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A Threat Actor is Selling 448K France Customer Data and Database Access

The forum post can be found at the bottom. If you are not a paid subscriber, you will not see the post.

All Data is unique, not duplicated.

To Provide Database Access, Company Information is revealed in Private Conversation

  • Country: France
  • Summarized Columns: Full Name, Email, Gender, Address, City, Fax, Birth, Region, Phone, Mobile
  • Full Columns:
    • id, date_ajout, date_modif, date_desinscrit, etat, societe, type, famille, secteur, sexe, civilite, nomprenom, nom, prenom, naissance, fonction, adresse1, adresse2, adresse3, cp, ville, departement, region, pays, tel, mob, fax, email, email_pro, interets_perso, interets_pro, url, abonnement, type_client, code, tiers, date_ajout_abo, date_modif_abo, echeance_num, abonne, nature, origine, activation, refus
  • English version Columns:
    • id, date_added, date_modified, unsubscription_date, status, company, type, family, sector, gender, title, full_name, last_name, first_name, date_of_birth, position, address1, address2, address3, postal_code, city, department, region, country, phone, mobile, fax, email, professional_email, personal_interests, professional_interests, url, subscription, client_type, code, third_party, subscription_date_added, subscription_date_modified, due_date_number, subscriber, nature, origin, activation, refusal
  • Rows: 448K

Link: http://breached26tezcofqla4adzyn22notfqwcac7gpbrleg4usehljwkgqd.onion/Thread-SELLING-448K-France-Customer-data-Database-Access
