mat | | | | InvisibleFace.mat.meta | | | | NoDraw.mat | | | | NoDraw.mat.meta | | | | ProBuilderDefault.mat | | | | ProBuilderDefault.mat.meta | | | | StandardVertexColorHDRP.mat | | | | StandardVertexColorHDRP.mat.meta | | | | StandardVertexColorLWRP.mat | | | | StandardVertexColorLWRP.mat.meta | | | | Trigger.mat | | | | Trigger.mat.meta | | | | UnlitVertexColor.mat | | | | UnlitVertexColor.mat.meta | | | | VertexPicker.mat | | | | VertexPicker.mat.meta | | | | VertexPickerHDRP.mat | | | | VertexPickerHDRP.mat.meta | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | GridBox_Default.png | | | GridBox_Default.png.meta | | | | | +---Shader | | | DiffuseTextureBlend.shader | | | DiffuseTextureBlend.shader.meta | | | DiffuseVertexColor.shader | | | DiffuseVertexColor.shader.meta | | | EdgePicker.shader | | | EdgePicker.shader.meta | | | FaceHighlight.shader | | | FaceHighlight.shader.meta | | | FacePicker.shader | | | FacePicker.shader.meta | | | HideVertices.shader | | | HideVertices.shader.meta | | | LineBillboard.shader | | | LineBillboard.shader.meta | | | LineBillboardMetal.shader | | | LineBillboardMetal.shader.meta | | | NormalPreview.shader | | | NormalPreview.shader.meta | | | PointBillboard.shader | | | PointBillboard.shader.meta | | | ProBuilderCG.cginc | | | ProBuilderCG.cginc.meta | | | ReferenceUnlit.shader | | | ReferenceUnlit.shader.meta | | | ScrollHighlight.shader | | | ScrollHighlight.shader.meta | | | SelectionPicker.shader | | | SelectionPicker.shader.meta | | | SmoothingPreview.shader | | | SmoothingPreview.shader.meta | | | StandardVertexColor.shader | | | StandardVertexColor.shader.meta | | | TransparentOverlay.shader | | | TransparentOverlay.shader.meta | | | UnlitSolidColor.shader | | | UnlitSolidColor.shader.meta | | | UnlitVertexColor.shader | | | UnlitVertexColor.shader.meta | | | VertexPicker.shader | | | VertexPicker.shader.meta | | | VertexShader.shader | | | VertexShader.shader.meta | | | | | \---Upgrade | | AssetIdRemap-4_0_0.json | | AssetIdRemap-4_0_0.json.meta | | | +---Documentation~ | | | api.md | | | Arch.md | | | auto-uvs-actions.md | | | bezier.md | | | boolean.md | | | CenterPivot.md | | | Cone.md | | | Cube.md | | | customizing.md | | | cut-tool.md | | | Cylinder.md | | | Door.md | | | edge.md | | | Edge_Bevel.md | | | Edge_Bridge.md | | | Edge_Connect.md | | | Edge_Extrude.md | | | Edge_FillHole.md | | | Edge_InsertLoop.md | | | Edge_SetPivot.md | | | Edge_Subdivide.md | | | edit-mode-toolbar.md | | | Entity_Trigger.md | | | experimental.md | | | face.md | | | Face_Bevel.md | | | Face_ConformNormals.md | | | Face_Delete.md | | | Face_Detach.md | | | Face_Duplicate.md | | | Face_Extrude.md | | | Face_FlipNormals.md | | | Face_FlipTri.md | | | Face_Inset.md | | | Face_Merge.md | | | Face_SetPivot.md | | | Face_Subdivide.md | | | Face_Triangulate.md | | | faq.md | | | filter.yml | | | Freeze_Transform.md | | | gloss.md | | | HandleAlign.md | | | hotkeys.md | | | index.md | | | installing.md | | | lightmap-uv.md | | | links.md | | | manual-uvs-actions.md | | | material-tools.md | | | menu-actions.md | | | menu-debug.md | | | menu-dimover.md | | | menu-editors.md | | | menu-experimental.md | | | menu-export.md | | | menu-geometry.md | | | menu-interaction.md | | | menu-materials.md | | | menu-object.md | | | menu-open.md | | | menu-repair.md | | | menu-selection.md | | | menu-vertexcolors.md | | | menu.md | | | modes.md | | | object-actions.md | | | Object_ConformNormals.md | | | Object_Export.md | | | Object_FlipNormals.md | | | Object_LightmapUVs.md | | | Object_Merge.md | | | Object_Mirror.md | | | Object_ProBuilderize.md | | | Object_Subdivide.md | | | Object_Triangulate.md | | | Offset_Elements.md | | | overview-ui.md | | | overview.md | | | Pipe.md | | | Plane.md | | | polyshape.md | | | preferences.md | | | Prism.md | | | ProBuilderMesh.md | | | ref_actions.md | | | ref_tools.md | | | ref_windows.md | | | selection-tools.md | | | Selection_Grow.md | | | Selection_Invert.md | | | Selection_Loop_Edge.md | | | Selection_Loop_Face.md | | | Selection_Rect_Intersect.md | | | Selection_Ring_Edge.md | | | Selection_Ring_Face.md | | | Selection_SelectByMaterial.md | | | Selection_SelectByVertexColor.md | | | Selection_SelectHidden.md | | | Selection_SelectHole.md | | | Selection_Shift.md | | | Selection_Shrink.md | | | Selection_SmoothingGroup.md | | | SelectPath.md | | | shape-tool.md | | | smoothing-groups.md | | | Sphere.md | | | Sprite.md | | | Stair.md | | | TableOfContents.md | | | tool-panels.md | | | toolbar.md | | | tools.md | | | Torus.md | | | uv-editor-toolbar.md | | | uv-editor.md | | | uv_dropdown.md | | | vertex-colors.md | | | vertex-positions.md | | | vertex.md | | | Vert_Collapse.md | | | Vert_Connect.md | | | Vert_FillHole.md | | | Vert_SetPivot.md | | | Vert_Split.md | | | Vert_Weld.md | | | whats-new.md | | | workflow-create-bezier.md | | | workflow-create-polyshape.md | | | workflow-create-predefined.md | | | workflow-create.md | | | workflow-edit-smoothing.md | | | workflow-edit-tasks.md | | | workflow-edit-tips.md | | | workflow-edit.md | | | workflow-exporting.md | | | workflow-materials.md | | | workflow-texture-mapping.md | | | workflow-uvs.md | | | workflow-vertexcolors.md | | | workflow-walkthroughs.md | | | workflows.md | | | _ReplaceSource.md | | | | | \---images | | | BadLightmapUVs.png | | | BevelEdges_Example.png | | | BevelFace_Example.png | | | BezierShape_HeaderImage.png | | | Bezier_Aligned.png | | | bezier_curveprops.png | | | Bezier_Free.png | | | Bezier_Mirrored.png | | | bezier_shapeprops.png | | | boolean_intersection.png | | | boolean_subtraction.png | | | boolean_union.png | | | BoxProject_Example.png | | | BridgeEdges_Example.png | | | CenterPivot_Example.png | | | CollapseVerts_Example.png | | | ConnectEdges_Example.png | | | ConnectVerts_Example.png | | | CurvedStair.png | | | cus_switchmodes.png | | | cus_switchwindows.png | | | cut-tool-example.png | | | cut-tool-nomerge.png | | | Cut_Tool-panel.png | | | Cut_Tool-panel2.png | | | DeleteFace_Example.png | | | DetachFace_Example.png | | | DragRect_Example.png | | | Edge_Bevel_props.png | | | Edge_Extrude_props.png | | | Edge_SetPivot.png | | | Edge_Subdivide_props.png | | | ExampleImage_ObjectAndElementEditingModes.png | | | ExampleImage_Toolbar_ColorCategories.png | | | ExampleImage_Toolbar_ColorCategories3.png | | | Example_FloatingVerts.png | | | Example_levelbuilding.png | | | Example_MaterialsOnLevel.png | | | Example_SelectByMaterial.png | | | Example_SelectByVertexColor.png | | | Example_SelectHole.png | | | Example_ShapeToolsWithCurvedStair.png | | | Example_ShapeToolsWithCurvedStair2.png | | | Example_T-Junction.png | | | Experimental_BezierInspector-edit.png | | | Experimental_BezierInspector.png | | | Experimental_BooleanWindow.png | | | Experimental_PolyShapeInspector-edit.png | | | Experimental_PolyShapeInspector.png | | | Experimental_Preferences.png | | | ExtrudeEdges_Example.png | | | ExtrudeFace_Example.png | | | FaceDuplicate_Example.png | | | Face_ConformNormals.png | | | Face_Detach_props.png | | | Face_Duplicate_props.png | | | Face_Extrude_props.png | | | Face_SetPivot.png | | | faq-norender.png | | | faq_black.png | | | FillHole_Example.png | | | FillHole_props.png | | | FlipFaceNormals_Example.png | | | FlipObjectNormals_Example.png | | | FlipTri_Example.png | | | GrowSelection_Example.png | | | HandleAlign_ExamplesWithTextAndIcons.png | | | info_overlay.png | | | InsertEdgeLoop_Example.png | | | InsetFace_Example.png | | | installing-support.png | | | InvertSelection_Example.png | | | LetterCircle_A.png | | | LetterCircle_B.png | | | LetterCircle_C.png | | | LetterCircle_D.png | | | LetterCircle_E.png | | | LetterCircle_F.png | | | LetterCircle_G.png | | | LetterCircle_H.png | | | LetterCircle_I.png | | | lightmap-uv.png | | | material-tools-palette.png | | | material-tools-quick.png | | | material-tools.png | | | MaterialTools_WithExample.png | | | menu-actions.png | | | menu-debug.png | | | menu-dimover.png | | | menu-editors.png | | | menu-experimental.png | | | menu-export.png | | | menu-geometry.png | | | menu-interaction.png | | | menu-materials.png | | | menu-object.png | | | menu-open.png | | | menu-repair.png | | | menu-selection.png | | | menu-vertexcolors.png | | | MergeFaces_Example.png | | | Mirror_Example.png | | | ObjectMerge_Example.png | | | ObjectMerge_Example2.png | | | Object_ConformNormals.png | | | Object_Export_props.png | | | Object_Export_propsAsset.png | | | Object_Export_propsOBJ.png | | | Object_Export_propsPLY.png | | | Object_Export_propsPrefab.png | | | Object_Export_propsSTL.png | | | Object_Mirror_props.png | | | Object_ProBuilderize_props.png | | | OffsetElements_Example.png | | | Offset_Elements_props.png | | | overview-ui.png | | | PBvsUnityMeshes.png | | | pb_comp.png | | | pb_editors.png | | | pb_hotkeys.png | | | pb_menu.png | | | pb_options.png | | | pb_transform.png | | | PlanarProject_Example.png | | | PolyShape_Draw1.png | | | PolyShape_Draw2.png | | | PolyShape_Draw3.png | | | PolyShape_HeaderImage.png | | | preferences.png | | | prefs_dimover.png | | | prefs_editing.png | | | prefs_experimental.png | | | prefs_general.png | | | prefs_graphics-xray.png | | | prefs_graphics.png | | | prefs_settings.png | | | prefs_shortcuts.png | | | prefs_snapping.png | | | prefs_toolbar.png | | | prefs_uvs.png | | | ProBuilderMesh-lightmapUVs.png | | | ProBuilderMesh.png | | | ProBuilderToolbar_GeoActionsArea.png | | | probuilder_unitylogo.png | | | RenderUVsPanel.png | | | SelectFaceLoop_Example.png | | | SelectFaceRing_Example.png | | | SelectHidden_Example.png | | | Selection_Grow_props.png | | | Selection_LoopExample.png | | | Selection_RingExample.png | | | Selection_SelectByMaterial.png | | | Selection_SelectByMaterial_props.png | | | Selection_SelectByVertexColor_props.png | | | SelectPath.png | | | shape-tool.png | | | shape-tool_arch.png | | | shape-tool_cone.png | | | shape-tool_cube.png | | | shape-tool_cylinder.png | | | shape-tool_door.png | | | shape-tool_pipe.png | | | shape-tool_plane.png | | | shape-tool_prism.png | | | shape-tool_sphere.png | | | shape-tool_sprite.png | | | shape-tool_stair.png | | | shape-tool_torus.png | | | shapes-bboxes.png | | | ShapeToolTypes.png | | | ShiftModifier_Example.png | | | show-scene-info.png | | | ShowTexturePreview_Example.png | | | ShrinkSelection_Example.png | | | Smoothing_Editor.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-btnBlue.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-btnGray.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-btnWhite.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-btnYellow.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-pnlMain.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-pnlNormals.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-pnlOverlay.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props-pnlQuickref.png | | | Smoothing_Editor_props.png | | | SplitVerts_Example.png | | | SubdivideEdge_Example.png | | | SubdivideFace_Example.png | | | SubdivideObject_Example.png | | | texmat-create.png | | | toolbar_editmode.png | | | toolbar_main.png | | | Toolbar_ResizingExample.png | | | toolbar_text_v_icon.png | | | tool_edges.png | | | tool_faces.png | | | tool_objects.png | | | tool_panels.png | | | tool_selection.png | | | tool_vertices.png | | | TriangulateObject_Example.png | | | UVEditor_Example-123.png | | | UVEditor_Example-BeforeAfter.png | | | UVExamples_CollapseUVs.png | | | UVExamples_FitUVs.png | | | UVExamples_FlipHorizontal.png | | | UVExamples_FlipVertical.png | | | UVExamples_Rotate.png | | | UVExamples_Scale.png | | | UVExamples_SelectFace.png | | | UVExamples_SelectIsland.png | | | UVExamples_SplitUVs.png | | | UVExamples_Template.png | | | UVExamples_TextureGroups.png | | | UVExamples_Translate.png | | | UVExamples_WeldUVs.png | | | UVGenerationParams.png | | | UVPanel_ActionPanel_NoSelection.png | | | UVPanel_FullWindow_Letters.png | | | UVPanel_ManualActions.png | | | UVPanel_MixedMode.png | | | UVToolbar.png | | | UV_AutoActions-Anchor.png | | | UV_AutoActions.png | | | UV_FillModes.png | | | UV_InSceneControls.png | | | vertex-positions.png | | | vertex-positions_example.png | | | VertexColors.png | | | VertexColors_bymodes.png | | | VertexColor_WithLevelExample.png | | | Vert_Collapse_props.png | | | Vert_SetPivot.png | | | Vert_Weld_props.png | | | WeldVerts_Example.png | | | | | \---icons | | CenterPivot.png | | Cut_Tool.png | | Edge_Bevel.png | | Edge_Bridge.png | | Edge_Connect.png | | Edge_Extrude.png | | Edge_InsertLoop.png | | Edge_Subdivide.png | | EditModes_Edge.png | | EditModes_Face.png | | EditModes_Object.png | | EditModes_Vertex.png | | Entity_Trigger.png | | ExtrudeFace_FaceNormals.png | | ExtrudeFace_Individual.png | | ExtrudeFace_VertexNormals.png | | Face_BreakSmoothing.png | | Face_ConformNormals.png | | Face_Delete.png | | Face_Detach.png | | Face_Duplicate.png | | Face_Extrude.png | | Face_FlipNormals.png | | Face_FlipTri.png | | Face_Merge.png | | Face_Subdivide.png | | Face_Triangulate.png | | FillHole.png | | Freeze_Transform.png | | HandleAlign_Local.png | | HandleAlign_Plane.png | | HandleAlign_World.png | | NewBezierSpline.png | | NewPolyShape.png | | Object_ConformNormals.png | | Object_Export.png | | Object_FlipNormals.png | | Object_LightmapUVs.png | | Object_Merge.png | | Object_Mirror.png | | Object_ProBuilderize.png | | Object_Subdivide.png | | Object_Triangulate.png | | Offset_Elements.png | | Options.png | | Panel_Materials.png | | Panel_Shapes.png | | Panel_Smoothing.png | | Panel_UVEditor.png | | Panel_VertColors.png | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_Off.png | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_RenderUVTemplate.png | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_Off.png | | ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png | | Selection_Grow.png | | Selection_Invert.png | | Selection_Loop.png | | Selection_Loop_Face.png | | Selection_Rect_Complete.png | | Selection_Rect_Intersect.png | | Selection_Ring.png | | Selection_Ring_Face.png | | Selection_SelectByMaterial.png | | Selection_SelectBySmoothingGroup.png | | Selection_SelectByVertexColor.png | | Selection_SelectHidden-OFF.png | | Selection_SelectHidden-ON.png | | Selection_SelectHole.png | | Selection_ShiftAdd.png | | Selection_ShiftDifference.png | | Selection_ShiftSubtract.png | | Selection_Shrink.png | | SetPivot.png | | tlbx-icon-polyshape.png | | tlbx-icon-shape.png | | tool-arch.png | | tool-cone.png | | tool-cube.png | | tool-cylinder.png | | tool-door.png | | tool-pipe.png | | tool-plane.png | | tool-prism.png | | tool-sphere.png | | tool-sprite.png | | tool-stairs.png | | tool-torus.png | | Vert_Collapse.png | | Vert_Connect.png | | Vert_Split.png | | Vert_Weld.png | | | +---Editor | | | EditorCore.meta | | | MenuActions.meta | | | MenuToggles.meta | | | StateMachines.meta | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Editor.asmdef | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---EditorCore | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | AutoUVEditor.cs | | | AutoUVEditor.cs.meta | | | BezierSplineEditor.cs | | | BezierSplineEditor.cs.meta | | | BooleanEditor.cs | | | BooleanEditor.cs.meta | | | ConfigurableWindow.cs | | | ConfigurableWindow.cs.meta | | | CutTool.cs | | | CutTool.cs.meta | | | DestroyListener.cs | | | DestroyListener.cs.meta | | | DimensionsEditor.cs | | | DimensionsEditor.cs.meta | | | DrawShapeTool.cs | | | DrawShapeTool.cs.meta | | | EditorEnum.cs | | | EditorEnum.cs.meta | | | EditorGUILayout.cs | | | EditorGUILayout.cs.meta | | | EditorGUIUtility.cs | | | EditorGUIUtility.cs.meta | | | EditorHandleDrawing.cs | | | EditorHandleDrawing.cs.meta | | | EditorHandleDrawingScopes.cs | | | EditorHandleDrawingScopes.cs.meta | | | EditorHandleUtility.cs | | | EditorHandleUtility.cs.meta | | | EditorMaterialUtility.cs | | | EditorMaterialUtility.cs.meta | | | EditorMeshUtility.cs | | | EditorMeshUtility.cs.meta | | | EditorSceneViewPicker.cs | | | EditorSceneViewPicker.cs.meta | | | EditorShapeUtility.cs | | | EditorShapeUtility.cs.meta | | | EditorSnapping.cs | | | EditorSnapping.cs.meta | | | EditorStyles.cs | | | EditorStyles.cs.meta | | | EditorToolbar.cs | | | EditorToolbar.cs.meta | | | EditorToolbarLoader.cs | | | EditorToolbarLoader.cs.meta | | | EditorToolbarMenuItems.cs | | | EditorToolbarMenuItems.cs.meta | | | EditorToolsContexts.cs | | | EditorToolsContexts.cs.meta | | | EditorUtility.cs | | | EditorUtility.cs.meta | | | EditShapeTool.cs | | | EditShapeTool.cs.meta | | | EntityEditor.cs | | | EntityEditor.cs.meta | | | EntityUtility.cs | | | EntityUtility.cs.meta | | | EntityVisibility.cs | | | EntityVisibility.cs.meta | | | Experimental.cs | | | Experimental.cs.meta | | | FileUtility.cs | | | FileUtility.cs.meta | | | HandleGUI.cs | | | HandleGUI.cs.meta | | | HierarchyListener.cs | | | HierarchyListener.cs.meta | | | IconUtility.cs | | | IconUtility.cs.meta | | | IHasPreferences.cs | | | IHasPreferences.cs.meta | | | LicenseEditor.cs | | | LicenseEditor.cs.meta | | | Lightmapping.cs | | | Lightmapping.cs.meta | | | LightmapUVEditor.cs | | | LightmapUVEditor.cs.meta | | | LogEditor.cs | | | LogEditor.cs.meta | | | MaterialEditor.cs | | | MaterialEditor.cs.meta | | | MaterialPalette.cs | | | MaterialPalette.cs.meta | | | MenuAction.cs | | | MenuAction.cs.meta | | | MenuActionShortcutAttribute.cs | | | MenuActionShortcutAttribute.cs.meta | | | MenuActionStyles.cs | | | MenuActionStyles.cs.meta | | | MenuItems.cs | | | MenuItems.cs.meta | | | MenuOption.cs | | | MenuOption.cs.meta | | | MenuToolToggle.cs | | | MenuToolToggle.cs.meta | | | MeshAndElementSelection.cs | | | MeshAndElementSelection.cs.meta | | | MeshDebugTool.cs | | | MeshDebugTool.cs.meta | | | MeshSelection.cs | | | MeshSelection.cs.meta | | | Model.cs | | | Model.cs.meta | | | ObjExporter.cs | | | ObjExporter.cs.meta | | | pb_ObjectArray.cs | | | pb_ObjectArray.cs.meta | | | PlyExporter.cs | | | PlyExporter.cs.meta | | | PolyShapeEditor.cs | | | PolyShapeEditor.cs.meta | | | PolyShapeTool.cs | | | PolyShapeTool.cs.meta | | | PositionTool.cs | | | PositionTool.cs.meta | | | Pref.cs | | | Pref.cs.meta | | | PreferenceDictionaryEditor.cs | | | PreferenceDictionaryEditor.cs.meta | | | PreferencesInternal.cs | | | PreferencesInternal.cs.meta | | | PreferencesUpdater.cs | | | PreferencesUpdater.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderAnalytics.cs | | | ProBuilderAnalytics.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderEditor.cs | | | ProBuilderEditor.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderEditorShortcuts.cs | | | ProBuilderEditorShortcuts.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMenuActionAttribute.cs | | | ProBuilderMenuActionAttribute.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMeshEditor.cs | | | ProBuilderMeshEditor.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMeshPreview.cs | | | ProBuilderMeshPreview.cs.meta | | | ProbuilderMoveTool.cs | | | ProbuilderMoveTool.cs.meta | | | ProbuilderRotateTool.cs | | | ProbuilderRotateTool.cs.meta | | | ProbuilderScaleTool.cs | | | ProbuilderScaleTool.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderSettings.cs | | | ProBuilderSettings.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderSettingsProvider.cs | | | ProBuilderSettingsProvider.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderShapeEditor.cs | | | ProBuilderShapeEditor.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderToolManager.cs | | | ProBuilderToolManager.cs.meta | | | ProGridsInterface.cs | | | ProGridsInterface.cs.meta | | | ReflectionUtility.cs | | | ReflectionUtility.cs.meta | | | RepairActions.cs | | | RepairActions.cs.meta | | | SceneDragAndDropListener.cs | | | SceneDragAndDropListener.cs.meta | | | ScriptingSymbolManager.cs | | | ScriptingSymbolManager.cs.meta | | | SelectionUtility.cs | | | SelectionUtility.cs.meta | | | ShapeMenuItems.cs | | | ShapeMenuItems.cs.meta | | | SmoothGroupEditor.cs | | | SmoothGroupEditor.cs.meta | | | StripProBuilderScripts.cs | | | StripProBuilderScripts.cs.meta | | | TextureMoveTool.cs | | | TextureMoveTool.cs.meta | | | TextureRotateTool.cs | | | TextureRotateTool.cs.meta | | | TextureScaleTool.cs | | | TextureScaleTool.cs.meta | | | TextureTool.cs | | | TextureTool.cs.meta | | | ToolbarGroup.cs | | | ToolbarGroup.cs.meta | | | TooltipContent.cs | | | TooltipContent.cs.meta | | | TooltipEditor.cs | | | TooltipEditor.cs.meta | | | UndoUtility.cs | | | UndoUtility.cs.meta | | | UnityScenePostProcessor.cs | | | UnityScenePostProcessor.cs.meta | | | UnwrapParametersEditor.cs | | | UnwrapParametersEditor.cs.meta | | | UVEditor.cs | | | UVEditor.cs.meta | | | UVRenderOptions.cs | | | UVRenderOptions.cs.meta | | | Version.cs | | | Version.cs.meta | | | VersionValidator.cs | | | VersionValidator.cs.meta | | | VertexColorPalette.cs | | | VertexColorPalette.cs.meta | | | VertexManipulationTool.cs | | | VertexManipulationTool.cs.meta | | | VertexManipulationToolSettings.cs | | | VertexManipulationToolSettings.cs.meta | | | VertexOnFaceEditor.cs | | | VertexOnFaceEditor.cs.meta | | | VertexPositionEditor.cs | | | VertexPositionEditor.cs.meta | | | | | +---MenuActions | | | | Editors.meta | | | | Export.meta | | | | Geometry.meta | | | | Interaction.meta | | | | Object.meta | | | | Selection.meta | | | | | | | +---Editors | | | | NewBezierShape.cs | | | | NewBezierShape.cs.meta | | | | NewPolyShapeToggle.cs | | | | NewPolyShapeToggle.cs.meta | | | | NewShapeToggle.cs | | | | NewShapeToggle.cs.meta | | | | OpenLightmapUVEditor.cs | | | | OpenLightmapUVEditor.cs.meta | | | | OpenMaterialEditor.cs | | | | OpenMaterialEditor.cs.meta | | | | OpenSmoothingEditor.cs | | | | OpenSmoothingEditor.cs.meta | | | | OpenUVEditor.cs | | | | OpenUVEditor.cs.meta | | | | OpenVertexColorEditor.cs | | | | OpenVertexColorEditor.cs.meta | | | | OpenVertexPositionEditor.cs | | | | OpenVertexPositionEditor.