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A threat actor claims to have stolen 2TB+ from Telecommunications consultants India Limited (TCIL)

Data Includes:

  • Prdapp Oracle Databases: Specific Oracle development code for certain applications, ECCs, database-specific data, Oracle backups, and more.
  • Prdapp stbybkp: Oracle development code for certain applications, ECCs, database-specific data, Oracle backups, internal code backups, and more.
  • Oracle Cold Storage Data / Source Codes: Oracle inventories and source codes.
  • Multiple TCL Application Source Codes and Databases: Includes mobile and web applications, such as TCIL iRecruit and Tendor.
  • Gateway Configurations: CMS information, agent data, and extensive networking details.
  • Azure/Amazon Server Access: Mainly storage access.
  • Scripts and Source Codes: Numerous scripts and source codes associated with the company's internal operations and servers.
  • SSL Certificates: Including keys.
  • Login Keys: RSA public and private keys for various operations, including VMs for iRec, CMS, and app. RG-TCIL keys are also included.
  • Login Information: Credentials for several other networks and internal operations.
  • Additional Data: Various other data points.

Juicy Data:

  • TCIL Company Banking Information: Includes account numbers, names, debit account details, routing numbers, and more, specifically from BOB, ICICI, and IDBI Bank.
  • Other Financial Data: Specific to the company.
  • VSAT Information / Databases
  • Submarine Cable Information / Databases
  • Powergrid Information / Databases
  • Critical SQL Data: Includes data related to critical operations and some secondary database management.
  • Golden Images
  • RPMs
  • Snapshots
  • SFTP Connections: To several banks.
  • Additional Valuable Data

Total Data Volume: 2TB+ with over 10TB available for potential download.

"Price: $50,000 if the company does not comply with data extortion demands. This price does not apply to the company; for specific negotiations, contact me."

