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A threat actor has allegedly leaked the databases to Kementerian Investasi/BKPM, Indonesia

Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

(A Non-Ministerial Government Institution within the Indonesian Government)

Total Investment of Projects and Business Licenses

Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia (2020 - 2021)

Investment Projects

  • Record Count: 11K
  • Compromised Data:
    • Fields: ID Project | NIB | NPWP | Company Name | PM Status | Project Province | Project Regency/City | Project Sub-District | Project Address | Building | Investment Amount | Others | Machinery and Equipment | Imported Machinery and Equipment | Working Capital | Land Preparation Purchase | Number of Male Workers | Number of Female Workers
    • Header Fields: No., Id Proyek, NIB, NPWP, Nama Perusahaan, Status PM, Propinsi Proyek, Kab/Kota Proyek, Kecamatan Proyek, Alamat Proyek, Bangunan Gedung, Jumlah Investasi, Lain Lain, Mesin Peralatan, Mesin Peralatan Impor, Modal Kerja, Pembelian Pematangan Tanah, Jumlah TKI L, Jumlah TKI P

Business Licenses Investment

  • Record Count: 8K
  • Compromised Data:
    • Fields: License Application ID | NIB | NPWP | Company Name | Project Province | Project Regency | City | Project Sub-District | Project Address | Investment Amount | Building | Others | Machinery and Equipment | Imported Machinery and Equipment | Working Capital | Land Preparation Purchase | Number of Male Workers | Number of Female Workers
    • Header Fields: No., Id Permohonan Izin, NIB, NPWP, Nama Perusahaan, Propinsi Proyek, Kab/Kota Proyek, Kecamatan Proyek, Alamat Proyek, Jumlah Investasi, Bangunan Gedung, Lain Lain, Mesin Peralatan, Mesin Peralatan Impor, Modal Kerja, Pembelian Pematangan Tanah, Jumlah TKI L, Jumlah TKI P

National Single Window for Investment (NSWI)

(The main portal for accessing information regarding facilitation services and development of investment data)

  • Compromised Data:
    • Fields: NIP | Name | Username | Password | Email | KTP | Position | Phone Number | Instance | Office Address
    • Header Fields: id_sso, id_akun, id_ptsp, id_manager, id_cabalkpm, id_instansi, id_struktur, id_direktorat, nip, unit, email, fo_spv, negara, no_ktp, jabatan, no_telp, pangkat, file_ktp, is_aktif, password, provinsi, username, group_name, group_role, keterangan, last_login, nama_alias, role_number, created_date, nama_lengkap, updated_date, alamat_kantor, instansi_text, notify_status, sebagai_admin, tgl_disetujui, username_ldap, kabupaten_kota, level_pengguna, nip_penanggung, file_permohonan, nama_penanggung, jabatan_penanggung, tgl_tidak_disetujui, email_penanggung_jawab, nama_pengguna_walidata, tgl_pengajuan_reaktivasi