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Export | | | | Export.cs | | | | Export.cs.meta | | | | ExportAsset.cs | | | | ExportAsset.cs.meta | | | | ExportObj.cs | | | | ExportObj.cs.meta | | | | ExportPly.cs | | | | ExportPly.cs.meta | | | | ExportStlAscii.cs | | | | ExportStlAscii.cs.meta | | | | ExportStlBinary.cs | | | | ExportStlBinary.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Geometry | | | | BevelEdges.cs | | | | BevelEdges.cs.meta | | | | BridgeEdges.cs | | | | BridgeEdges.cs.meta | | | | CollapseVertices.cs | | | | CollapseVertices.cs.meta | | | | ConformFaceNormals.cs | | | | ConformFaceNormals.cs.meta | | | | ConnectEdges.cs | | | | ConnectEdges.cs.meta | | | | ConnectVertices.cs | | | | ConnectVertices.cs.meta | | | | DeleteFaces.cs | | | | DeleteFaces.cs.meta | | | | DetachFaces.cs | | | | DetachFaces.cs.meta | | | | DuplicateFaces.cs | | | | DuplicateFaces.cs.meta | | | | Extrude.cs | | | | Extrude.cs.meta | | | | ExtrudeEdges.cs | | | | ExtrudeEdges.cs.meta | | | | ExtrudeFaces.cs | | | | ExtrudeFaces.cs.meta | | | | FillHole.cs | | | | FillHole.cs.meta | | | | FlipFaceEdge.cs | | | | FlipFaceEdge.cs.meta | | | | FlipFaceNormals.cs | | | | FlipFaceNormals.cs.meta | | | | InsertEdgeLoop.cs | | | | InsertEdgeLoop.cs.meta | | | | MergeFaces.cs | | | | MergeFaces.cs.meta | | | | OffsetElements.cs | | | | OffsetElements.cs.meta | | | | SetPivotToSelection.cs | | | | SetPivotToSelection.cs.meta | | | | SmartConnect.cs | | | | SmartConnect.cs.meta | | | | SmartSubdivide.cs | | | | SmartSubdivide.cs.meta | | | | SplitVertices.cs | | | | SplitVertices.cs.meta | | | | SubdivideEdges.cs | | | | SubdivideEdges.cs.meta | | | | SubdivideFaces.cs | | | | SubdivideFaces.cs.meta | | | | TriangulateFaces.cs | | | | TriangulateFaces.cs.meta | | | | WeldVertices.cs | | | | WeldVertices.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Interaction | | | | ToggleDragRectMode.cs | | | | ToggleDragRectMode.cs.meta | | | | ToggleDragSelectionMode.cs | | | | ToggleDragSelectionMode.cs.meta | | | | ToggleHandleOrientation.cs | | | | ToggleHandleOrientation.cs.meta | | | | ToggleHandlePivotPoint.cs | | | | ToggleHandlePivotPoint.cs.meta | | | | ToggleSelectBackFaces.cs | | | | ToggleSelectBackFaces.cs.meta | | | | ToggleXRay.cs | | | | ToggleXRay.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Object | | | | CenterPivot.cs | | | | CenterPivot.cs.meta | | | | ConformObjectNormals.cs | | | | ConformObjectNormals.cs.meta | | | | FlipObjectNormals.cs | | | | FlipObjectNormals.cs.meta | | | | FreezeTransform.cs | | | | FreezeTransform.cs.meta | | | | GenerateUV2.cs | | | | GenerateUV2.cs.meta | | | | MergeObjects.cs | | | | MergeObjects.cs.meta | | | | MirrorObjects.cs | | | | MirrorObjects.cs.meta | | | | ProBuilderize.cs | | | | ProBuilderize.cs.meta | | | | SetCollider.cs | | | | SetCollider.cs.meta | | | | SetTrigger.cs | | | | SetTrigger.cs.meta | | | | SubdivideObject.cs | | | | SubdivideObject.cs.meta | | | | TriangulateObject.cs | | | | TriangulateObject.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Selection | | | GrowSelection.cs | | | GrowSelection.cs.meta | | | SelectEdgeLoop.cs | | | SelectEdgeLoop.cs.meta | | | SelectEdgeRing.cs | | | SelectEdgeRing.cs.meta | | | SelectFaceLoop.cs | | | SelectFaceLoop.cs.meta | | | SelectFaceRing.cs | | | SelectFaceRing.cs.meta | | | SelectHole.cs | | | SelectHole.cs.meta | | | SelectLoop.cs | | | SelectLoop.cs.meta | | | SelectMaterial.cs | | | SelectMaterial.cs.meta | | | SelectRing.cs | | | SelectRing.cs.meta | | | SelectSmoothingGroup.cs | | | SelectSmoothingGroup.cs.meta | | | SelectVertexColor.cs | | | SelectVertexColor.cs.meta | | | ShrinkSelection.cs | | | ShrinkSelection.cs.meta | | | | | +---MenuToggles | | | | Geometry.meta | | | | | | | \---Geometry | | | CutToolToggle.cs | | | CutToolToggle.cs.meta | | | | | \---StateMachines | | ShapeState.cs | | ShapeState.cs.meta | | ShapeState_DrawBaseShape.cs | | ShapeState_DrawBaseShape.cs.meta | | ShapeState_DrawHeightShape.cs | | ShapeState_DrawHeightShape.cs.meta | | ShapeState_InitShape.cs | | ShapeState_InitShape.cs.meta | | | +---External | | | CSG.meta | | | KdTree.meta | | | Poly2Tri.meta | | | StlExporter.meta | | | | | +---CSG | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | Classes.meta | | | | CSG.cs | | | | CSG.cs.meta | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Csg.asmdef | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Csg.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---Classes | | | Model.cs | | | Model.cs.meta | | | Node.cs | | | Node.cs.meta | | | Plane.cs | | | Plane.cs.meta | | | Polygon.cs | | | Polygon.cs.meta | | | Vertex.cs | | | Vertex.cs.meta | | | VertexAttributes.cs | | | VertexAttributes.cs.meta | | | VertexUtility.cs | | | VertexUtility.cs.meta | | | | | +---KdTree | | | | KdTreeLib.meta | | | | LICENSE.md | | | | LICENSE.md.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.KdTree.asmdef | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.KdTree.asmdef.meta | | | | | | | \---KdTreeLib | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | HyperRect.cs | | | | HyperRect.cs.meta | | | | IKdTree.cs | | | | IKdTree.cs.meta | | | | IPriorityQueue.cs | | | | IPriorityQueue.cs.meta | | | | KdTree.cs | | | | KdTree.cs.meta | | | | KdTreeNode.cs | | | | KdTreeNode.cs.meta | | | | Math.meta | | | | NearestNeighbourList.cs | | | | NearestNeighbourList.cs.meta | | | | PriorityQueue.cs | | | | PriorityQueue.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Math | | | DoubleMath.cs | | | DoubleMath.cs.meta | | | FloatMath.cs | | | FloatMath.cs.meta | | | ITypeMath.cs | | | ITypeMath.cs.meta | | | TypeMath.cs | | | TypeMath.cs.meta | | | | | +---Poly2Tri | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | P2T.cs | | | | P2T.cs.meta | | | | Polygon.meta | | | | Triangulation.meta | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Poly2Tri.asmdef | | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Poly2Tri.asmdef.meta | | | | Utility.meta | | | | | | | +---Polygon | | | | Polygon.cs | | | | Polygon.cs.meta | | | | PolygonPoint.cs | | | | PolygonPoint.cs.meta | | | | PolygonSet.cs | | | | PolygonSet.