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Cas is allegedly selling a RCE in Albatross Protocol

Seller Information:

  • Username: Cas
  • Display Name: Call me Gus
  • VIP Status: VIP
  • Posts: 57
  • Threads: 16
  • Joined: June 2024
  • Reputation: 431

Listing Details:

  • Description:
    • Cas was able to leverage a buffer overflow from a previous post to create a Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploit.
    • The exploit does not work with ASLR enabled and has issues bypassing FULL RELRO, as it needs to write in the GOT table.
    • The exploit bypasses NX (DEP).


  • Price: 10k (since it works on all versions for the past 7 months)
$ sudo ./skibidi
[sudo] password for non-root: 
non-root is not in the sudoers file. 
This incident has been reported to the administrator.

$ ls -l skibidi
-rwxrwxr-x 1 non-root non-root 16608 Jul  9 05:44 skibidi

$ ./skibidi
[+] Skibidi ++

