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A Threat Actor is Allegedly Selling Data to the National Housing Agency

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Hello BreachForums Community,

Today, I'm putting 18,478 "MaPrimeRénov" folders for sale.
Each folder contains 2 subfolders:

  • Files
  • Informations

The "Files" subfolder contains all the files in the folder, while the "Informations" subfolder contains all the information you need:

  • Whether it is a professional or a "particulier"
  • Contact (email address, phone number, address, etc...)
  • Date of intervention (Some interventions have been completed, while others are still in progress so you can make a better "devis" to steal it)

Sample tree file:

bashCopy code409881
├── Files
│ ├── SP
│ │ ├── _7_43_42.png
│ │ └── son
│ │ └── son
├── Informations
│ └── son
│ └── son
├── Files
│ ├── RAI
│ │ ├── LET) DE MIRCI ls 20_02_24 18_53_13.pdf
│ │ ├── MIRCI+ismet.pdf 20_12_23 19_27_59.pdf
│ │ ├── MIRCI+ismet.pdf 20_12_23 19_28_00.pdf
│ │ └── 2_49.jpg
│ ├── Syn
│ │ ├── -1 20_12_23 18_53_35.pdf
│ │ ├── _03.jpg
│ │ ├── 06.jpg
│ │ ├── 11.jpg
│ │ ├── 13.jpg
│ │ ├── 26.jpg
│ │ ├── 42.jpg
│ │ └── 33.jpg
├── Informations
│ ├── son
│ └── son
│ └── _avant_travaux.json
│ └── _après_travaux.json
├── Files
│ ├── CO
│ │ ├── ic 09_01_24 14_13_54.pdf
│ │ ├── _3.PNG
│ │ ├── _7_54_21.png
│ │ └── _7_51_47.png

Link: http://breached26tezcofqla4adzyn22notfqwcac7gpbrleg4usehljwkgqd.onion/Thread-SELLING-French-Leads-MaPrimeR%C3%A9nov-18k-Folders-120GB