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---Triangulation | | | | | Delaunay.meta | | | | | ITriangulatable.cs | | | | | ITriangulatable.cs.meta | | | | | Orientation.cs | | | | | Orientation.cs.meta | | | | | Sets.meta | | | | | TriangulationAlgorithm.cs | | | | | TriangulationAlgorithm.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationConstraint.cs | | | | | TriangulationConstraint.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationContext.cs | | | | | TriangulationContext.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationDebugContext.cs | | | | | TriangulationDebugContext.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationMode.cs | | | | | TriangulationMode.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationPoint.cs | | | | | TriangulationPoint.cs.meta | | | | | TriangulationUtil.cs | | | | | TriangulationUtil.cs.meta | | | | | Util.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Delaunay | | | | | | DelaunayTriangle.cs | | | | | | DelaunayTriangle.cs.meta | | | | | | Sweep.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Sweep | | | | | AdvancingFront.cs | | | | | AdvancingFront.cs.meta | | | | | AdvancingFrontNode.cs | | | | | AdvancingFrontNode.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweep.cs | | | | | DTSweep.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepBasin.cs | | | | | DTSweepBasin.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepConstraint.cs | | | | | DTSweepConstraint.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepContext.cs | | | | | DTSweepContext.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepDebugContext.cs | | | | | DTSweepDebugContext.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepEdgeEvent.cs | | | | | DTSweepEdgeEvent.cs.meta | | | | | DTSweepPointComparator.cs | | | | | DTSweepPointComparator.cs.meta | | | | | PointOnEdgeException.cs | | | | | PointOnEdgeException.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Sets | | | | | ConstrainedPointSet.cs | | | | | ConstrainedPointSet.cs.meta | | | | | PointSet.cs | | | | | PointSet.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Util | | | | PointGenerator.cs | | | | PointGenerator.cs.meta | | | | PolygonGenerator.cs | | | | PolygonGenerator.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Utility | | | FixedArray3.cs | | | FixedArray3.cs.meta | | | FixedBitArray3.cs | | | FixedBitArray3.cs.meta | | | | | \---StlExporter | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | Code.meta | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Stl.asmdef | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Stl.asmdef.meta | | | | | \---Code | | pb_Stl.cs | | pb_Stl.cs.meta | | pb_Stl_Exporter.cs | | pb_Stl_Exporter.cs.meta | | pb_Stl_Importer.cs | | pb_Stl_Importer.cs.meta | | | +---Runtime | | | Core.meta | | | MeshOperations.meta | | | Shapes.meta | | | Unity.ProBuilder.asmdef | | | Unity.ProBuilder.asmdef.meta | | | | | +---Core | | | ActionResult.cs | | | ActionResult.cs.meta | | | ArrayUtility.cs | | | ArrayUtility.cs.meta | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | AutoUnwrapSettings.cs | | | AutoUnwrapSettings.cs.meta | | | BezierPoint.cs | | | BezierPoint.cs.meta | | | BezierShape.cs | | | BezierShape.cs.meta | | | Bounds2D.cs | | | Bounds2D.cs.meta | | | BuiltinMaterials.cs | | | BuiltinMaterials.cs.meta | | | Changelog.cs | | | Changelog.cs.meta | | | Clipping.cs | | | Clipping.cs.meta | | | ColliderBehaviour.cs | | | ColliderBehaviour.cs.meta | | | ColorPalette.cs | | | ColorPalette.cs.meta | | | ColorUtility.cs | | | ColorUtility.cs.meta | | | Edge.cs | | | Edge.cs.meta | | | EdgeLookup.cs | | | EdgeLookup.cs.meta | | | EdgeUtility.cs | | | EdgeUtility.cs.meta | | | Entity.cs | | | Entity.cs.meta | | | EntityBehaviour.cs | | | EntityBehaviour.cs.meta | | | Face.cs | | | Face.cs.meta | | | FaceRebuildData.cs | | | FaceRebuildData.cs.meta | | | HandleConstraint2D.cs | | | HandleConstraint2D.cs.meta | | | HandleOrientation.cs | | | HandleOrientation.cs.meta | | | HandleUtility.cs | | | HandleUtility.cs.meta | | | IHasDefault.cs | | | IHasDefault.cs.meta | | | InternalUtility.cs | | | InternalUtility.cs.meta | | | IntVec2.cs | | | IntVec2.cs.meta | | | IntVec3.cs | | | IntVec3.cs.meta | | | IntVec4.cs | | | IntVec4.cs.meta | | | Log.cs | | | Log.cs.meta | | | MaterialUtility.cs | | | MaterialUtility.cs.meta | | | Math.cs | | | Math.cs.meta | | | MeshHandle.cs | | | MeshHandle.cs.meta | | | MeshHandles.cs | | | MeshHandles.cs.meta | | | MeshUtility.cs | | | MeshUtility.cs.meta | | | Normal.cs | | | Normal.cs.meta | | | Normals.cs | | | Normals.cs.meta | | | ObjectPool.cs | | | ObjectPool.cs.meta | | | PivotPoint.cs | | | PivotPoint.cs.meta | | | PolyShape.cs | | | PolyShape.cs.meta | | | PreferenceDictionary.cs | | | PreferenceDictionary.cs.meta | | | PreferenceKeys.cs | | | PreferenceKeys.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderEnum.cs | | | ProBuilderEnum.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMesh.cs | | | ProBuilderMesh.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMeshFunction.cs | | | ProBuilderMeshFunction.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderMeshSelection.cs | | | ProBuilderMeshSelection.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderSnapping.cs | | | ProBuilderSnapping.cs.meta | | | ProGridsIgnoreSnap.cs | | | ProGridsIgnoreSnap.cs.meta | | | Projection.cs | | | Projection.cs.meta | | | RaycastHit.cs | | | RaycastHit.cs.meta | | | SelectionModifierBehaviour.cs | | | SelectionModifierBehaviour.cs.meta | | | SelectionPicker.cs | | | SelectionPicker.cs.meta | | | SelectionPickerRenderer.cs | | | SelectionPickerRenderer.cs.meta | | | SelectionPickerRendererHDRP.cs | | | SelectionPickerRendererHDRP.cs.meta | | | SelectionPickerRendererStandard.cs | | | SelectionPickerRendererStandard.cs.meta | | | SelectionPickerSettings.cs | | | SelectionPickerSettings.cs.meta | | | SelectPathFaces.cs | | | SelectPathFaces.cs.meta | | | SemVer.cs | | | SemVer.cs.meta | | | SerializationUtility.cs | | | SerializationUtility.cs.meta | | | ShapeFactory.cs | | | ShapeFactory.cs.meta | | | ShapeGenerator.cs | | | ShapeGenerator.cs.meta | | | SharedVertex.cs | | | SharedVertex.cs.meta | | | SimpleTuple.cs | | | SimpleTuple.cs.meta | | | Smoothing.cs | | | Smoothing.cs.meta | | | Spline.cs | | | Spline.cs.meta | | | Submesh.cs | | | Submesh.cs.meta | | | Transform2D.cs | | | Transform2D.cs.meta | | | TransformUtility.cs | | | TransformUtility.cs.meta | | | Triangle.cs | | | Triangle.cs.meta | | | TriggerBehaviour.cs | | | TriggerBehaviour.cs.meta | | | UnwrapParameters.cs | | | UnwrapParameters.cs.meta | | | UvAutoManualConversion.cs | | | UvAutoManualConversion.cs.meta | | | UvUnwrapping.cs | | | UvUnwrapping.cs.meta | | | VectorHash.cs | | | VectorHash.cs.meta | | | VectorMask.cs | | | VectorMask.cs.meta | | | Vertex.cs | | | Vertex.cs.meta | | | VertexPositioning.cs | | | VertexPositioning.cs.meta | | | WingedEdge.cs | | | WingedEdge.cs.meta | | | WingedEdgeEnumerator.cs | | | WingedEdgeEnumerator.cs.meta | | | | | +---MeshOperations | | | | AppendElements.cs | | | | AppendElements.cs.meta | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs | | | | AssemblyInfo.cs.meta | | | | Bevel.cs | | | | Bevel.cs.meta | | | | CombineMeshes.cs | | | | CombineMeshes.cs.meta | | | | ConnectElements.cs | | | | ConnectElements.cs.meta | | | | DeleteElements.cs | | | | DeleteElements.cs.meta | | | | ElementSelection.cs | | | | ElementSelection.cs.meta | | | | ExtrudeElements.cs | | | | ExtrudeElements.cs.meta | | | | InternalMeshUtility.cs | | | | InternalMeshUtility.cs.meta | | | | MergeElements.cs | | | | MergeElements.cs.meta | | | | MeshImporter.cs | | | | MeshImporter.cs.meta | | | | MeshTransform.cs | | | | MeshTransform.cs.meta | | | | MeshValidation.cs | | | | MeshValidation.cs.meta | | | | QuadUtility.cs | | | | QuadUtility.cs.meta | | | | Subdivision.cs | | | | Subdivision.cs.meta | | | | SurfaceTopology.cs | | | | SurfaceTopology.cs.meta | | | | Triangulation.cs | | | | Triangulation.cs.meta | | | | UV.meta | | | | VertexEditing.cs | | | | VertexEditing.