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A Threat Actor has Allegedly Leaked Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Full Employees Database

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Hello BreachForums Community,

Today, I'm uploading the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Full Employees Database ( Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Breached by SILKFIN AGENCY on 20 AUGUST 2024

The website is a platform managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (Kementerian Perhubungan). It serves as the Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian (Personnel Information System), which is used for managing the administrative and personnel data of employees within the ministry. This system allows for various HR-related functions, such as employee information management, performance evaluations, and other related administrative tasks. Database Contains Over 14,000 Employees Data.

Compromised data:
id, nip, tgl_lahir, tmplahir, nama, karpeg, kelamin, unit, kode_unit, satker, kode_satker, tmtgolong, golongan, pangkat, jabatan, photo, email, tmtjabatan, tmtcapeg, tmtpns, pendidikan_terakhir, id_ref_upt, detail upt, user_id_create, create_date, user_id_modify, modify_date, is_delete

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