Price: $3,500
Website: WWW.ECD.MX
27,562,000 users with full info | full dump 38 GB
Country: Mexico
Company Info: We are an omnichannel contact center company offering end-to-end solutions in customer service, lead generation, and digital marketing. Our main goal at ECD is to offer services tailored to each client, provide personalized service, and ensure the success of each project.
Fields Included:
- id_id_registro
- nombre
- ap_paterno
- ap_materno
- rfc
- direccion
- telefono
- celular
- telefono_empresa
- fecha_nacimiento
- calle
- numero_exterior
- numero_interior
- colonia
- estado
- ciudad
- delegacion
- codigo_postal
- cuenta
- tarjeta
- tipo_tarjeta
- saldo_anterior
- saldo_actual
- dias_mora
- descuento
- pago_minimo
- importe_pagar
- importe_descuento
- limite_credito
- fecha_corte
- tramo
- origen
- status
- id_base
- status_base
- fecha_registro
- created_at
- updated_at