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---UV | | | TextureStitching.cs | | | TextureStitching.cs.meta | | | UVEditing.cs | | | UVEditing.cs.meta | | | | | \---Shapes | | Arch.cs | | Arch.cs.meta | | Cone.cs | | Cone.cs.meta | | Cube.cs | | Cube.cs.meta | | Cylinder.cs | | Cylinder.cs.meta | | Door.cs | | Door.cs.meta | | Pipe.cs | | Pipe.cs.meta | | Plane.cs | | Plane.cs.meta | | Prism.cs | | Prism.cs.meta | | ProBuilderShape.cs | | ProBuilderShape.cs.meta | | Shape.cs | | Shape.cs.meta | | Sphere.cs | | Sphere.cs.meta | | Sprite.cs | | Sprite.cs.meta | | Stairs.cs | | Stairs.cs.meta | | Torus.cs | | Torus.cs.meta | | | \---Samples~ | | Editor.meta | | HDRP.meta | | Runtime.meta | | UniversalRenderPipeline.meta | | | +---Editor | | .sample.json | | ClearUnusedAttributes.cs | | ClearUnusedAttributes.cs.meta | | CreateShadowObject.cs | | CreateShadowObject.cs.meta | | CustomAction.cs | | CustomAction.cs.meta | | EditorCallbackViewer.cs | | EditorCallbackViewer.cs.meta | | RenameNewObjects.cs | | RenameNewObjects.cs.meta | | SetCustomUnwrapParams.cs | | SetCustomUnwrapParams.cs.meta | | SoftDeleteEdgesAction.cs | | SoftDeleteEdgesAction.cs.meta | | Unity.ProBuilder.Examples.Editor.asmdef | | Unity.ProBuilder.Examples.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | +---HDRP | | | .sample.json | | | Material.meta | | | Shader.meta | | | | | +---Material | | | ProBuilder Default HDRP.mat | | | ProBuilder Default HDRP.mat.meta | | | | | \---Shader | | Standard Vertex Color.shadergraph | | Standard Vertex Color.shadergraph.meta | | | +---Runtime | | | .sample.json | | | Convert Mesh to Editable.meta | | | Icosphere FFT.meta | | | Misc.meta | | | Procedural Mesh.meta | | | Runtime Editing.meta | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Examples.asmdef | | | Unity.ProBuilder.Examples.asmdef.meta | | | Vertex Colors.meta | | | | | +---Convert Mesh to Editable | | | MakePrimitiveEditable.cs | | | MakePrimitiveEditable.cs.meta | | | ProBuilderize Scene.unity | | | ProBuilderize Scene.unity.meta | | | | | +---Icosphere FFT | | | | Audio Visualizer.unity | | | | Audio Visualizer.unity.meta | | | | Material.meta | | | | README.txt | | | | README.txt.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | Skybox.meta | | | | | | | +---Material | | | | ProBuilderIcon.tga | | | | ProBuilderIcon.tga.meta | | | | Unlit Color.mat | | | | Unlit Color.mat.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | CameraControls.cs | | | | CameraControls.cs.meta | | | | IcoBumpin.cs | | | | IcoBumpin.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Skybox | | | Space.mat | | | Space.mat.meta | | | Space_back.png | | | Space_back.png.meta | | | Space_down.png | | | Space_down.png.meta | | | Space_front.png | | | Space_front.png.meta | | | Space_left.png | | | Space_left.png.meta | | | Space_right.png | | | Space_right.png.meta | | | Space_up.png | | | Space_up.png.meta | | | | | +---Misc | | | CreatePolyShape.cs | | | CreatePolyShape.cs.meta | | | HueCube.cs | | | HueCube.cs.meta | | | | | +---Procedural Mesh | | | Extrude Random Edges.unity | | | Extrude Random Edges.unity.meta | | | ExtrudeRandomEdges.cs | | | ExtrudeRandomEdges.cs.meta | | | | | +---Runtime Editing | | | | Icons.meta | | | | Material.meta | | | | MeshEditorScene.unity | | | | MeshEditorScene.unity.meta | | | | README.md | | | | README.md.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | +---Icons | | | | MinusArrow.png | | | | MinusArrow.png.meta | | | | MoveArrow.png | | | | MoveArrow.png.meta | | | | OrbitView.png | | | | OrbitView.png.meta | | | | PanView.png | | | | PanView.png.meta | | | | PlusArrow.png | | | | PlusArrow.png.meta | | | | SlideArrow.png | | | | SlideArrow.png.meta | | | | ZoomView.png | | | | ZoomView.png.meta | | | | | | | +---Material | | | | Grid.mat | | | | Grid.mat.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | CameraMotion.cs | | | CameraMotion.cs.meta | | | Handles.cs | | | Handles.cs.meta | | | MeshEditor.cs | | | MeshEditor.cs.meta | | | Selection.cs | | | Selection.cs.meta | | | SimpleGrid.cs | | | SimpleGrid.cs.meta | | | Utility.cs | | | Utility.cs.meta | | | | | \---Vertex Colors | | HighlightNearestFace.cs | | HighlightNearestFace.cs.meta | | HighlightNearestFace.unity | | HighlightNearestFace.unity.meta | | | \---UniversalRenderPipeline | | .sample.json | | Material.meta | | Shader.meta | | | +---Material | | ProBuilder Default URP.mat | | ProBuilder Default URP.mat.meta | | | \---Shader | Standard Vertex Color.shadergraph | Standard Vertex Color.shadergraph.meta | +---com.unity.spatializer.ps5 | | .signature | | CHANGELOG.md | | CHANGELOG.md.meta | | LICENSE.md | | LICENSE.md.meta | | package.json | | package.json.meta | | Plugins.meta | | README.md | | README.md.meta | | Runtime.meta | | Tests.meta | | ValidationConfig.json | | ValidationConfig.json.meta | | ValidationExceptions.json | | ValidationExceptions.json.meta | | | +---Plugins | | | PS5.meta | | | x86_64.meta | | | | | +---PS5 | | | | 8_00.meta | | | | | | | \---8_00 | | | PS5AudioSpatializer.prx | | | PS5AudioSpatializer.prx.meta | | | | | \---x86_64 | | PS5AudioSpatializer.dll | | PS5AudioSpatializer.dll.meta | | | +---Samples~ | | | SpatializerPlugin.meta | | | | | \---SpatializerPlugin | | | .sample.json | | | checkerboard.png | | | checkerboard.png.meta | | | Editor.meta | | | ff-16b-1c-44100hz.mp3 | | | ff-16b-1c-44100hz.mp3.meta | | | Footstep02.wav | | | Footstep02.wav.meta | | | gong-burmese.wav | | | gong-burmese.wav.meta | | | heli-mono.wav | | | heli-mono.wav.meta | | | Info.meta | | | jfk.mp3 | | | jfk.mp3.meta | | | Materials.meta | | | MoveTheCube.cs | | | MoveTheCube.cs.meta | | | OneShotInstructionsOverlay.cs | | | OneShotInstructionsOverlay.cs.meta | | | Plugins.meta | | | Prefabs.meta | | | ProjectMixer.mixer | | | ProjectMixer.mixer.meta | | | Readme.asset | | | Readme.asset.meta | | | README.md | | | README.md.meta | | | Recording (2).wav | | | Recording (2).wav.meta | | | Recording (3).wav | | | Recording (3).wav.meta | | | Recording (4).wav | | | Recording (4).wav.meta | | | Recording.wav | | | Recording.wav.meta | | | Resources.meta | | | Scenes.meta | | | sheepy1.wav | | | sheepy1.wav.meta | | | sheepy2.wav | | | sheepy2.wav.meta | | | sheepy3.wav | | | sheepy3.wav.meta | | | sheepy4.wav | | | sheepy4.wav.meta | | | SheepyControl.cs | | | SheepyControl.cs.meta | | | SoundObjectPlayer.cs | | | SoundObjectPlayer.cs.meta | | | StarterAssets.meta | | | StreamingAssets.meta | | | TextMesh Pro.meta | | | TutorialInfo.meta | | | UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme.tss | | | UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme.tss.meta | | | | | +---Editor | | | com.unity.spatializer.Editor.asmdef | | | com.unity.spatializer.Editor.asmdef.meta | | | EditorScript.cs | | | EditorScript.cs.meta | | | PS5EnableBootAudioOptions.cs | | | PS5EnableBootAudioOptions.cs.meta | | | | | +---Info | | | | Icons.