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A Threat Actor has Allegedly Leaked the LAPOR! Database

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The post reads:

Hello BreachForums Community,

Today, I'm uploading an official Indonesian government platform called LAPOR! Users Database ( Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Breached by SILKFIN AGENCY on 20 AUGUST 2024 is an official Indonesian government platform called LAPOR! (Layanan Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Online Rakyat). It serves as a public complaint and feedback system where citizens can submit complaints, suggestions, or feedback regarding public services and government activities. Database Contains Over 400,000 Users Data.

Compromised data:
id, username, password, email, activated, status, hash_photo, banned, ban_reason, passo, new_password_key, new_password_requested, RedirectURL, KeyToken, userdata, new_email, new_email_key, last_ip, last_login, created, modified, register_from, fb_uid, tw_uid, skor, user_level_id, instansi_id, alwaysShowName, streams, verifieds, closeds, dukung

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