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A Threat Actor has Allegedly Leaked Data Belonging to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

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Title: OpPriser v1.0 FBI - Leaked, Download!
Author: HikkI-Chan
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at 07:52 PM

Hello BreachForums Community,

Today, I have uploaded the FBI Files collected as part of Operation Priser for you to download. This operation involved deep infiltration into government networks, leading to the extraction of highly sensitive information. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

No comment about the operation/project..

  • Terrorism Fighting Data
  • White House Mailing List
  • FBI Top Employees (Name, Role, Location)
  • Federal Jobs Listing
  • FBI Employees' Images
  • And more...

File Information:

  • Size: 133 MB
  • Files: 351

Sample Files Provided:

  1. Sample Jobs.json
  2. Sample fbi.csv
  3. Sample fbiemp2.csv

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