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Readme.cs | | | | Readme.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Editor | | | ReadmeEditor.cs | | | ReadmeEditor.cs.meta | | | | | +---Materials | | | checkerboard.mat | | | checkerboard.mat.meta | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | Sheepy.prefab | | | Sheepy.prefab.meta | | | | | +---Resources | | | UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme.tss | | | UnityDefaultRuntimeTheme.tss.meta | | | | | +---Scenes | | | Audio3DObjectBasicSample.unity | | | Audio3DObjectBasicSample.unity.meta | | | Audio3DObjectOneShotSample.unity | | | Audio3DObjectOneShotSample.unity.meta | | | | | +---StarterAssets | | | | Editor.meta | | | | Environment.meta | | | | FirstPersonController.meta | | | | InputSystem.meta | | | | license.txt | | | | license.txt.meta | | | | Mobile.meta | | | | | | | +---Editor | | | | | FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs | | | | | FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta | | | | | PackageChecker.meta | | | | | StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs | | | | | StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---PackageChecker | | | | PackageCheckerSettings.json | | | | PackageCheckerSettings.json.meta | | | | StarterAssetsPackageChecker.dll | | | | StarterAssetsPackageChecker.dll.meta | | | | | | | +---Environment | | | | | Art.meta | | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | | RenderPipelineProfiles.meta | | | | | Shaders.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Art | | | | | | Materials.meta | | | | | | Models.meta | | | | | | Skybox.meta | | | | | | Textures.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Materials | | | | | | | Blue_Mat.mat | | | | | | | Blue_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | Builtin_RP.meta | | | | | | | GreyBlue_Mat.mat | | | | | | | GreyBlue_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | GridBlue_01_Mat.mat | | | | | | | GridBlue_01_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | GridOrange_01_Mat.mat | | | | | | | GridOrange_01_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | GridWhite_01_Mat.mat | | | | | | | GridWhite_01_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | URP_HDRP_ShaderGraph.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---Builtin_RP | | | | | | | BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat | | | | | | | BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | | | | | \---URP_HDRP_ShaderGraph | | | | | | ShaderGraphGrid_01_Mat.mat | | | | | | ShaderGraphGrid_01_Mat.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Models | | | | | | Box_350x250x200_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Box_350x250x200_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Box_350x250x300_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Box_350x250x300_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Ground_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Ground_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Ramp_100x100x200_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Ramp_100x100x200_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Ramp_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Ramp_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Stairs_200x100x200_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Stairs_200x100x200_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Stairs_650_400_300_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Stairs_650_400_300_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Structure_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Structure_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Tunnel_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Tunnel_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | Wall_Mesh.fbx | | | | | | Wall_Mesh.fbx.meta | | | | | | | | | | | +---Skybox | | | | | | SkyboxLite.mat | | | | | | SkyboxLite.mat.meta | | | | | | SkyboxLiteWarm.mat | | | | | | SkyboxLiteWarm.mat.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Textures | | | | | Grid_01_BaseMap.png | | | | | Grid_01_BaseMap.png.meta | | | | | Grid_01_Emissive.png | | | | | Grid_01_Emissive.png.meta | | | | | Grid_01_Normal.png | | | | | Grid_01_Normal.png.meta | | | | | Grid_02_BaseMap.png | | | | | Grid_02_BaseMap.png.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | Box_100x100x100_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Box_100x100x100_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Box_350x250x200_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Box_350x250x200_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Box_350x250x300_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Box_350x250x300_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Environment_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Environment_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Ramp_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Ramp_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Stairs_200x100x200_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Stairs_200x100x200_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Stairs_650_400_300_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Stairs_650_400_300_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Structure_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Structure_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Tunnel_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Tunnel_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | Wall_Prefab.prefab | | | | | Wall_Prefab.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | +---RenderPipelineProfiles | | | | | StarterAssetsHDRPVolumeProfile.asset | | | | | StarterAssetsHDRPVolumeProfile.asset.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Shaders | | | | | Built-in_RP.meta | | | | | URP_HDRP_ShaderGraph.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Built-in_RP | | | | | Triplanar.shader | | | | | Triplanar.shader.meta | | | | | | | | | \---URP_HDRP_ShaderGraph | | | | UrpTriplanar.shadergraph | | | | UrpTriplanar.shadergraph.meta | | | | | | | +---FirstPersonController | | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | | Scenes.meta | | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | MainCamera.prefab | | | | | MainCamera.prefab.meta | | | | | NestedParent_Unpack.prefab | | | | | NestedParent_Unpack.prefab.meta | | | | | PlayerCapsule.prefab | | | | | PlayerCapsule.prefab.meta | | | | | PlayerFollowCamera.prefab | | | | | PlayerFollowCamera.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Scenes | | | | | | Playground.meta | | | | | | PlaygroundSettings.lighting | | | | | | PlaygroundSettings.lighting.meta | | | | | | | | | | | \---Playground | | | | | LightingData.asset | | | | | LightingData.asset.meta | | | | | ReflectionProbe-0.exr | | | | | ReflectionProbe-0.exr.meta | | | | | ReflectionProbe-1.exr | | | | | ReflectionProbe-1.exr.meta | | | | | ReflectionProbe-2.exr | | | | | ReflectionProbe-2.exr.meta | | | | | | | | | \---Scripts | | | | BasicRigidBodyPush.cs | | | | BasicRigidBodyPush.cs.meta | | | | FirstPersonController.cs | | | | FirstPersonController.cs.meta | | | | | | | +---InputSystem | | | | StarterAssets.inputactions | | | | StarterAssets.inputactions.meta | | | | StarterAssets.inputsettings.asset | | | | StarterAssets.inputsettings.asset.meta | | | | StarterAssetsInputs.cs | | | | StarterAssetsInputs.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---Mobile | | | | Prefabs.meta | | | | Scripts.meta | | | | UI.meta | | | | | | | +---Prefabs | | | | | CanvasInputs.meta | | | | | EventSystem.meta | | | | | VirtualInputs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---CanvasInputs | | | | | UI_Canvas_StarterAssetsInputs_Joysticks.prefab | | | | | UI_Canvas_StarterAssetsInputs_Joysticks.prefab.meta | | | | | UI_Canvas_StarterAssetsInputs_TouchZones.prefab | | | | | UI_Canvas_StarterAssetsInputs_TouchZones.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | +---EventSystem | | | | | UI_EventSystem.prefab | | | | | UI_EventSystem.prefab.meta | | | | | | | | | \---VirtualInputs | | | | UI_Virtual_Button.prefab | | | | UI_Virtual_Button.prefab.meta | | | | UI_Virtual_Joystick.prefab | | | | UI_Virtual_Joystick.prefab.meta | | | | UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab | | | | UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab.meta | | | | | | | +---Scripts | | | | | CanvasInputs.meta | | | | | Utilities.meta | | | | | VirtualInputs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---CanvasInputs | | | | | UICanvasControllerInput.cs | | | | | UICanvasControllerInput.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | +---Utilities | | | | | MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs | | | | | MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs.meta | | | | | | | | | \---VirtualInputs | | | | UIVirtualButton.cs | | | | UIVirtualButton.cs.meta | | | | UIVirtualJoystick.cs | | | | UIVirtualJoystick.cs.meta | | | | UIVirtualTouchZone.cs | | | | UIVirtualTouchZone.cs.meta | | | | | | | \---UI | | | UI_Circle_Bevel_Base.png | | | UI_Circle_Bevel_Base.png.meta | | | UI_Circle_Faded.png | | | UI_Circle_Faded.png.meta | | | UI_Icon_Jump.png | | | UI_Icon_Jump.png.meta | | | UI_Icon_Look.png | | | UI_Icon_Look.png.meta | | | UI_Icon_Move.png | | | UI_Icon_Move.png.meta | | | UI_Icon_Sprint.png | | | UI_Icon_Sprint.png.meta | | | | | \---TextMesh Pro | | | Documentation.meta | | | Fonts.meta | | | Resources.meta | | | Shaders.meta | | | Sprites.meta | | | | | +---Documentation | | | TextMesh Pro User Guide 2016.pdf | | | TextMesh Pro User Guide 2016.pdf.meta | | | | | +---Fonts | | | LiberationSans - OFL.txt | | | LiberationSans - OFL.txt.meta | | | LiberationSans.ttf | | | LiberationSans.ttf.meta | | | | | +---Resources | | | | Fonts & Materials.meta | | | | LineBreaking Following Characters.txt | | | | LineBreaking Following Characters.txt.meta | | | | LineBreaking Leading Characters.txt | | | | LineBreaking Leading Characters.txt.meta | | | | Sprite Assets.meta | | | | Style Sheets.meta | | | | TMP Settings.asset | | | | TMP Settings.asset.meta | | | | | | | +---Fonts & Materials | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Drop Shadow.mat | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Drop Shadow.mat.meta | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Fallback.asset | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Fallback.asset.meta | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Outline.mat | | | | LiberationSans SDF - Outline.mat.meta | | | | LiberationSans SDF.asset | | | | LiberationSans SDF.asset.meta | | | | | | | +---Sprite Assets | | | | EmojiOne.asset | | | | EmojiOne.asset.meta | | | | | | | \---Style Sheets | | | Default Style Sheet.asset | | | Default Style Sheet.asset.meta | | | | | +---Shaders | | | TMPro.cginc | | | TMPro.cginc.meta | | | TMPro_Mobile.cginc | | | TMPro_Mobile.cginc.meta | | | TMPro_Properties.cginc | | | TMPro_Properties.cginc.meta | | | TMPro_Surface.cginc | | | TMPro_Surface.cginc.meta | | | TMP_Bitmap-Custom-Atlas.shader | | | TMP_Bitmap-Custom-Atlas.shader.meta | | | TMP_Bitmap-Mobile.shader | | | TMP_Bitmap-Mobile.shader.meta | | | TMP_Bitmap.shader | | | TMP_Bitmap.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF Overlay.shader | | | TMP_SDF Overlay.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF SSD.shader | | | TMP_SDF SSD.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile Masking.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile Masking.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile Overlay.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile Overlay.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile SSD.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile SSD.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Mobile.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Surface-Mobile.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Surface-Mobile.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF-Surface.shader | | | TMP_SDF-Surface.shader.meta | | | TMP_SDF.shader | | | TMP_SDF.shader.meta | | | TMP_Sprite.shader | | | TMP_Sprite.shader.meta | | | | | \---Sprites | | EmojiOne Attribution.txt | | EmojiOne Attribution.txt.meta | | EmojiOne.json | | EmojiOne.json.meta | | EmojiOne.png | | EmojiOne.png.meta | | | +---Source~ | | \---PS5AudioSpatializer | | AudioPluginInterface.h | | AudioPluginUtil.cpp | | AudioPluginUtil.h | | bee.bat | | bee.ps1 | | buildSpatializerPS5NativePlugin.bat | | PluginList.h | | Plugin_Spatializer.cpp | | Plugin_Spatializer_Mixer.cpp | | ps5.manifest.stevedore | | PS5SpatializerPlugin.prx | | SpatializerPlugin.bee.cs | | | \---Tests | | Runtime.meta | | | \---Runtime | RuntimeExampleTest.cs | RuntimeExampleTest.cs.meta | Unity.Spatializer.PS5.Tests.asmdef | Unity.Spatializer.PS5.Tests.asmdef.meta | \---Simplygon.Unity2022Plugin.tar \---Simplygon.Unity2022Plugin \---package | com.microsoft.simplygon.meta | LICENSE.md | LICENSE.md.meta | package.json | package.json.meta | Third Party Notices.md | Third Party Notices.md.meta | \---com.microsoft.simplygon Simplygon.Unity.EditorPlugin.dll Simplygon.Unity.EditorPlugin.dll.meta